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Hirudinea, Adolf Satan, Northern Liberties, Bugs and Rats, It Will End In Pure Horror Sat. March 25 Obriens Pub

O'Briens Pub (Allston, Ma) - [adolf_satan][bugs_and_rats][hirudinea][it_will_end_in_pure_horror][northern_liberties]
[Mar 25,2006 7:47pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[Mar 25,2006 7:49pm - dreadkill ""]
drugs o'clock is my favorite time of day
[Mar 25,2006 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm here now. the first show ran late so iweiph is all set up now and waiting for something to play. I'm not sure what cause richhorror is pacing.
[Mar 25,2006 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I got here and there weren't any parking spaces so I had to park out in Rapelandia next to the pile of broken glass and the sign reading "if you make it back, your car will be gone." in between bands, for the first tme ever, I moved my car.

It Will End In Pure Horror: as joe said, they lost everyone's attention once they made fun of the model cafe the were pretty tight except for the one mistake. I think the vocals and banter was better at the last show I caught them at. I think it eas cause rich's saliva stayed on the inside of his body drinf this set. the domestic disputes that went down on stage through out the set made most women in the audience have flash backs.
[Mar 26,2006 12:06am - the_reverend ""]
bugs and rats: they played to the largest crowd of the night. I was surprised when I came in from outside and it was hard to get to the front. They played kind of a short set, but after the "spontaneous" drummer falling over and knocking over the drums that happens at the end of each set, they got to play one more song. again, they are totally Bleach style nirvana. Maybe coban would still be alive if he joined bugs and rats instead.
[Mar 26,2006 12:07am - the_reverend ""]
northern liberties: for some reason, it smelled like tacos. I'm going to start a rumor that they are either made of tacos or sweat 100% chilli powder. together, they looked like a before, middle, and after shot for a muscle building gym. they sounded very similar to b&rs, but with some of that arty oxbow stuff mixed in. the standing singer played drums. One mic blew out while they were playing. It could have been the fx pedals that were hooked up to it. NL was also sans guitar player. Not cause they didn't bring him, but because they don't have one. Just bass, drum and one standing drum. I think there was some pedal that was making some electronic noises too.
[Mar 26,2006 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
adolf satan: outside, josh was really fucked up. Thankfully, he did a much better job playing inside than standing outside. Their equipment was all borrowed, I think. The drums were from iweiph and they fell apart during the set. (i told rich that we know know who rocks harder.) I'm not sure what josh was playing through, but it was really clear though not loud enough. josh's fingers were very articulate and precise. I kept watching and they "stuck" each note perfectly. There was even some solos that you heard EVERY note from. that time I saw them with ravage's gear was the best sounding set, giving some of the preciseness up for the raw in you face power that they had through ravage's gear (eli's), but they played probably one of the top tightest sets I've seen from them. I thought they had gotten a new drummer until I saw his face. someone's growing a hippie hair cut, good for you. The bassist seemed a little lost. he broken a string and was constantly watching josh to see what he was doing after the break. He didn't seem to get in to it as much as usual. larry's banter was on par with his best. He freestyled for us when the string was broken and even made a jab at the Model, calling it a fag bar.
[Mar 26,2006 1:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had a great time, I knew the show was like 2 shows in one, but the bands didn't really flow into a progression from rock to metal, but Northern Liberties came pretty far to play and IWEIPH was added sort of last minute. There was also definately a crowd transfer throughout Northern Liberties and Adolf Satan, but nobody played to a small crowd really.
[Mar 26,2006 2:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I unleashed my new distro box tonight and it caused me to sell a couple of cds!
[Mar 26,2006 2:46am - RichHorror ""]
I had a great time. All the bands were awesome. I love silencing a crowd, especially if it's talking about that institution to homosexuality.
[Mar 26,2006 2:50am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading
[Mar 26,2006 4:35am - thatguy ""]
I got there in time for Adolf Satan, and then left. Sorry all the other bands. Adolf Satan played wicked fuckin' heavy. Thanks Nate for getting us in. I had to work in Billerica until 10, so I missed IWEIPH, which wicked pisses me off. There were 10 copies of Ooga Booga- anybody get that? Most valuable cd-r ever. I'm just glad I got all my friends to pose for the picture. Now go smoke something.
[Mar 26,2006 4:37am - thatguy ""]
Who's not fucked up outside?
[Mar 26,2006 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Rich Horror sent all the scenester jocks who lingered from the afternoon show running straight to the model
[Mar 26,2006 10:41am - RichHorror ""]
One of those guys stuck around and told me we sounded JUST like MOD.
[Mar 26,2006 3:25pm - CNV  ""]
Had a blast

Good to finally see Adolf Satan and Hirudinea

By the time Hirudinea went on I was roaring drunk and it is great music to bulldoze shit to

I think I knocked over a pa speaker
[Mar 26,2006 3:27pm - dreadkill ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Rich Horror sent all the scenester jocks who lingered from the afternoon show running straight to the model

[Mar 26,2006 3:49pm - the_reverend ""]
MOD? joes new hair cut or lack ther eoff looks pretty MOD. nice part loser.
[Mar 26,2006 6:14pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wish I hadn't slept most of the night away and caught more of this... HIRUDINEA and the after party ruled though.
[Mar 26,2006 6:15pm - inject-now ""]
awesome fucking time. thanks for the pics aaron. they look great. i was out all night and just woke up. time to get some coffee.
[Mar 26,2006 8:04pm - pam nli  ""]
:( goddammit.

I stayed in and watched movies. Cars should be free.
[Mar 26,2006 8:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Chuck E. Cheese hates you.
[Mar 26,2006 8:07pm - pam nli  ""]
Not as much as I hate Chuck E. Cheese.
[Mar 26,2006 8:28pm - the_reverend ""]
hirudinea: this is the second time I've seen them with mike just singing. It's a little weird, but gets the crowd into the set a lot more. Actually so much so that during the last song, sex & violence, the pa was knocked over.. Twice. At that point, they were given the signal to cut the set, but they were finishing the song by that time any how.
[Mar 26,2006 8:45pm - pam nli  ""]
I didn't know Mike was just singing until I saw the pictures. That's pretty awesome.
[Mar 26,2006 8:50pm - dreadkill ""]
no one, and i repeat, NO ONE hates Chuck E. Cheese as much as I do. i cleaned little kid piss and vomit, i dressed up in a smelly rat suit, and one of my coworkers tried to castrate me with a huge knife.
[Mar 26,2006 8:53pm - inject-now ""]
i like it much better just doing vocals live. i think it improves our sound a lot more.

i just saw a video of our set last night...at one point paul cnv throws about half the crowd across the room. he was #1 rager last night. out of control. awesome time.
[Mar 26,2006 9:09pm - pam ""]
I'm sorry I missed it, Mike. I tried like hell to get there too see you guys.
[Mar 26,2006 9:13pm - pam ""]
[Mar 27,2006 11:24am - Josh_Martin ""]
Thank to all who came out. Great show. Thanks to Rich and IWEIPH for all the equipment use. It seemed like everything we owned fell apart an hour before the show. I knew we shouldn't have practiced before the show, but since we hadn't played together since Dec., it seemed like a good idea at the time.

[Mar 27,2006 12:50pm - RichHorror ""]
No problem. Nate made Matt's drum explode. That was awesome.
[Mar 27,2006 3:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
i was still severly intoxicated from the night before, hence the reason i couldn't make this, suck it.
[Jan 7,2007 4:40pm - anonymous  ""]
Josh_Martin said:[img]

[Jan 7,2007 6:51pm - RichHorror ""]
This was a good time.

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