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[Jan 9,2004 3:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I can't pick a single favorite, so i just name afew... The dude from Vader (cant think of his name right now), this guy just sounds bad ass! and of course "corpse grinder". and one of those Kokko brothers from Kalmah can sing some nasty death metal! Word up!:satancross:
[Jan 9,2004 3:24pm - litacore ""]
I don't have a favorite either really. I like Jamie (Brodequin), Rachel (Sinister), and let's see... who else but--

[Jan 9,2004 3:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
erik rutan (hate eternal)
steve tucker (morbid angel)
peter (hypocrisy)
the guy from psycroptic.
[Jan 9,2004 3:25pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
peter from hypocrisy
[Jan 9,2004 3:28pm - litacore ""]
RustedAngel said:erik rutan (hate eternal)
steve tucker (morbid angel)
peter (hypocrisy)
the guy from psycroptic.

Hate Eternal is fuckin' sick.

They were my favorite at the MA Metalfest (along w/Strapping Young Lad)
[Jan 9,2004 3:30pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ugh... anyways... the dude from Iniquity is disgusting, Severe Torture's vocalist also sounds like he is defecating from his mouth... Decrepit Birth's vocalist is also ridiculously low... TYAG has a decent gurgler ;)
[Jan 9,2004 3:40pm - the_reverend ""]
my picks:
cock and ball turture (vomit vocals)
black dahlia murder
[Jan 9,2004 3:45pm - retzam ""]
Mikael Åkerfeldt!!!!

Oh yeah, and...

Bill Steer
Jon Nodtveidt
Angela Gossow
[Jan 9,2004 4:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 9,2004 4:13pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

not getting as low and as clear as the guys i mentioned...
[Jan 9,2004 4:25pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jan 9,2004 4:27pm - swamplorddvm ""]
oops i fucked up:spineyes:
[Jan 9,2004 4:30pm - NooseBomb666 ""]
Doug from BOE!
[Jan 9,2004 4:34pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
Craig Pillard (Incantation, DOM, Womb, Methadrone)
David Vincent (Morbid Angel)
Pete Helmkamp (Order From Chaos, Angel Corpse, Revenge)
Aaron (old My Dying Bride)
Glen Benton (first three Deicide only)
Kam Lee (Massacre)
LG Petrov (Nihilist/Entombed)
Johan Edlund (Treblinka, first Tiamat)
[Jan 9,2004 5:25pm - Enemyofdastate ""]
Josh Pratt - Evilution
Glen Benton - Deicide (Legion album Super Pissed sounding)
FRANK MULLEN - Suffocation
Brett Hoffman - Malevolent Creation ( Retribution )
Sherwood Webber - Skinless ( BEST LIVE VOCALIST - HAS SUPERIOR PRESENCE, Knows how to command the crowd )
Ross Dolan - Immolation ( Dawn of Possession )
[Jan 9,2004 6:14pm - JellyFish ""]
Morbid Angel-Dave Vincent is good. Better in the old days.
Strapping Young Lad- NO one sounds like him.
Nile-all three sound good
Suffocation-Frank sounds good
Corpse Grinder-I think he takes the cake. He rules.
[Jan 9,2004 6:34pm - subjugate ""]
i'm partial to my singer doug(b.o.e) he is really fucking awsome he does all the vocals on the cd himself xcept the intro to one song but other than him i'd say
for just vocals - brett hoffman - X malevolent creation

stage presence - is a tie for me sherwood - skinless or all that remains singer phil those 2 definantly hold a crouds attention real well
[Jan 18,2004 2:31pm - dyingfetus  ""]
What is wrong with you people? No one has picked the best vocalist in death metal, John Gallagher of Dying Fetus.

1. John Gallagher - Dying Fetus
2. Chris Barnes - Cannibal Corpse years
3. Glen Benton - Just listen to the new Vital Remains
4. Sherwood - Skinless
5. Lord Worm - Cryptopsy
[Jan 18,2004 2:45pm - BornSoVile ""]
Lord Worm
Terenece Herreara
Sahsa of CBT
Matt Harvey
Adam Mason
[Jan 18,2004 2:47pm - blue ""]
lord worm
[Jan 18,2004 5:06pm - HiImPaul ""]
I find it funny how no one lists matti way.Even though he basically paved the way for bands like brodequin and decrepit birth . DB rocks but they rip off disgorge way too much. Matti is so much more guttural. And saschas vocals from CBT are produced from a pitch shifter no gore grind counts lol.

three best guttural DM vocalists

1) matti way ( disgorge cali)
2) the guy from (clean flesh / erotic incisions i forgot his name sorry )
3) Ruben rosas ( devourment )
[Jan 18,2004 9:56pm - funeralxthirst  ""]
trevor strnad from the black dahlia murder
[Jan 18,2004 10:08pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
funeralxthirst said:trevor strnad from the black dahlia murder

[Jan 18,2004 11:08pm - blue ""]
i forgot to mention trevor. my bad.
[Jan 19,2004 12:32am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
blue said:i forgot to mention trevor. my bad.

Way to go.
[Jan 19,2004 1:02am - hektik ""]
retzam said:Mikael Åkerfeldt!!!!

[Jan 19,2004 3:49am - anon  ""]
Sven-ABORTED,Leng T'che
Doug-Senseless Mutilation
Danny-Molested Senses
Jeremy-Life at Zero
[Jan 19,2004 4:02am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hektik said:retzam said:Mikael Åkerfeldt!!!!

[Jan 19,2004 8:14am - RustedAngel ""]
i like disgorge, but literally every song sounds EXACTLY the same.
[Jan 19,2004 12:56pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I just trying out this "Quick response" thing. oh and i think it twas Agiel that has this crazy vocalist. but i'm not sure.
[Jan 19,2004 4:01pm - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:hektik said:retzam said:Mikael Åkerfeldt!!!!

[Jan 19,2004 5:20pm - xbastardx  ""]
Gallagher from Dying Fetus... of course!
maybe lord worm too...don't know... or Norah Jones?
[Jan 19,2004 5:40pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jan 19,2004 7:49pm - sarah miles  ""]
[Jan 19,2004 8:00pm - hybrid ""]
doug when he was in tears of avarel... still the best vocals i've heard to date
[Jan 20,2004 7:38pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:[img]

I don't understand this guy. What does he do besides smash watermelons with a giant mallet?
[Jan 20,2004 9:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Run for President, play with words, be funny. Ever watched one of his TV specials? He only smashes stuff for the last 5-10 minutes.
[Jan 20,2004 10:00pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Run for President, play with words, be funny. Ever watched one of his TV specials? He only smashes stuff for the last 5-10 minutes.

Wait, no he didn't run for President did he?? I thought he only ran for governor of CalEEfornia.
[Jan 30,2004 12:16pm - LoremetaL  ""]
Peter Tägtgren !!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 30,2004 12:28pm - davyp ""]
DavyP- ex.RK.... yeah im good
[Jan 30,2004 12:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
HiImPaul said:
2) the guy from (clean flesh / erotic incisions i forgot his name sorry)

His name is Joe Wolfe and he is fucking sick! He is in a new band called NECROTIC DISGORGEMENT with ex-members of REGURGITATION.

[Jan 30,2004 12:57pm - Kalopsia ""]
Chuck Shuldiner (if you don't know what band he's from just kill yourself right now)
Lord Worm (Cryptopsy)
Frank Mullen (Suffocation)
John Gallagher (Dying Fetus)
Peter (Vader)
Nile (All 3 of them)
Mikael Akerfelt (Bloodbath, Opeth)
Glen Benton (Deicide, Vital Remains)
[Jan 30,2004 3:02pm - Abbath ""]
It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that the best death metal voice is Mikael Aferfelt, mikey can do things with his voice that just leaves you scratching your head...
Jonas from Katatonia has some great death metal growls on there earlier stuff too.
[Jan 30,2004 6:16pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Danny from Malignancy. Last Sunday he spit out probably the best scream I've ever heard.
[Jan 30,2004 10:49pm - anonymous  ""]
Incantation's Craig Pillard \m/
[Jul 31,2004 2:03am - anonymous  ""]
Joe Wolfe from Clean Flesh, Erotic incissions and Waynne Knupp Original growler from Devourment
[Jul 31,2004 10:26am - retzam ""]
Worm, Worm, Worm, Mikael Åkerfeldt, Worm, Worm
[Jul 31,2004 12:30pm - mike_fod ""]
Best Death Metal vocalist is John Paoline (Mortal Decay). He's definitely the most original and unique vocalist in DM. He has a variety of different vocal styles all mixed into one. Some others are Ruben Rosas (Devourment), Matti Way (Disgorge era), Antti Boman (Demilich), Jerry Bosco (Dehumanized), the vocals of Virulence on Dormant Strains, Fermento, Afterbirth's vocalist. Joe Wolfe was pretty extreme, but after hearing Cranial Devourment with Uffe (ex-stabwound) his vocals are way more inhuman.
[Jul 31,2004 12:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'll take the liberty to say Pete Helmkamp as well even though it's more black metal.
[Jul 31,2004 3:04pm - dread_104 ""]
Darren Travis of Sadus

the singer of Cattle Decapitaion- i haven't heard too much from them, but live he pulls of some inhuman fucking screams

Craig Nast of Vastion has this incredible hawk scream i've never heard anyone do

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