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Interesting baby names...

[Dec 21,2006 12:10pm - Troll ""]
Punching Bag Jr.
[Dec 21,2006 12:11pm - Troll ""]
...oh, or "Hey You Get Me A Beer".
[Dec 22,2006 2:31am - anonymous  ""]
mike hunt
[Dec 22,2006 8:22am - the_reverend ""]
Zack Morris?
[Dec 22,2006 9:42am - WhyamIandasshole@work  ""]
I met a guy the other day that named his kids Dakota and Montana.
[Dec 22,2006 9:49am - Troll ""]
Funny, I've met a Dakota and Dallas.
[Dec 23,2006 10:07am - JDDomination ""]
Im thinking Count Grishnak or maybe Balzac after that guy from Gwar, my ex and I joked once that if she can name the girl Buffy, then I can name the boy Inferno.

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