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RIG PICS. (amps, guitars, drums, pc's)

[Mar 10,2005 9:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
Richard K/Rammstein Rig Pics

All these MESA's have recently been replaced with ENGL pb's, lucky bastard.

[Mar 10,2005 9:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
Stephen Carpenter Rig Pics

[Mar 10,2005 9:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
Andreas Kisser / Sepultura Rig Pics

I believe Krisiun uses these now too:
[Mar 10,2005 9:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
John Petrucci 2005 tour Rig Pics

His Wife Rena is part of his rig.
[Mar 10,2005 9:15pm - Blue ""]
RustedAngel said:Andreas Kisser / Sepultura Rig Pics

I believe Krisiun uses these now too:

krisiun have been using those for a few years, im pretty sure. they were using them when i saw them in 2002.
[Mar 10,2005 9:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
yes, he was using a meteoro the last time I saw him too.
[Mar 10,2005 9:21pm - Hooker ""]
never heard of those.
[Mar 10,2005 10:18pm - PatMeebles ""]
What's the benefit of having two different heads going into the same amp for the same guitar?

I'm also taking this opportunity to ask anyone for suggestions in getting a power amp for my Marshal JMP-1
[Mar 10,2005 10:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
PatMeebles said:What's the benefit of having two different heads going into the same amp for the same guitar?

I'm also taking this opportunity to ask anyone for suggestions in getting a power amp for my Marshal JMP-1

well, you would have double the power than just using one head. You could have 2 different settings, maybe more mids on one head, and scooped mids on the other. Tons of possibilities.

for a poweramp, you could get a marshall 50/50 or a 100/100 if you want to power like 2 stacks, haha. orrrrrrrrr you could get this ;)
[Mar 10,2005 10:31pm - PatMeebles ""]
Is it sold in regular guitar stores? I was also thinking of getting a Genz Bens (or however the fuck it's spelled) cab to finish off the half-stack. I just don't know how these pieces will sound together.
[Mar 10,2005 10:51pm - mikedown ""]
not as pricey as most but here's mine.
[Mar 11,2005 12:00am - GoatCatalyst  ""]
Would you all now please post your addresses and work schedules? Fo rill' though, is anybody familiar with Ear Candy cabs? www.earcandycabs.com
I'll be ordering my first by month's end - Just waiting on that tax refund. Eventually, I'll have two of their Buzzbomb cabs (one loaded with Eminence Swamp Thangs, the other with Eminence Black Powders) powered by my sweet-tits Mesa Simul 2/95 (the one with the 6L6's AND EL34's). That, coupled with my twin dueling neckthru BC Rich Warlocks (American made, natch!) - one 6, one 7-string will have you weeping. Pics to come.
[Mar 11,2005 6:45am - subjugate ""]
DaveSTF said:

i have the same guitar same color too and shit

[Mar 11,2005 7:12am - Kalopsia ""]
Anthony nli said:nice rig Kalopsia.

How much volume can you get out of the SWR head? Is that 550 solid state watts? How much do you have to push the amp to be heard?

well i have an 8 ohm cabinet so i'm only pushing out 350 watts, if i had another cab or a 4 ohm cab i'd be getting the full 550. it's a tube head. one tube powers it, but it still packs a pretty good punch. in practice, my band members start bitching if i have my volume set at 4 or higher. live: i gotta put it roughly around 5 or 6.
[Mar 11,2005 9:21am - RustedAngel ""]
I remember when I was in band that had a bass player that had a real bass amp. It was god damn loud, and we had to tell him to turn it down every 10 seconds. It was just the ampeg svt pro with the 4x10 cab.
[Mar 11,2005 9:53am - dreaminginexile ""]
John Petrucci's rig makes me want to throw up... and his wife makes me want to throw it in her, lol!
[Mar 11,2005 11:49am - anonymous  ""]
Kalopsia said:Anthony nli said:nice rig Kalopsia.

How much volume can you get out of the SWR head? Is that 550 solid state watts? How much do you have to push the amp to be heard?

well i have an 8 ohm cabinet so i'm only pushing out 350 watts, if i had another cab or a 4 ohm cab i'd be getting the full 550. it's a tube head. one tube powers it, but it still packs a pretty good punch. in practice, my band members start bitching if i have my volume set at 4 or higher. live: i gotta put it roughly around 5 or 6.

Thanks for the info. Those EMGs in your Spector are wicked hot too. I have jazz bass that I modded from passive to EMG J pickups and its at least 5 times louder now.
[Mar 11,2005 11:50am - Anthony nli  ""]
The above post was me.

I always forget to log in.
[Mar 11,2005 11:39pm - powerkok ""]
heres my rig...pretty simple. No frills chawmp.
[Mar 11,2005 11:55pm - Hooker ""]
nice kok. bet that sounds fucking sweet.
[Mar 12,2005 1:58am - Deckah ""]

thats my pretty basic rig. right now my poor ass has an epihpone LP standard, but for some reason it doesn't sound to bad out of that set up. i plan on getting a gibson SG or a ESP that doesn't have EMG's in it. and eventually get a sonic maximizer.
[Mar 12,2005 2:01am - Deckah ""]


also Rob's drum set. just becuase i have pictures. it's changed quite a bit since this picture.
[Mar 12,2005 3:56am - powerkok ""]
Hooker said:nice kok. bet that sounds fucking sweet.

I love it. I think itll sound even better when replace those poor tubes...theyre so beat.
[Mar 22,2005 10:33am - RustedAngel ""]
sweet. earcraft is so fucking slow. my engl has been there since last monday and mark hasn't touched it yet. I need to learn how to bias myself.
[Mar 22,2005 11:17am - powerkok ""]
ahh yes dovahh earcraft.....I dunno what to think about that place....they have some decent stuff, but theyre prices are a bit outrageous.
[Mar 22,2005 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
I'm really biased.
[Mar 22,2005 11:52am - timma nli  ""]
Blue said:and you notice how i always play my soloist? its cus a have a really crappy backup. but at the moment i am building a rhoads copy that you will have to see to believe. pictures will be up someday.

FUCK YOU. that is the best backup guitar you could ever find and someday you will realize that. that thing could kick the shit out of a rhoads copy any day you bastard. *end intense sarcasm*
[Mar 22,2005 12:19pm - blue ""]
hahahahahahahahahaha. if anyone couldnt tell, my backup just happens to be timmas guitar.
[Mar 22,2005 1:49pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
[Apr 12,2005 1:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
Recent DIMEBAG RIG Pics: (a week before he was shot)

[Apr 12,2005 5:38pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
bass cab[img]

40 watt FM pirate radio transmitter:
[img] in order, 4 Watt FM exiter www.nrgkits.com X10 ramsey PA-1 amplifier (4 in 40 out) made for 2 meter ham radio, but discontinued because of people like me, 9 pole low pass filter with a 110Mhz cutoff point.

1/2 wavelength dipole antenna tuned to 101.7:

5/8 wavelength copper j-pole:
[Apr 12,2005 5:47pm - james-raov  ""]
WhyamIandasshole said:[img]

i hate you so much.
[Apr 19,2005 12:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]

Alesis Powertrip-8 power conditioner
BBE 482i Stereo Sonic Maximizer
Behringer V-Amp Pro
Peavey PV260 260W Poweramp (130x2 peak)

(not pictured)
Ibanez RG 520QSTB
Behringer FCB1010 - Midi Foot Controller
Peavey 412 Cabnet (huge pile of shit)
[Apr 19,2005 12:06pm - powerkok ""]
Ok guy, youre not allowed to make of fun of line 6 when U own a behringer v-amp.
It dosent work that way!!!!
[Apr 19,2005 12:08pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yes I am, Line 6 is overpriced...

Pod Pro -> $500 +/-
V-Amp Pro -> $200 +/-

I like the way the V-Amp sounds better live. the pod sounds better direct though...
[Apr 25,2005 8:36am - RustedAngel ""]
Karl Sanders / Nile
[Apr 26,2005 1:07pm - destroyyoualot ""]
Re: BillyCorgan - Is that a fucking PC in the corner? Very random...

Kalopsia said: and here's my rig:

I hate you. no, seriously, that's a nice setup, very close to my "dream rig".

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I've got two large fries, a big mac, and a coronary failure at age 14.


Is it wrong that I just popped colossal wood?

Oh, BTW: *ahem* ... "RIGGS!!!" "I'm getting too old for this shit..."
[Apr 26,2005 1:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Apr 26,2005 1:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Oh wait, you meant guitar rig.


200 watt Marshall Major. It weighs more than a cab.
[Apr 26,2005 2:52pm - destroyyoualot ""]
Josh_Martin said:
200 watt Marshall Major. It weighs more than a cab.

I don't doubt it.

Man, I've always wanted to ask you: What the hell do you tune to in A.C.? Or is it any set tuning at all?
[Apr 26,2005 2:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
destroyyoualot said:

Man, I've always wanted to ask you: What the hell do you tune to in A.C.? Or is it any set tuning at all?

G, A, Y, F, A, G
[Apr 26,2005 3:02pm - Josh_Martin ""]
destroyyoualot said:Josh_Martin said:
200 watt Marshall Major. It weighs more than a cab.

I don't doubt it.

Man, I've always wanted to ask you: What the hell do you tune to in A.C.? Or is it any set tuning at all?

When I was in AC I would just tune it down until it sounded cool.
One of the advantages of not having a bass player is there's no one to be in tune with.
It would probably range anywhere from C down to low G depending on what mood I was in that day.

If you're trying to figure out stuff from I Like it When You Die good luck. Seth did the overdubs on that because I was still pretty green at the time and we were in a rush due to our enormous recording budget from Earache. But I think my tracks and Seth's tracks are slightly out of tune with each other so it sounds kinda weird. If you put the balance all the way to either the left or right you will only hear one guitar track and that's more the way it was supposed to sound. (one of us is the left side and one of us is the right, I forget which is which)

Every release after that is all me though.

[Apr 26,2005 3:45pm - destroyyoualot ""]
RustedAngel said:destroyyoualot said:

Man, I've always wanted to ask you: What the hell do you tune to in A.C.? Or is it any set tuning at all?

G, A, Y, F, A, G

That's what I thought, thanks.

Josh_Martin said: But I think my tracks and Seth's tracks are slightly out of tune with each other so it sounds kinda weird.

I'm not sure it matters that much, to be bluntly honest. No, wait, this is RTTP, to be BRUTALLY HONEST.
[Apr 26,2005 4:07pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I'm probably the only person in the world who noticed.
[Apr 26,2005 7:20pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Apr 26,2005 11:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
d00d, check out my sikk stakk:


Ok, seriously, this is my noisemaker:


Carvin cab, Crown power amp (scored for $50, thank you very much), SansAmp DI box, and Dean Hollywood "Z" with active EMGs. I still need a 4x8 cab, but I get by.
[May 20,2005 1:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
[May 20,2005 2:51pm - Hooker nli  ""]
who's fucking rig is that?
[May 20,2005 2:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker nli said:who's fucking rig is that?

some guy over at HC that's actually selling everything in that picture except for the cabs. That would amount to like $15,000 just for all those heads, haha.
[May 20,2005 3:05pm - Hooker nli  ""]
See, that's like head valhalla. My playing doesn't warrant any of those heads. I have some high end cabs, but those fucking heads.... I'd just.... there are maybe four people on earth who could do that setup justice.

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