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what are you doing 6-6-6

[Jun 6,2006 2:28pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I found this on one of them:


This is so much fun!
[Jun 6,2006 2:34pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i'll be at the haverhill show. should be a good time.
[Jun 6,2006 7:48pm - succubus ""]
i didn't go to the movies
jsut went home and chilled with aaron. i think he's leaving shortly for the haverhill show
[Jun 6,2006 7:50pm - succubus ""]
Yeti said:its funny to me how many people are truly bothered by this date. i guess there are people who had c-sections scheduled for today that cancelled them because of the date. i mean wouldnt you know if you were carrying the antichrist? i figure it would give you massive heartburn.

yeah i don't get people being bothered by it either...heh....heartburn indeed
[Jun 6,2006 8:55pm - anonymous  ""]
sacrificing virgins and fuckin goats....or the other way around...i really odnt care..its bout the same anyways
[Jun 6,2006 9:21pm - xanonymousx  ""]
watching the history channel all day, today they were showing exercisms...
[Jun 6,2006 10:04pm - Mary ""]
I worked 14 hours today, so it's vodka time. Cheers.

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