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COMPOSTED passively seeking 2nd guitarist.

[Aug 9,2009 5:26pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Aug 9,2009 6:09pm - anonymous  ""]
this band lost its soul
[Aug 9,2009 6:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
What we need is James Brown.
[Aug 9,2009 6:30pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i lost mine long ago. i traded it to some kid at school for his gameboy in the fifth grade.
[Aug 9,2009 7:14pm - I_am_not_me ""]

Dave_Maggot said:i lost mine long ago. i traded it to some kid at school for his gameboy in the fifth grade.

You definitely got the better end of the bargain on that one.
[Aug 9,2009 7:37pm - CMTAIB ""]

forcedtoBleed said:haa! you people are the same ones that give shit to other people for liking other bands out side "your mass slam scene". You are pathetic and contradict everything you say. your scene is no different than the emo fags that all gather to hate their girlfriends. What the fuck is "slam" anyway? it sounds like you are a bunch of jungle monkeys listening to rap instead of death metal. you are posers. I am done. See you at DF.

we played DF it was amazing,
this band is slam tastic.
splooge festt all the way
we should collaborate on something
you should check us out http://myspace.com/cutmythroatasibled
you will love us dude.
[Aug 9,2009 7:41pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Aug 9,2009 7:48pm - SkinSandwich ""]

forcedtoBleed said:I've been around this scene for a long time, here and the world. I can't wait for death fest... we will get to meet. I know the guys in cephalic will agree, patience it a remarkable trait.

I've been around the scene maaaaannnn, and the world maaaaaan, you know this makes me a better person than you maaaannnn. I've seen things maaaannn. I gonna meet you at the DF man and prove I am better than you man by throwing punches maaaannnn.
[Aug 10,2009 12:00am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

SkinSandwich said:[img]

I cant stop laughing at this
[Aug 10,2009 1:51am - grizloch ""]

forcedtoBleed said:awww did I hurt the Mr Richards feelings? I'm so so sorry. You guys were so good at the Moral Decay show at O'briens that the sound guy shut you off. That must have disappointed your 10 fans. That's OK, you can just hold on to your noodles and everything will be OK. I hope no bottles hit you in the neck at deathfest...oh wait...you have no neck.

[Aug 10,2009 1:52am - grizloch ""]

RichHorror said:lol @ hating slam and going to Blue's slamfest.

lol @ this
[Aug 10,2009 1:58am - blendermethodnli  ""]
Who would ever want to hurt a band full of lovely, burly, and cute pedo bears? And btw, I'm currently enjoying my explorations in Africa, nice to get back in touch with my roots :l
[Aug 10,2009 3:01am - I_am_not_me ""]

grizloch said:

[Aug 10,2009 9:06am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

forcedtoBleed said:haa! you people are the same ones that give shit to other people for liking other bands out side "your mass slam scene".

My favorite band is Dave Matthews Band.

RichHorror said:lol @ hating slam and going to Blue's slamfest.

hahahaha. No shit.
[Aug 10,2009 10:33am - Yeti ""]
haha wow, this forcedtobleed guy has a serious hard-on for Composted. say that by chance this douche is real, it would be a sight to see if he tried to do anything to anyone in Composted. he'd wake up in Boise, Idaho 4 months from now in a station wagon wondering when his sex had changed.
[Aug 10,2009 10:37am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

tyler%20in%20ct said:i'd so want to do this but im too far and dont have enough income right now

obliteratron is lookin for a guitarist if you like playing old school thrash.
we're scattered between stafford springs, vernon, avon, but practice is in meriden.
hit me up wargozer@hotmail.com
[Aug 10,2009 12:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Yeti said:haha wow, this forcedtobleed guy has a serious hard-on for Composted. say that by chance this douche is real, it would be a sight to see if he tried to do anything to anyone in Composted. he'd wake up in Boise, Idaho 4 months from now in a station wagon wondering when his sex had changed.

[Aug 10,2009 12:47pm - I_am_not_me ""]

Yeti said:haha wow, this forcedtobleed guy has a serious hard-on for Composted. say that by chance this douche is real, it would be a sight to see if he tried to do anything to anyone in Composted. he'd wake up in Boise, Idaho 4 months from now in a station wagon wondering when his sex had changed.

:LOL: That makes me sincerely hope he's legit.
[Aug 10,2009 1:08pm - boblovesmusic ""]
wow, how the hell did I miss this gem of a thread!? haha
[Aug 10,2009 2:07pm - Melba_Toast ""]
Holy shit! Rich Bova speaks!!!

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