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RIG PICS. (amps, guitars, drums, pc's)

[May 20,2005 10:34pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]

My Rig.

Guitars are as follows:

Esp Ltd Ec-1000
Harmony Rocket
Ibanez Guitar composed of various Ibanez parts (rat guitar)
Fender Tom Delonge Strat
Ibanez g10 Bass
And an Epiphone SG bass

Line 6 hd147 & Cab
Rocktron Replitone

(others include takamine acoustic/electric, line 6 fbv longboard, wireless rack, Korg d-12 digital 12 track, pandora px4 effects processor, class b and c fire-extinguisher, Over 8 gig bags, and one Rockcase)
[Jun 1,2005 3:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
my dream ibanez...
[Jun 1,2005 3:42pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Purty -- what's the damage for that little gem?
[Jun 1,2005 3:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
$2,000 :(
[Jun 1,2005 3:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jun 1,2005 3:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 1,2005 3:54pm - powerkok ""]
powerkok said:Hooker said:nice kok. bet that sounds fucking sweet.

I love it. I think itll sound even better when replace those poor tubes...theyre so beat.

I changed the tubes.
I also switched both channels to simulclass.
End result= sounds 100x better than I expected.
Im re- in love.
[Jun 1,2005 3:54pm - powerkok ""]
Oh cool....a b00by masher.
I need one of those too, along with my wife taser.
[Jun 2,2005 11:45am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jun 2,2005 11:53am - RustedAngel ""]
MESHUGGAH, no cabs.
[Jun 20,2005 11:32am - RustedAngel ""]
Jeff Loomis / Nevermore / Studio Rig 2005
[Jun 20,2005 12:09pm - blue ""]
krank? cmon............
[Jun 20,2005 12:38pm - dreaminginexil-nli  ""]
who cares if it's Krank, he's still shreds like a mother fucker!
[Jun 20,2005 2:14pm - powerkok ""]
whats wrong with krank? those amps are fucking ballsy.
[Jun 21,2005 8:26am - dreaminginexile-nli  ""]
powerkok said:whats wrong with krank? those amps are fucking ballsy.

I like 'em, I'd rather Tom's ENGL though, those are even more ballsy
[Jun 24,2005 1:55pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 12,2005 1:50am - Goatcatalyst ""]
Taste this shit, nigga

[Aug 12,2005 1:57am - davefromthegrave ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

what the fuck is going on there?
[Apr 25,2007 5:19pm - anonymous  ""]
[Apr 25,2007 6:08pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
anonymous said:mamogram!

You don't know what you're talking about, you dumb piece of shit.
[Apr 25,2007 6:12pm - the_reverend ""]
it only took hoe many years to get that answer?
[Apr 25,2007 6:23pm - mOe ""]
i hear those things hurt like fuck
[Apr 25,2007 6:56pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
ok, so, two years later, does anyone know what's happening in that picture?
[Apr 25,2007 6:59pm - mOe ""]
anonymous said:mamogram!

[Apr 25,2007 7:03pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

[Apr 25,2007 8:47pm - contagion ""]
[Apr 25,2007 11:19pm - dertoxia ""]
RustedAngel said:post pictures of your rigs and/or other people's rigs.

yeah, I've posted this a million times, but here's my shit to get this started:

woah fuck i have that same binary blanket! You get it at thinkgeek?

[Apr 25,2007 11:22pm - anonymous  ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

[May 8,2018 3:53am - MichaMahon ""]

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