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Jay Severin suspended for comments about mexicans

[May 4,2009 1:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Martins Said:

"When did I say they should suck it up? You clearly have a bias here and that's okay but you have to understand that illegal immigration is ILLEGAL, no matter how positive the outcomes are for the "perpetrator." But please don't ever call me cold hearted or delusional. :D"

Well then explain something to me please. When this scenario happens, what do you think these people should do? You don't agree that they should be allowed to stay, because like you said "a crime is a crime" So what other options are there? I can't think of any besides either sucking it up or sneaking in.

Maybe you don't quite understand what i was saying, but in the situation that i was talking about, there really AREN'T any other options. And saying we shouldn't allow them to stay when they've done everything in their power to do it legally (because a crime is a crime) does imply something in the "suck it up" catagory.

Now i don't think that should be our protocol, I think what needs to happen is major immigration reform, but until that point, our country was build on the idea that all men are created equal, and no matter where you were born, and no matter what color your skin, you should have the same chance as anyone else to have a life not overriden with poverty. So while obviously i can't deny that it's illegal, i can say that there SHOULD be a protocol for the situation i gave, and it should include giving these people a chance at life.
[May 4,2009 1:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]
let me add martins,
What would you do in that situation? You've tried for years, cannot get in, can't feed your children, and will need to pull your children out of 4th and 6th grade to work 15 hour days to pay for rent (1 bedroom for your family) and food(rice)?

Would you come into this country illegally? Do you have another solution? Or would you suck it up?

My point was that there aren't options, so what were you suggesting?

[May 5,2009 11:47am - Martins ""]
Look, if I had my way, it would become infinitely easier to become a citizen but it's not. I'd much prefer an illegal immigrant return to their country rather than have something shitty to them happen or do something shitty and get away with it because they're illegal. I side with the law whenever it comes to immigration because I personally know people who have done it within the past few years and they also lived in shitty situations. The brother had to have brain surgery when he was like 8 after being shot in the head by someone trying to rob their house of what little they had. The mother didn't have a job. The father was very very old. The sister was too young to be of any help. They've been living legally in the states now for 6 or 7 years. The mother is a nurse. The brother is going to art school. The sister is studying pre-med. It's possible.
[May 5,2009 11:48am - the_reverend ""]
tu xmx
[May 5,2009 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
eat the poor
[May 5,2009 12:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, so way to not answer the question. What would YOU do in that situation? It sounds like your saying if they can't do it legally they should "suck it up" and go back to where they came from. Just because a family you know got in doesn't mean familys i know that have tried for YEARS haven't gotten in. So THATS why i called you heartless and delusional.
[May 5,2009 12:14pm - Martins ""]
Calling me names gets us nowhere.
If I were in the situation, I would most definitely try to get in legally first. Take the proper steps and map out how feasible it would be for me. If it were really IMPOSSIBLE (as I doubt it would be, maybe incredibly hard but not impossible), I would find a way to sneak in. The thing is, it does take hard work to manage to get in here legally but people have to do it. It's not so much "suck it up" as much as "try, try, and try again." Things may be tough, but wouldn't the outcome be so much better?
[May 5,2009 1:05pm - ouchdrummer ""]
"If it were really IMPOSSIBLE (as I doubt it would be, maybe incredibly hard but not impossible)"

Maybe you know something i don't about how to get in, but i don't just know one family who's been through this, and i've even tried to help cousins of my wife, with no success, for the entire time i've known my wife (4years) in which time my wife's son got killed selling dope to help pay rent. I know most situations aren't that bad, but thinking that none are is naive, and thinking that all in that all people in that position can get in legally if they try hard enough is also naive.

And i wasn't name calling, at first you were implying that people shouldn't come illegally no matter what, and i was trying to show you that sometimes there isn't a choice.
[May 5,2009 1:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]
..... which it seems like you grudgingly agreed with...
[May 5,2009 1:12pm - Martins ""]
I see that you have negative experiences so we can just agree to disagree.
[May 5,2009 1:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
sure, although my only real point was that you would do the same thing if put in that situation. Which i thought you just agreed with, so we can even agree to agree if you want to.
[May 5,2009 1:28pm - Martins ""]
Well then sure, but I'd still be doing something illegal. :spineyes:
[May 5,2009 1:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i agree... AND i agree with your previous statement that said we should make it infinitely easier to become a citizen. Ya see? All SORTS of agreeing.
[May 5,2009 3:24pm - Yeti ""]

Yeti said:eh, they're just mexicans.
[May 5,2009 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and even though I dislike the FCC, without them, radio would be a scramble for the bottom. then 500years from now "GO WAY! 'BATIN'"
[May 8,2009 6:04pm - the_reverend ""]
still off the air.
[May 27,2009 2:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I think he's still off the air. at this point why even still call it his show.
[May 27,2009 2:13pm - metal_church101 ""]
“women with mustaches and VD,”

[May 27,2009 6:50pm - Lamp ""]
I work with a bunch of Mexicans and if anything they make MORE money because they're just plain better at their jobs and have more motivation to work than Americans. That's based on a commission job though.
[May 27,2009 6:59pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:http://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2009/04/_jay_severin.html

I heard the comments on the air and thought they were a little much... but not too out of line with what he typically says. Curtis Sliwa was the replacement and he's kind of an idiot.

We have "freedom," remember.

There's not a dogma which you must obey like in the Soviet Union, you know.
[May 30,2009 11:48pm - the_reverend ""]
back tuesday 3pm
[Jun 3,2009 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
"I wish to offer and trust you will consider my sincere apology. I and the men and women for whom, and with whom, I work have a duty to our community to ensure that every day our station offers - in partnership with You - ideas and conversation about the issues of the day which are thought-provoking, compelling, challenging, entertaining - but also always responsible, civil, thoughtful and respectful to all members of our community. This is our standard. However, recently, in making certain remarks, I failed this standard, and thus failed my colleagues and you. My remarks were hurtful, unkind and wrong. For those remarks and for failing to meet the standards you are right to expect of me, I am sincerely sorry. Most especially to the members of the Mexican community and Mexican-American community, I regret my remarks and I apologize for them. I am sorry. I want you to be an engaged and proud member of this audience, but I appreciate I must earn that privilege, every day. And I can only expect to do so by conducting a civil and intelligent conversation worthy of you, worthy of your family - whether or not you always agree with my opinions. To every person I have offended by my recent remarks: I am truly regretful and extend my apology. And to those who were not offended, I have still let you down by appealing to something less than the "best and brightest" in you, and for this I am also sorry. I am tremendously eager to renew - and make better - our ten years together of daily conversation and vigorous debate. You have my personal pledge that I will do my best to make ours the best show on radio. And, as ever, thank you for my job."

-Jay Severin
[Jun 3,2009 3:37pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Dago apologizes to spics, film at 11
[Jun 3,2009 4:02pm - Conservationist ""]
Diversity always fails.
[Jun 3,2009 4:22pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Apologies are for pussies.
[Jun 3,2009 5:24pm - the_reverend ""]
this is simple economics. his ability to generate revenue dipped below the shocking things he said. say bad things about mexicans long enough and companies that pull their income from hispanic shoppers will pull their ads.

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