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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to the_reverend.
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[QUOTE="the_reverend:7558"]still learning with my new camera.. and that's obvious. I'm having issues with it I guess. I'm not pleased with a lot of the pictures, but what do I know. Always learning. the anti-star league: I think that was their name, but I'm not sure. They were a little too poppy for my tastes, but they had some screaming parts too our fate ends: I thought they sounded a lot like SCS last time, but I had only caught a song or two. They have a lot more clean and slow parts. kenshiro: it was their frist show I guess. they are from albany and sounded a lot like a band that I can't remember right now. Though I give them +5 points for a little take 5 by dave brubeck. Someone link them to the pictures. the network: an awesome performance. A kid beside me was quoted saying "dude, that drummer is sick, guy". It was great to see them with a set of bands that more fit their sound (and not bombshelter bands". They played two new songs, they promised some chugga chugga, but it never came, confusing all the kids with bandanas on their faces. in dire need: 98% fueled by satan. I swear, that growl gets lower and lower each time I see them. One of these days it'll be sub-sonic. The only way you'll know that he's singing is when will be the fact that your cloths are vibrating. sky cutting stars: wow, they were a lot better than the last time I saw them. Mr. Sky-cutting-stars-dude voice sounded really good. lucas: I wish a few more kids had stay out passed their curfew to check out lucas. the bass player was going crazy, but I guess that's cause he didn't have a mic to do back-up vocals[/QUOTE]
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