purity's demise is the worst band ever[views:18479][posts:117]__________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:03am - dreadkill ""] one of those rapping faggots got in my girlfriend's face tonight and i am going to kill the fucker. she worked 19 hours yesterday and 12 hours today because some fucking cunt never came in to take her place at 5. i try not to single out too many gay poser bands specifically, opting rather to slam the whole group of them, but this guy just made it personal. i hope his whole faggot band falls through a trap door that leads them to a place where big jacked homos rape their assholes until they invert. |
__________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:05am - dreadkill ""] i am going to punch him into oblivion |
_________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:12am - succubus ""] that sucks what do you mean got in her face? where does she work? =( |
________________________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""] ahh yes the old homo trap door trick. I know yee well. |
__________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:27am - dreadkill ""] she works at some bar. the kid wanted a drink and the bar was closed so he got in her face and acted like an asshole. apparently he thinks his band is important and he is entitled to get drunk at bars whenever he wants, regardless of what time it is. she punched him in the stomach though, so i was happy to hear she defended herself. she doesn't want me getting involved, but i am, so fucking mad right now. |
__________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:28am - dreadkill ""] the_taste_of_cigarettes said:ahh yes the old homo trap door trick. I know yee well. good to know i'm not the only one who has employed such a crafty trick. |
________________________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""] at a show last night this guy said to this girl standing next to me, "I can see you fucking me with your eyes" so i said, "Well you know, that's not the first time I've heard that!" but neither of them got the joke and just looked at me funny |
__________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 1:32am - dreadkill ""] ha, i would have laughed if i was there. |
________________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 3:23pm - attendmyrequiem ""] wow they're name isn't even good. purity's failure ripoff name? |
_______________________________ [Oct 4,2004 3:31pm - XmikeX ""] attendmyrequiem said:wow they're name isn't even good. purity's failure ripoff name? haha i was just gonna say that. puritys failure SUCKED |
_________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 3:34pm - succubus ""] dreadkill said:she works at some bar. the kid wanted a drink and the bar was closed so he got in her face and acted like an asshole. apparently he thinks his band is important and he is entitled to get drunk at bars whenever he wants, regardless of what time it is. she punched him in the stomach though, so i was happy to hear she defended herself. she doesn't want me getting involved, but i am, so fucking mad right now. sounds like an ass =( sorry to hear it one of my boyfriend's friends was beyond drunk at a bar..and he got cut off before is entering...anyhow...he punched my boyfriend in the stomach...when he was trying to tell him why he was cut off..what an idiot i'm sure this guy will get his |
____________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 4:03pm - RustedAngel ""] dreadkill, I whitnessed this horrible band at killfest... OMFG their singer was the biggest douche I've ever seen. I also heard they were making fun of RK while RK was on stage. They walked around the whole night like they were sick shit. |
_____________________________ [Oct 4,2004 4:13pm - blue ""] yeah, that band blew it big time, them and skulltoboggan really didnt belong in the lineup. they were probably making fun of us cus none of our songs began with some generic ass tool-like bass line. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 4:16pm - the_reverend ""] [img] |
____________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 4:50pm - RustedAngel ""] "whiney whiney whiiiiiine, yo yo yo homiezz" *insert some random disturbed-like noise here* |
_____________________________________ [Oct 4,2004 4:51pm - swamplorddvm ""] WWWWWAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! |
__________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 3:31am - dreadkill ""] RustedAngel said:dreadkill, I whitnessed this horrible band at killfest... OMFG their singer was the biggest douche I've ever seen. I also heard they were making fun of RK while RK was on stage. They walked around the whole night like they were sick shit. bands like that anger the shit out of me. i don't have much tolerance for local bands who make fun of other local bands that are playing at the same shows. it's one thing to express your dislike for the music on a message board or a nicely emailed "you suck", or even approaching them offstage and saying you don't care for them, but making fun of them while they are onstage is unacceptable in my eyes. i'm sure no one in purity's demise could match rk or any rttp band in talent, so they should shut the fuck up. |
______________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 4:01am - tomx at work ""] dreadkill: get in touch with me if you want to kill these fags. i dont give a shit, ill fight them all at once. being in purity's failure is reason enough to get your ass kicked. but getting in a girls face? NOT COOL. nor is making fun of other bands that blow you away. rk is amazing, and theyre quality people. people who mess with them will die. |
______________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 4:03am - tomx at work ""] whoops, i meant puritys demise. silly me, for a second there i thought of the band whose name they STOLE. |
____________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 4:05am - sacreligion ""] bownt |
______________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 9:56am - jesus hitler ""] thats fucked up. my mom used to get harrased crazy amounts when she was a bartender and my dad came down there one day and just beat the shit out of every dude that would grab her and do really fucked up things like this asshole did. theres a difference from a smartass remark and a dude getting in a fucking girls face like that. i hope he gets his fucking throat slit. |
_________________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 10:47am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""] I saw the singer of Purity's Demise eat a baby once...while it was still alive! those were the days. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 10:58am - attendmyrequiem ""] RustedAngel said:"whiney whiney whiiiiiine, yo yo yo homiezz" *insert some random disturbed-like noise here* waaah ahahaha |
___________________________________ [Oct 5,2004 11:19am - dreadkill ""] attendmyrequiem said:RustedAngel said:"whiney whiney whiiiiiine, yo yo yo homiezz" *insert some random disturbed-like noise here* waaah ahahaha ha, that was awesome. i hate disturbed's monkey sounds. oooooooowah-ah-ah-ah! awf! awf! eee eee! oo oo! |
____________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 3:16pm - scoracrasia ""] I'll help you beat their ass no problem. I hate bands like this. Where can we find them? |
_____________________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 3:30pm - Blowtorch slaughter ""] His band sucks heavy duty cock... |
_____________________________________________ [Oct 6,2004 3:36pm - Blowtorch slaughter ""] Let's start a petition requesting that they break up because they suck so much and the post it on their rehersal space door. |
______________________________________________________________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 4:31pm - puritys demise guitar player (adam glenn im not coping out y ""] Don't believe anything this kid is saying, none of us were even there at closeing time, and none of us got punched by some girl at the bar.... it seems to me that your girlfriend is making shit up for your attention. And as for us making fun of other bands i don't recall that happening but if we did it was probably just a joke or they probably really sucked ass. Oh yea and i remember being there and the bartender hitting on me all fucking night as well. and if any of you have a problem with me or my band your more then welcome to come and see us jan 21 at smittys in pocasset on cape cod..............................fuck you |
______________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 4:43pm - dugoxistance ""] there should be a statute of limitations on making comeback posts. |
___________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 4:44pm - paganmegan ""] yeah, it looks as though it took him all of three months to come up with that last bit... I'd say in three months time, one should AT LEAST be able to come up with higher quality material for fucks sake |
____________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 4:46pm - RustedAngel ""] I love it when bands tell non-fans to come to their shows. |
_________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 4:53pm - litacore ""] hahaha, yeah that rules. Cape Cod roadtrip! |
____________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:00pm - Justin ACR ""] any1 that fucks w/ ken (or his friends) is not cool in my book. lets fuck these fags up! |
______________________________________________________________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:08pm - puritys demise guitar player (adam glenn im not coping out y ""] well im glad you fuckers have nothing better to with your time than to talk about my band, i suppose that if i had nothing better to do than sit around on my computer listen to music and bitch about people who will probably be fucking, if not already have fucked my girlfriend, then you should be happy that someon of my calibur would even waste my time to talk to you little faggot nothings. while you beat off to pictures of women you will never even meat in your lives im out fucking them. and as for 3 months to respond im out with my band making kick ass fucking music and dont have time to waste responding to every fucking whine that you blabber on about... so fuck you fuck you and fuck you |
_________________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:10pm - largefreakatzero ""] That picture of the gay singer was enough to anger me beyond belief. Squids should not: 1. wear muscle shirts 2. act tough 3. rap like black people |
_____________________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] How can you write lyrics if you cannot string together a coherent internet flame? |
______________________________________________________________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:13pm - puritys demise guitar player (adam glenn im not coping out y ""] ---notice--- im the guitar player..... and where did this rap shit come from? |
_________________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:22pm - largefreakatzero ""] Sorry, he looks like he's spewing some wigger rap crap. Only #1 & #2 apply. |
____________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:25pm - Justin ACR ""] puritys demise guitar player said:and as for 3 months to respond im out with my band making kick ass fucking music and dont have time to waste responding to every fucking whine that you blabber on about... so fuck you fuck you and fuck you hahaha, if u "dont have time", how come you've responded 3 times in the last hour |
___________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 5:29pm - JusticeACR ""] just noticed that this is a thread from october, My B |
__________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:26pm - DangerXN ""] Hey guys-first of all I would like to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and effort in trashing me and the rest of my band-second I've never eaten a baby while it's still breathing-third I probably was making some unnessasary remarks about some of the bands because "DEATH METAL SUCKS SO BAD THAT THERE WAS NOONE AT YOUR FUCKIN SHOW AND WE DROVE TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO PLAY FOR A BUNCH OF SHITTY BANDS" |
_______________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:29pm - Hooker ""] i love doing that. |
__________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:31pm - DangerXN ""] also if you're gonna talk shit at least dont make shit up. If you're gonna trash me, make sure that I at least did what you say-other wise you just sound like a moron to the people that actually know me- i would never hit a girl-I would never fight a bartender, they feed me boose-so stop being retarded and find something better to do with your time-like write some good songs, not monotonouse repettative same old everyday shit that you can hear anyone sing as long as they don't have a good voice |
__________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:34pm - DangerXN ""] check us out at www.PuritysDemise.com it's been the same for the past three months, but that's the fat kids fault -thanks for your support |
__________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:39pm - DangerXN ""] Oh yeah- nice picture of me-my right side is better though-if you want to see some naked pictures of me go to www.negativepenise.com I'm up there with all the guys from Dreadkill and all there "boys" I think mine is the biggest though-it's gotto be at least three inches-hard- -JACKASSES- |
_______________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:39pm - Hooker ""] penise |
____________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:42pm - RustedAngel ""] hahah, technically it was your show too, and there were the fewest out front for you...I still remember. Oh man. |
____________________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:45pm - RustedAngel ""] [img] no one here cares what you guys say, you're about 3 months too late. |
_______________________________ [Jan 4,2005 7:55pm - Hooker ""] set in stone indeed. |