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another reason to hate smokers

[Sep 9,2006 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]
dude in front of me at the store price checked lik 10 packs and told the guy behind the counter that they should get more cigarettes and how much cheaper they are at other stores. FUCKING DIE OF CANCER ALREADY.
[Sep 9,2006 4:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Sep 9,2006 4:52pm - litacore ""]
fuck smokers.

[Sep 9,2006 5:03pm - mostahthat ""]
It's easy to quit. I've done it a 1000 times.
[Sep 9,2006 5:27pm - Lamp ""]
That shit smells like gay.
[Sep 9,2006 5:36pm - mostahthat ""]
[Sep 9,2006 7:08pm - eat shit and live  ""]
mind ur damn business
[Sep 9,2006 8:08pm - pam ""]
mostahthat said:It's easy to quit. I've done it a 1000 times.

hahah, me too.
[Sep 9,2006 8:15pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
ehh i smoke but i dont do it around people who dont i wont even smoke when im walking down the street in boston casue if i didnt smoke and someone was in front of me it would piss me off
[Sep 9,2006 8:17pm - pam ""]
I only really smoke when I'm hammered, and I try not to be a dick about it.
[Sep 9,2006 10:08pm - contagion ""]
people can do whatever they want. i have better shit to do than show pictures of black lungs and cough loudly in front of smokers.
[Sep 9,2006 10:17pm - vomitthesoul ""]
I love smoking,I smoke 7,000 packs a day.Whats the new law now? You can only smoke in your bed,under the covers
[Sep 9,2006 10:54pm - succubus ""]
I hate going home and smelling cigarettes in my fuckin house when neither aaron or myself smoke..it's that stale smell...the guy downstairs smokes and somehow it stinks up our place. He can do what he wants in his own damn house, just sucks that we have to smell it. Funny that aaron politely gave him shit abt it though
[Sep 9,2006 10:59pm - the_reverend ""]
1) vomit: I wish.
2) babyshaker: true that, double true.
3) contegion: I complain mostly when I'm forced to be in enclosed places with smoke, but that guy was a fucking retard.
4) that smell sucks.
[Sep 9,2006 11:00pm - the_reverend ""]
5) pam: you must smoke 20hrs a day. last time I saw you sober was when you weren't 21 yet.
[Sep 9,2006 11:26pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I highly enjoy smoking, but I do understand when people don't enjoy it and I'm never a dick about it. I always smoke outside, and try not to get people around me covered in second hand.
[Sep 10,2006 10:52am - Ignatowski  ""]
cigarettes are just a replacement for the cocks that smokers really wish they had in their mouths...
[Sep 10,2006 11:53am - pam ""]
the_reverend said:5) pam: you must smoke 20hrs a day. last time I saw you sober was when you weren't 21 yet.

Everyone has to excel at something, Aaron.
[Sep 10,2006 12:25pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
You cry about cigarettes a lot rev. Just keep at it, since whining of that sort has already managed to eliminate the smoker's ability to light up almost anywhere these days. Eventually, you'll get your way and they'll just make the things illegal.

After that though, we'll need another agenda. I say we go after booze, since it kills so many people and destroys so many lives. After we get rid of booze, we can go after what kind of lunches they serve kids in schools.

I've been a smoker a long time, but I DO remember being a non-smoker. I'm pretty sure I wasn't a pussy about it like half the people in this thread. Personally, I advise you suck it up (literally) and deal with it. Someones smoking near you? MOVE. The club you're in is really smokey? Do some laundry that night. Having trouble breathing? Go OUTSIDE for a bit. Smells like smoke in your house? Put a fucking air freshener in the kitchen and bathroom, since it's the most likely points of entry.

Or, cry about it. That'll work too.
[Sep 10,2006 12:30pm - pam ""]
I understand the clubs and bars. But I will slap anyone that tells me I can't smoke outside.
[Sep 10,2006 12:32pm - Beaver McD  ""]
Friends, let me tell you about another bunch of hate mongers that were just following orders: they were called Nazis, and they practically wiped a nation of people from the Earth...just like cigarettes are doing now!

Cancer Merchant, Cancer Merchant, Cancer Merchant
[Sep 10,2006 12:33pm - the_reverend ""]
hopefully. and they tried banning alcohol. that didn't work so well. the thing with booze is that if you are drinking next to me, I don't get liver damage.

I really want to be at a club and get cancer from second hand smoke. also, the smell from downstairs comes through the floor, through all the sliding glass doors when they are open, through all the cabinets in the kitchen, and through the back room. I would need a hell of a lot of air fresheners to deal with that and since air fresheners give me migrains... that's out of the question.
[Sep 10,2006 12:33pm - pam ""]
It is within people's rights to drink or smoke themselves to death.
[Sep 10,2006 12:34pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:hopefully. and they tried banning alcohol. that didn't work so well. the thing with booze is that if you are drinking next to me, I don't get liver damage.

I really want to be at a club and get cancer from second hand smoke. also, the smell from downstairs comes through the floor, through all the sliding glass doors when they are open, through all the cabinets in the kitchen, and through the back room. I would need a hell of a lot of air fresheners to deal with that and since air fresheners give me migrains... that's out of the question.

Yeah but you can't tell someone they can't smoke in their own home. That's the breaks when you're in apartments and condos.
[Sep 10,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
another person's rights stop at my feet. that's why I hate smoking cause it affects me with out me doing anything.
[Sep 10,2006 12:36pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:another person's rights stop at my feet. that's why I hate smoking cause it affects me with out me doing anything.

I agree about clubs and bars, it's the outside bs I don't agree with.
[Sep 10,2006 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
look, I'll eat an omlette, but I'm not about to kiss a chicken's ass.
[Sep 10,2006 4:06pm - anonymous  ""]
Reason to hate smokers MORE
[Sep 10,2006 4:08pm - anonymous  ""]
1-when they drive they drive slower
2-they dont ever want to put the cigarette down
3-usually blow smoke in unwanted faces
4-kissing them even when brushing teeth the nose and lips smell..I like donkey as better
5-they are usually cheap enough not spend the money on things, but need these stick and then they are gone in a couple of hours.
[Sep 10,2006 7:41pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
succubus said:I hate going home and smelling cigarettes in my fuckin house when neither aaron or myself smoke..it's that stale smell...the guy downstairs smokes and somehow it stinks up our place. He can do what he wants in his own damn house, just sucks that we have to smell it. Funny that aaron politely gave him shit abt it though

I had the same problem, the people below me smoked all the time and it would come up through the kitchen and the closet and make my apartment smell disgusting, there's nothing like smelling stale ashtray in your kitchen first thing in the morning. They finally moved and I asked my landlord if he could find new tenents that didn't smoke...so far, so good. Now if I could just get rid of the loud drunk assholes and the screaming kids that still live here.
[Sep 10,2006 7:58pm - allahthat ""]
2nd hand crack smoke
[Sep 11,2006 10:36am - Yeti ""]
the only place i tell someone they cant smoke is in my apartment. otherwise, knock yourselves out. no i do not agree with it, and yes it sucks to be in a place with smokers, but they have the right to do so. i just wish i could smoke weed in as many places as cigarettes are allowed.
[Sep 11,2006 11:05am - the_reverend ""]
no, they don't have the right to smoke basically anywherein mass. one day, they will either produce the cigarrette that I want them to which kills you as soon as you smoke it.
or we will round up all the smokers in re-training camps. they will stay in there as long as they want to smoke and be forced to run/work hard labor to show them they shouldn't smoke. I have an idea for "treating" the people who don't quit... but it involves a gas chamber and then an oven.
[Sep 11,2006 11:33am - Hal Jalikakick  ""]
smoking is fucking retarded....but i also think that drugs (at least soft drugs)
should be legal and people should have the right to choose. That includes alcohol,cigarettes,weed,whatever...I do however think that smokers should
be made to smoke outside of public places or where people will be forced to take in second hand smoke. I choose not to smoke...so it fucking sucks to have to smell,taste it and wear it on my clothes for days after I go to a place where people puff....so thats the only restriction I would put on it. People should be able to kill themselves however they feel...I've always
been partial to pills myself...
[Sep 11,2006 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
but the same argument can be used in their favor. they choose to smoke, so why should they have to "inconvenience" themselves? i hate to sound like i support smoking, because i dont, but i do support the right.
[Sep 11,2006 12:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I think people who support the right to smoke should also be put into one of my re-training camps.
[Sep 11,2006 12:52pm - Beaver McD  ""]
Hal Jalikakick said:People should be able to kill themselves however they feel...QUOTE]

It's that kind of mentality that allows this cancer-producing industry to thrive. Of course we're all going to die someday, but do we have to pay for it? Do we have to actually throw hard-earned dollars on a counter and say, "Please, Mister Merchant of Death,sir; please sell me something that will give me bad breath, stink up my clothes, and fry my lungs."

[Sep 11,2006 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:I think people who support the right to smoke should also be put into one of my re-training camps.

did i say death camps? i meant happy camps!
[Sep 11,2006 1:58pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
the_reverend said:hopefully. and they tried banning alcohol. that didn't work so well. the thing with booze is that if you are drinking next to me, I don't get liver damage.

I really want to be at a club and get cancer from second hand smoke.

Really? So there are more people who die of cancer from second hand smoke than there are victims of drunken driving fatalities?

You're full of shit, and you're not going to get cancer. You're just being a pussy about this.
[Sep 11,2006 2:05pm - the_reverend ""]
weird.. my aunt died of lung cancer and her husband smoked, she didn't.
after my first time to the bombshelter (3/12/03), I had a chest cold for 4 months.

and equating drunk driving fatalities to people smoking in a club and you getting cancer from second hand smoke is dumb. last time I checked, you didn't have to drive if you were drunk. when I'm in a smokey club, I have to breath.
so I'm not full of shit. but I am a pussy about this. I think everyone misses the point of this thread that the guy in front of me at the store was a total dillhole.
[Sep 11,2006 2:23pm - succubus ""]
don't know why everyone's up aaron's butt about his OPINION...it's his opinion.
he doesn't want to smell cigarette smoke, deal with it. You can die from second hand smoke, deal with it.
I have friends who smoke. Heck, I've even gone outside with smokers when they go on their smoke break. They try to be courteous, but I still smell it...if i want to hang out with them, i deal with it.
[Sep 11,2006 2:26pm - pam ""]
You gotta deal with shit you don't like. EVERYONE needs to deal with that.
[Sep 11,2006 2:33pm - succubus ""]
yes, i would deal with pam blowing smoke on me to hang out with her sexy ass, i admit it =)
[Sep 11,2006 2:34pm - pam ""]
what if I just blew smoke on YOUR sexy ass?
[Sep 11,2006 2:36pm - xanonymousx ""]
one thing that makes me mad is that people smoke in college walking from class to class... and people that don't smoke like myself have to put up with it... if you do it do it respectfully
[Sep 11,2006 2:58pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I'm smoking right now. I'm dealing with it. I hate myself. I am so rude to myself and such.
[Sep 11,2006 3:01pm - ram_girl ""]
Day 4 of not smoking and no one is dead yet....
PLUS, I have already saved $35.00......
[Sep 11,2006 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
rev wins solely on his use of the word "dillhole".
[Sep 11,2006 3:18pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
the_reverend said:weird.. my aunt died of lung cancer and her husband smoked, she didn't.
after my first time to the bombshelter (3/12/03), I had a chest cold for 4 months.

That's nice. Repeated and prolonged direct exposure is a lot more likely to have an effect than an hour or two at a club. And again, 90% of the clubs you're going to are in MA, where it's not legal to smoke indoors. You make it out to be such a burden and a danger, but still I just hear whining. You don't like smoke? Don't go to the bombshelter. I'm sure the same bands will be playing in MA sometime soon thereafter.

and equating drunk driving fatalities to people smoking in a club and you getting cancer from second hand smoke is dumb. last time I checked, you didn't have to drive if you were drunk. when I'm in a smokey club, I have to breath.
so I'm not full of shit.

No, you're still full of shit. You want to ban smoking in public because of a percieved threat to people's safety. Others want to ban the public consumption of alcohol for the same reasons. As you said yourself, the latter was tried and didn't work so great. Some people are stupid and inconsiderate when they drink. Not all. Some are stupid and inconsiderate when they smoke. Not all. Your general hatred of smokers is vague, general, and completely off base. Remember, I'm the guy that was going OUTSIDE the bombshelter to smoke, even though it was allowed inside. You think I should be sent away, killed, or beaten for smoking too?

The saddest part of this argument is, I actually agree with your opinion, and support public smoking bans. What I DON'T agree with is the whiny and righteous way you go about saying it. You come across as an asshole. Last time I looked, it was MY job coming across as an asshole, not yours.
[Sep 11,2006 3:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm from NH and you can smoke in NH. I don't go to many clubs/bars in NH if I can avoid it. I love going to the dover brick house, but usually wont cause of the smoke.

I'm still not full of shit cause driving a car is not part of drink where as people in a club have to breath. find me a place where you are forced to drive after you drink. I'm guessing it will be as hard as finding a place where smokers directly inhale the intire cigarrette without exhalling or letting any smoke waft up from the end.

Fact: you don't have to drive to drink.
Fact: you have to breath to live.
there is also this fact that you are missing which is that idiot who was in front of me which is the point of this thread and the fact that you seem to have cancer of the sense of humor since you seem to have missed the fact that I'm obviously joking about the happy camps.

as for my original point, I'm glad you agree with me that the guy in front of me is a moron. thank you.

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