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good vegetarian recipes

[Dec 21,2009 1:29pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
ten pounds of horomone added beef plus 50 caged chickens with no beaks, fry all of this in the skull of a mastodon using bald eagle fat as a greaser for the pan.

but seriously, I have noticed as I have had to buy my own food, meat has disappeared from my diet...mostly. maybe three times a week now at most, whereas when I lived at home it was every night and maybe for lunch too.
[Dec 21,2009 1:48pm - pam ""]
I made amazing spinach and artichoke dip from my Moosewood book. I can type up the recipe if anyone wants. It uses butter beans instead of cheese and it's so fucking delicious you'll punch a bitch in the mouth.
[Dec 21,2009 1:56pm - blue ""]

the_reverend said:I'm a veggie cause hayden panettiere is.
[Dec 21,2009 2:05pm - deathchick ""]
I have this cookbook and it's great. The recipes are for the most part easy and very tasty. Also, they have short ingredient lists, so you don't have to buy a million things to make one dish.

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