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i got a friend request from Wretched Asylum's friend...

[Feb 18,2005 5:26pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
this is kimmiekilla:

[Feb 18,2005 5:26pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
So now everyone has a new face to make fun of since "it" came on here and talked shit about everyone
[Feb 18,2005 5:26pm - kimmiekilla  ""]
succubus said:you know it's funny how i NEVER said anything negative about that girl in the photo and yet am called named by ignorant fucks who came on here to defend her. Even now that kimmiekillahhhhhhh says stupid shit, I still don't insult that girl in the photo because i don't know her...kimmiekilla on the other hand, you are from CT kimmiekilla@yahoo.com and quite the whore i already found out..which is why you called me one...hahahaha

What does me being from CT have to do with anything and why do you have my email? That's kind of stalkerish.
[Feb 18,2005 5:27pm - the_reverend ""]
you know what's cool?
being bisexual is like soooooooooo kewl!!!!
[Feb 18,2005 5:28pm - kimmiekilla  ""]
not a WA fan to say the least said:this is kimmiekilla:


you should try posyimg your pics and see if I don't puke
[Feb 18,2005 5:28pm - PatMeebles ""]
Jesus Christ, even I'M more attractive than this cunt.
[Feb 18,2005 5:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
from what it seems word aren't the only thing going into your mouth !

that's my pun for the evening !
[Feb 18,2005 5:29pm - kimmiekilla  ""]
You guys can stop stalking me now cause I'm leaving.
[Feb 18,2005 5:30pm - PatMeebles ""]
Stalking includes moving. We haven't gone anywhere.
[Feb 18,2005 5:32pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
I was going to post the photos of you in your underwear next. Even if you delete them they are saved on my computer. From what I know about you, you are an ugly bisexual whore!
[Feb 18,2005 5:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
post those i need a good laugh before an awesome show !
[Feb 18,2005 5:34pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
[Feb 18,2005 5:35pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
This is kimmieWHORE:
The first guy I kissed was my baby's daddy I was 13, he was way too old for me. It was on my front steps after our first date. Soooooo, cliche, lol.
The first chick I kissed was my first girlfriend, Karin. I was 15 she was 18, lol. It was in the hallway of the college that she went to.
[Feb 18,2005 5:37pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
What I meant was, those are kimmie's words because of course she is a teen mom and bisexual at that!
[Feb 18,2005 5:37pm - kimmiekilla  ""]
not a WA fan to say the least said:I was going to post the photos of you in your underwear next. Even if you delete them they are saved on my computer. From what I know about you, you are an ugly bisexual whore!

now your taking it way to far. How'd you get those pics?

[Feb 18,2005 5:38pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
kimmiekilla said:not a WA fan to say the least said:I was going to post the photos of you in your underwear next. Even if you delete them they are saved on my computer. From what I know about you, you are an ugly bisexual whore!

now your taking it way to far. How'd you get those pics?

Simple answer: YOU ARE A WHORE!

[Feb 18,2005 5:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha ! somebody say owned !
[Feb 18,2005 5:41pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
and the plot thickens
[Feb 18,2005 5:42pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
I didn't own her yet because I didn't talk about the fact that she cuts herself and tried commiting suicide a few times, first time was when she was 13 I think.
[Feb 18,2005 5:42pm - kimmiekilla  ""]
Okay fine I'm a whore, I've been owned and I admit it! Talking shit is one thing but invading someone's privacy is another.
[Feb 18,2005 5:42pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 18,2005 5:43pm - abhorred ""]
i didn't think it could happen but this got better!!
[Feb 18,2005 5:43pm - the_reverend ""]
as much as I don't like to fight and want this thread to die...
yeah, that's like 30lbs of ownage right there.
everyone's going to admit that.
[Feb 18,2005 5:43pm - PatMeebles ""]
haha, this is great
[Feb 18,2005 5:45pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ok now this is better then the TYAG thread !
[Feb 18,2005 5:46pm - succubus ""]
Well kimmie, looks like you pissed off the wrong person....you had no right calling me a whore...when it looks like you are the one NOT me...

You started shit with me when I did not insult your friend...you owe me an apology...

oh yeah, i'll be sucking a cock tonight, but it will be my man's and only his and it's been like that for the longest time.
[Feb 18,2005 5:46pm - abhorred ""]
w3, thats what im sayin!!!
[Feb 18,2005 5:47pm - the_reverend ""]
honestly kimmiekilla, it took me under 10 seconds to find out a lot about you.
you are dealing with professionals here.

this thread is funny cause it's all teens who don't know anything, but don't know they don't know anything,
fighting against 20 somethings that know the teens don't know anything.
[Feb 18,2005 5:47pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha schwaggz' post in that context makes it look like he sucks cock
[Feb 18,2005 5:48pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
nevermind he fixed it
[Feb 18,2005 5:48pm - the_reverend ""]
succubus said:oh yeah, i'll be sucking a cock tonight, but it will be my man's and only his and it's been like that for the longest time.

actually, I'm going to put it in your ass.
[Feb 18,2005 5:49pm - abhorred ""]
yeah i noticed that too
[Feb 18,2005 5:50pm - abhorred ""]
damn this thread moves fast...that was to ben
[Feb 18,2005 5:50pm - the_reverend ""]
succubus: HEY
succubus: you removed everyone's IM's
me: well...
succubus: and web links off the board
me: it does that automatically
succubus: i wanted to IM abhorred
me: when there are more that 200 posts in a thread

it's a "hi bandwidth" limiting thing.
[Feb 18,2005 5:51pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
Should I post the panty pic? It's an ass shot. Should I?
[Feb 18,2005 5:52pm - the_reverend ""]
some how I think no matter what happens this is all that people are going to be talking about at the show tonight...
[Feb 18,2005 5:52pm - PatMeebles ""]
[Feb 18,2005 5:57pm - HoneyNugz  ""]
lol, u guys r just gay
[Feb 18,2005 6:00pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
This is gay:
UBER gay:
[Feb 18,2005 6:00pm - Abbath ""]
kimmiekilla said:succubus said:wait, i'm curious, if you 15 then why are you not in school?

I'm curious as to why you don't have a dick in your mouth, since you are a whore.

ahhhh you can make fun of anybody on this board but not succubus, don't you have a vat of aids you should be drinking somewhere?
[Feb 18,2005 6:02pm - SykoHatchet  ""]
You fuckin cock mongers, you are the stupidest fucking flesh shaft suckers this side of the fucking world... what the hell? Why do people like you exist?! You sit on the internet while you jerk your moms off saying stupid ass bullshit THAT YOU'VE SAID 50,000 TIMES!!!! YOU DON'T HAVE FUCKING POINTS! YOU SAY ONE THING IN A MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS YOU FUCKSTICK ASS MORON RETARDED ASS DICK SUCKING DOLPHIN FLOGGING FUDGE PACKERS!!!
[Feb 18,2005 6:03pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
not a WA fan to say the least said:This is gay:

I guess if you have a kid as a teenager before you develop boobs, they never grow in and you need a padded bra!
[Feb 18,2005 6:03pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
birth would be that much more painful through a penis
[Feb 18,2005 6:04pm - HoneyNugz  ""]
that pic is better than the ones u like to take wit cock in your mouth
[Feb 18,2005 6:06pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]

hmmm a lot of shit talking about the rev...
[Feb 18,2005 6:06pm - PatMeebles ""]
SykoHatchet said:You fuckin cock mongers, you are the stupidest fucking flesh shaft suckers this side of the fucking world... what the hell? Why do people like you exist?! You sit on the internet while you jerk your moms off saying stupid ass bullshit THAT YOU'VE SAID 50,000 TIMES!!!! YOU DON'T HAVE FUCKING POINTS! YOU SAY ONE THING IN A MILLION DIFFERENT WAYS YOU FUCKSTICK ASS MORON RETARDED ASS DICK SUCKING DOLPHIN FLOGGING FUDGE PACKERS!!!

I'm just sitting here taking in the irony of this statement.
[Feb 18,2005 6:07pm - HoneyNugz  ""]
i hate faggots that like to talk shit on the internet like u pity ass faggs
[Feb 18,2005 6:08pm - SykoHatchet  ""]
and with that i go back to saying... YOU SAY ONE FUCKING THING A MILLION DIFFERENT TIMES!
[Feb 18,2005 6:08pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
Check out the thread I linked
Kimmie is NOT smart:
<<That made me cry that they were hatin on you Ellen. So I left them this message:
You fuckin haters, why don't you go get a life instead of dissin on some chick that you don't even know. Just so you know she's a whole lot better person than all of you put together.

Then I realized that I put it as annonymus(sp) so I qouted myself and agreed with me lol. >>
[Feb 18,2005 6:09pm - not a WA fan to say the least  ""]
this is the chick with the retarded tattoo:
<<These people AND their webmaster are corny as fuck!!>>

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