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[Sep 6,2006 12:46am - dwellingsickness ""]
that sucks, you should just get a whole new computer huh?, monitor issues,drive issues, Sounds like a huge paperweight... I have never tried bittorrent. But on the bright side, it just came up on slsk, and the connection is screamin fast .
[Sep 6,2006 12:46am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
Fucking pirates. Seriously, who can you trust nowadays? Heh.
[Sep 6,2006 12:51am - dwellingsickness ""]
me again, nli, but shhh... said:No idea where this came from... http://rapidshare.de/files/29229498/God_Among_Insects-Zombienomicon.zip

"Sorry, We are unable to locate the file for download" haha oops that sucked
[Sep 6,2006 12:52am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
I can't say that I'm the least bit surprised. Most likely nobody downloaded it for a week and Rapidsuck deleted it. Fuckers.
[Sep 6,2006 12:54am - dwellingsickness ""]
tis ok, I got it
[Sep 6,2006 1:22am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
DEMONOID and AXIS POWERS are similar in style to GOD AMONG INSECTS.
[Sep 6,2006 10:37am - Yeti ""]
dwellingsickness said:theaccurseddrummer nli said:The newest (upcoming) releases God Among Insects.

Is it leaked? Or did you get it from someone? I have "World Wide Death", I listened to it for like a month straight when I got it...Killer band, I have not heard anything from them since :doublehorns:

thats the only place i can stand Magus Caliglia's vocals, because they are so distorted. he sounds like ass in Dark Funeral.
[Sep 6,2006 10:38am - Yeti ""]
i've been listening to Darkthrone - Plagueweilder alot. its starting to really grow on me.
[Sep 6,2006 8:27pm - dwellingsickness ""]
New SIKFUK is coming soon...The new track from them on the Goregiastic site is insane, The new drummer is only like 16 or something
[Sep 6,2006 8:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am getting those in the distro.
[Sep 6,2006 8:40pm - dwellingsickness ""]
oh yeah, almost forgot. That new God Among Insects is killer:doublehorns:
[Sep 6,2006 9:33pm - hungtobreed  ""]

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