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Jul 26 (Thu) - Metal Thursday: Mausoleum [PA], Engorge [NJ], Blessed Offal, Untombed - Ralph's Diner (Worcester, MA)

July 26th Metal Thursday CLXXII Mausoleum, Blessed Offal, Engorge , Untombed

Ralph's (Worcester, MA) - [blessed_offal][engorge][mausoleum][randomshots][untombed]
[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jul 26,2012 2:19pm - KEVORD ""]
There will be a lack of sideways hats and mosh shorts but there will probably be a lot of broing down in the pit.
[Jul 26,2012 2:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
I may return to the pit tonight.
[Jul 26,2012 2:45pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i might too...if i find a ride
[Jul 26,2012 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]

AndrewBastard said:i might too...if i find my old GMC Jimmy
[Jul 26,2012 2:51pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Jul 26,2012 2:56pm - NORTHAMPTON SCENE  ""]

KEVORD said:There will be a lack of sideways hats and mosh shorts but there will probably be a lot of Ross and Crazy Dan hugging it out in the pit.
[Jul 26,2012 2:59pm - trioxin245 ""]
I dont actually have anything against that dan kid he just pissed me off that one night.
[Jul 26,2012 2:59pm - MetalThursday ""]

KEVORD said:There will be a lack of sideways hats and mosh shorts but there will probably be a lot of Ross jetskiing in the pit.

[Jul 26,2012 3:00pm - 2002 Kinslayer  ""]
Lose my GMC Jimmy? Next think you'll be telling me I'll be living in Allston taking scenester facespace photos and driving a riced out Ford Probe

[Jul 26,2012 3:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
I dont know why but "NORTHAMPTON SCENE" made me LOL
[Jul 26,2012 3:05pm - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said:It's probably just because it was me but "NORTHAMPTON SCENE" made me LOL
[Jul 26,2012 3:07pm - AndrewBastard ""]
shit was baller

[Jul 26,2012 3:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
I was one of the BOSTON SCENEs a while back
[Jul 26,2012 4:53pm - trioxin245 ""]
on a serious note, this is our first show with Paul from Nachzehrer on geetar.
[Jul 26,2012 4:55pm - chernobyl ""]
no it isn't, he played a show with you guys I forgot which one. He had half a broken hand though.
[Jul 26,2012 8:09pm - FrauleinThursday ""]

MetalThursday said:I blame the Fraulein

I blame your hedonistic lifestyle and lack of nagging. Also, let's blame the sound guy just for the hell of it.
[Jul 26,2012 8:10pm - KEVORD ""]
No one to blame. I spread the word. Shows gonna be killer.
[Jul 26,2012 10:27pm - the_reverend ""]
Show is official
[Jul 26,2012 10:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
new blessed offal sounds good but is missing photoshops
[Jul 26,2012 10:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 26,2012 10:52pm - DYA's stache  ""]
Please take me back from KEVORD.
[Jul 26,2012 11:14pm - 2002 Kinslayer  ""]

AndrewBastard said:shit was baller


Poser vehicle pales in comparison to a GMC Jimmy

[Jul 26,2012 11:23pm - KEVORD ""]

DYA said:Please take me back from KEVORD.
Fight me Pepelis. You won't.
[Jul 27,2012 2:16am - arilliusbm ""]
B.O. had the most people and best reception. If that doesnt say anything then I dunno what does
[Jul 27,2012 2:20am - DukeManjunk ""]
all you fags got manjunk'd tonight.
[Jul 27,2012 2:24am - KEVORD ""]
Lesson learned tonight= even if you tell a broad how she might earn respect in metal she'll still take apart the drums for the band that drew 20 people. Groupie idiots.
[Jul 27,2012 2:25am - donnigan  ""]
how many people were there?
[Jul 27,2012 3:11am - the_reverend ""]
holy cow... I can't keep my eyes open. I probably fucked the pictures all up too.
[Jul 27,2012 3:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This thread got awesome.
[Jul 27,2012 4:53am - trioxin245 ""]

DukeManjunk said:all you fags got manjunk'd tonight.
you are the most useless person/poster ever
[Jul 27,2012 4:55am - trioxin245 ""]

arilliusbm said:B.O. had the most people and best reception. If that doesnt say anything then I dunno what does
from where I was standing we sounded good but several people told me otherwise so now Im not sure
[Jul 27,2012 5:14am - trioxin245 ""]
anyway thanks to everyone who came out and banged their head. We had a great time and I think everyone did. Paul has been doing a great job in BO. Thanks again to Chris F for letting us play this awesome venue.
[Jul 27,2012 7:57am - KEVORD ""]
I just got up two hours late for work. But the show was worth it.
[Jul 27,2012 8:05am - arilliusbm ""]
LOL @ work right now
[Jul 27,2012 8:29am - AndrewBastard ""]
only covering Evil Dead is unexpected.
[Jul 27,2012 8:32am - KEVORD ""]
It's not like I posted a video of them covering it here.
[Jul 27,2012 8:35am - KEVORD ""]
LOL at Pepelis for running out the door when we were looking for a photographer. Hillarie is my new favorite photographer cause she's at least there when you need her.
[Jul 27,2012 8:38am - the_reverend ""]
I get that a lot from a lot of people.
[Jul 27,2012 8:41am - the_reverend ""]
I love getting to be at 4am and getting up for 6:45am every morning.
[Jul 27,2012 8:43am - KEVORD ""]
The locals outshined the touring bands on this one. I thought Engorge was horrible. Mausoleum was great but Blessed Offal and Untombed stole the show.
[Jul 27,2012 9:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wanted to go to this but just couldnt make it happen. glad the show went awesome. fahk.
[Jul 27,2012 11:00am - MetalThursday ""]
Only Sam & Crazy Dan's shared make out partner from 2 years ago showing up was real.
[Jul 27,2012 11:05am - Samantha ""]
Hey, now!
[Jul 27,2012 11:14am - arilliusbm ""]
You're an all star!
[Jul 27,2012 11:18am - KEVORD ""]
Get your game on. Go Play!
[Jul 27,2012 12:21pm - trioxin245 ""]

AndrewBastard said:only covering Evil Dead is unexpected.
its on the 7 inch and he posted the video of them playing it at their last show like 3 times on the fb page for the show
[Jul 27,2012 12:31pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i only added myself to the FB event yesterday right before the show and i wasnt really that familiar with them prior to seeing them last night OKAY? GOD! SORRY! JEEZ.
[Jul 27,2012 12:46pm - 2002 trioxin245  ""]
Hey guys can I bum a cigarette.
[Jul 27,2012 12:52pm - the riversend  ""]
[Jul 27,2012 12:57pm - 2002 Kinslayer  ""]

2002%20trioxin245 said:Hey guys can I bum a cigarette.

Poser begging for a cigarette like mud race scum, steal cigs or gtfo


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