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Just got an Email from a guy at the History Channel

[Aug 4,2008 9:59pm - Grizloch ""]
apparently the history channel is going to be producing a documentary on a bar that closed down just outside of Albany, and they want to buy footage I filmed there of a bunch of bands

....first Vital Remains threatens to sue me, now this, I'll be signing autographs all weekend at NEDF...
[Aug 4,2008 10:01pm - archaeon ""]
Are you getting substantial amounts of green or like 35 cents and a pb&j sandwhich?
[Aug 4,2008 10:25pm - Grizloch ""]
most likely just the pb&j... but I havent gotten a response yet, so we will see
[Aug 4,2008 10:34pm - dertoxia ""]
you're a big deal
[Aug 5,2008 2:27am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Got any Section 8 footage dewd?
[Aug 5,2008 10:56am - dertoxia ""]
i'm wondering if this is a full on documentary on some dumpy albany bar or if it's a documentary on bars in general and the albany one just happens to be one they're gonna talk about.

i dont see how the history channel could make an hour show out of anything from albany
[Aug 5,2008 11:48am - xmikex ""]
[Aug 5,2008 3:32pm - Grizloch ""]
Its the Duster, so I think there is potential for a decent show.

I have a couple Section 8 videos, but I didnt shoot them, I did however shoot a bunch of Gunther Weezul shows (Kasey Dorr's new band)

Gunther Weezul covering Section 8's "Blackened Heart"


Gunther Weezul "America's Most Haunted"


Gunther Weezul Myspace
[Aug 5,2008 3:42pm - some guy  ""]
ask them what it's for....betcha it's on the death at a show and a notorious crew in your area
[Aug 5,2008 3:45pm - Grizloch ""]
if that were the case I think Id be less likely to cooperate, I have nothing but love for the Hudson Duster and I wouldnt want to contribute to dragging its name through the dirt any more than it already has been because of what one douchebag did outside of the bar
[Aug 5,2008 8:18pm - ellesarusrex ""]
you're gonna be a staaaaaaaaaaaaaar! hah
[Aug 6,2008 8:08am - Grizloch ""]

c'mon now

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