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Anybody out there??

[Nov 1,2009 2:00am - Rttp does craigslist  ""]
Oh hipster boy that loves fat chicks and will smoke blunts and listen to metal with me... where are you?

You may or may not have longer hair, a mustache, or awesome glasses and a good sense of style. Can we talk about art and music and sexuality and drink gin, cheap wine or sweet sweet 40ozs of colt 45?

Please don't be a creeper, let's just have some fun.
[Nov 1,2009 2:01am - the_reverend ""]
hitler youth!
[Nov 1,2009 8:29pm - Rttp does craigslist  ""]
No one?????
[Nov 1,2009 8:30pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
aw. [img]
[Nov 1,2009 8:38pm - sli sli sli  ""]
if you are seriously the original author of that, good luck getting serious responses on this board
[Nov 1,2009 8:38pm - sli sli sli  ""]
also that bear rules
[Nov 1,2009 8:40pm - immortal13 ""]
I'm a big scury bear.
[Nov 1,2009 9:05pm - RichHorror ""]
awesome glasses
[Nov 1,2009 9:07pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Nov 1,2009 9:41pm - RichHorror ""]

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