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JAN 8TH- HAXEN, Bog of the Infidel, Nachzehrer, Deathgod Messiah, Oneiric Realm @ Starlab

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jan 8,2011 5:42pm - nekronaut ""]
Dick salad. Fuck.
[Jan 8,2011 6:41pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Leaving for this in an hour if all goes well.
[Jan 8,2011 6:43pm - burnsy ""]
Where the fuck is the place?! I'm circling.
[Jan 8,2011 6:50pm - Boozegood ""]
[Jan 8,2011 7:01pm - xmikex ""]
planning on coming down. I don't believe for a second that this show actually starts at 8 though.
[Jan 8,2011 9:49pm - AlXavier_Casket  ""]
this is a small room for a show, glad it isn't july
[Jan 8,2011 9:52pm - bobnomaamrooney nli  ""]
Only Pengo is real.
[Jan 8,2011 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
the fact that I'm not at this or tinsel teeth shows that I'm a poser.
[Jan 9,2011 10:11am - xmikex ""]
13,000 points in Pengo. DAT HOW A NIGGA PENGO

p.s. fuck tinsel teeth
[Jan 9,2011 3:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
three number 6's in a row
[Jan 10,2011 4:53pm - Czarnobog ""]
this show went down great, thanks everyone who came out. all the bands killed. first time seeing oneiric realm and deathgod messiah. oneiric was epic and deathgod was straight-up devastating. probably the best i've seen haxen too, hopefully get them up here again before too long. that starlab space is cool. its small but the sound is decent. thanks to egan/xdementia for hooking it up (and djing between sets).
[Jan 10,2011 6:05pm - nekronaut ""]
Indeed. Show was an all out assualt on Jehova. Eat shit.
[Jan 11,2011 9:46am - +haxen+NLI  ""]
Fuck Yes!!
Thanks Mark, and thanks to whomever let the bands use gear, that was very helpful - Definately a great time and great tunes all night!!

Bands that night: Only got a chance to trade with DGM, if any of you guys wanna trade for some hxn shit, email us:

[Jan 11,2011 11:28am - GregD(Ichabod/Blessedoffalyayme!)  ""]
Blessed Offal/ Nachzehrer at The Starlab. Must do this!!!!
[Jan 11,2011 11:31am - nekronaut ""]
I do agree.
[Jan 11,2011 12:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
if it was a cunt hair bigger downstairs this place would kick ass but overall a very cool place for a private show. Thumbs up. I MEAN HORNS UP! Fuck...negative scene pointz
[Jan 11,2011 12:10pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Really fun show. I agree Schmandy, place is too small but so chill. Love it there.
[Jan 11,2011 5:01pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
it's an awesome place to have like an invite only birthday show or some shit. get a keg and have like 2 or 3 bands place throughout the night....
[Jan 11,2011 5:09pm - saxlbeckett  ""]

GregD said: Blessed Offal/ Nachzehrer at The Starlab. Must do this!!!!

Add DA to this imaginary bill. We were born in a basement, and me and Xtian live in Somerville. These are facts. Are they relevant?
[Jan 11,2011 5:10pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
FACT: Marcus and I are in both BO and DA
[Jan 11,2011 7:48pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jan 11,2011 7:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
only shows under stair closets is real.
[Jan 12,2011 10:43am - Alx_Casket ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:only shows in water closets is real.
[Jan 12,2011 11:15am - AndrewBastard  ""]

saxlbeckett said:FACT: Marcus and I are in both BO and VA


[Jan 12,2011 12:53pm - blessed offal  ""]

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