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March 20th Metal show @ the Living Room

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Mar 17,2005 10:04pm - handinjury ""]
[Mar 17,2005 11:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone ?
[Mar 18,2005 4:52pm - pessimist ""]
[Mar 18,2005 9:53pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I'd be there, but i'm on call for work. Fuckin Livingroom shows are always on Sunday.
[Mar 18,2005 11:13pm - ArrowHead ""]
Q: What's the best thing about fucking an 8 year old?

A: Hearing the pelvis crack.

[Mar 18,2005 11:42pm - Soloman ""]
Q: What's better than fucking a 12 year old?

A: Fucking an 8 year old.

Q: Whats better than fucking an 8 year old?

A: Nothing.
[Mar 19,2005 12:06am - Robdeadskin ""]
me and scott will be there
[Mar 19,2005 2:40am - goratory nli  ""]
as well as I
[Mar 19,2005 2:51am - Handinjury Was logged in  ""]
cum one , cum all !!!!!!!
[Mar 19,2005 9:37am - DEATH2ALL ""]
damn it.. i want to go!
[Mar 19,2005 4:05pm - pessimist ""]
we have our cds! come buy them tomorrow night...
[Mar 19,2005 8:31pm - cdan ""]
hell yeah, al gore is comin? we gotta throw some beerz down. \m/
[Mar 19,2005 9:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
omg if al is there i will tottally shit my pants, he is my idol.
[Mar 20,2005 4:36am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will be there.
[Mar 20,2005 10:33am - KeithMutiny ""]
pretty sure im goin to this.
[Mar 20,2005 11:19am - Kinslayer  ""]
Get there early for some fukking THRASH

Betrayal - http://iniquity1348.tripod.com/satanic_curse.mp3
[Mar 20,2005 1:22pm - BornSoVile ""]
shit guy, that Betrayal mp3 is mint! Christraper told me you guys are basically everyone from Basilikk, I knew I'd like this!
[Mar 20,2005 1:27pm - lady_czerach ""]
Landmarks that will be helpful in finding the Living Room:

The Living Room is located behind the Dunkin Donuts. Pull into the Dunkin Donuts parking lot. There is a Burger King adjacent to it. There is a gas station to the right.

Brought to you by Handinjury.
[Mar 20,2005 4:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fo shizzle.
[Mar 20,2005 5:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
my nizzle
[Mar 20,2005 6:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
fuck, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but Darren just called me from the PILLORY space and said their room has been FLOODED and they have CANCELLED. I hate having to break the news on here instead to Brian but I don't have your number bro. Hope this isn't to much of a problem.
[Mar 20,2005 6:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I called Brian and told him.
[Mar 20,2005 6:29pm - handinjury ""]
[Mar 20,2005 6:42pm - lady_czerach ""]
Robdeadskin and I are leaving now. \m/
[Mar 20,2005 6:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will be there right around 8:00.
[Mar 20,2005 6:48pm - blue ""]
hmmmm. this looks tempting.
[Mar 20,2005 7:14pm - blue ""]
ok. im totally going to this guy.
[Mar 20,2005 8:10pm - phobia ""]
i feel bad... i want to go, but i ran out of money completely after riistetyt in philly. and i can barely move.
i know i said i was going to go... but i lied
nevermind... i'll go
[Mar 21,2005 1:04am - lady_czerach ""]
Awesome show. I took a gagillion pictures which I'll post tomorrow.
[Mar 21,2005 12:15pm - killerkadoogan ""]
betrayal is my new favorite band
[Mar 21,2005 12:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
They did kick ass.
[Mar 21,2005 2:11pm - Soloman ""]
Yeah our space got flooded with water which was insane. We arrived at our space at 5:30 yesterday to load up for the show and found various workers in rain boots sucking out water with these large water vacuums. So we had to dry our crap out and move it to a new space all night yesterday instead of playing the show. It fucking sucked.
[Mar 21,2005 3:47pm - cdan ""]
we're really sorry for having to cancel, sounds like it was a sick show. brian, thanks a lot for the opportunity.
[Mar 21,2005 4:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Turnout was lame, but it really was a great show.
[Mar 21,2005 4:24pm - handinjury ""]
cdan said:we're really sorry for having to cancel, sounds like it was a sick show. brian, thanks a lot for the opportunity.

I hope all your equipment didnt get damaged. Maybe we can do it another time.:doublehorns:
[Mar 21,2005 4:26pm - phobia ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Turnout was lame, but it really was a great show.

yeh, but it was at the living room on a sunday night, dont espect the place to sell out.

[Mar 21,2005 4:43pm - cdan ""]
handinjury said:cdan said:we're really sorry for having to cancel, sounds like it was a sick show. brian, thanks a lot for the opportunity.

I hope all your equipment didnt get damaged. Maybe we can do it another time.:doublehorns:

we haven't even turned on some of our shit cause it was so drenched. we'd definitely down for another time
[Mar 21,2005 4:49pm - nate ""]
all I know is the sound guy was retarded by the end of the night. Between and during each band he was going out back to smoke weed and smoked himself stupid. We had someone come up to us that said she had seen us a few times and thought the guy had something against us cause he did such a bad job. Oh well, it was fun anyway, great to finally see Abhorred and to jam with Anoxia again. Betrayal was pretty damned good too, not my thing but great for what they do.
[Mar 21,2005 5:39pm - dread_104 ""]
sorry i missed it. still sick as hell...
[Mar 21,2005 5:54pm - lady_czerach ""]
Abhorred pics:
[Mar 21,2005 5:56pm - lady_czerach ""]
[Mar 21,2005 6:00pm - lady_czerach ""]

(still uploading...)
[Mar 21,2005 6:17pm - handinjury ""]
My overall review:
I would like to thank all the bands that played last night.
Betrayal- For a side project, they sounded pretty cool, old school thrash.Good stuff.
Abhorred- Shit, these guys sound killer w/ josh playing filling up the low end(i like that he use his fingers, w/some slappin)
Anoxia-I think we played pretty good, it was cool to actually get miked out(unlike boston).
Leukorrhea- FUCKING OWNED. I went over to tell the sound guy to turn of the gay vocal effect, he laughed, and said its off. They get a little silly over at the room.

Over all, low turn out (25 paid at the door), thanks to anne,phobia chick, rob, jessica, chris, mike,rick,racheal,dwyer, fish cakes and anyone else i know that came out to the show. (im kinda burnt right now-so my mind is bleh for remembering)

[Mar 21,2005 6:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hey hey... i was there, for christ sake there was like 10 people, you could have at least remembered me, hahaha
[Mar 21,2005 6:40pm - handinjury ""]
KeithMutiny said:hey hey... i was there, for christ sake there was like 10 people, you could have at least remembered me, hahaha

I know, geesh, i even said "hay" to you. Sorry dude. Im a little tired from my weekend o'fun.
[Mar 21,2005 6:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
thats ok, i was only bustin ya balls
[Mar 21,2005 6:52pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wanna know what this is all about!

[Mar 21,2005 6:56pm - handinjury ""]
Its blue, that sexy kubrick dude guy!!!!!
[Mar 21,2005 6:57pm - lady_czerach ""]
Blue shaved his goatee! Haha, I just noticed that.
[Mar 21,2005 6:58pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I know it's Blue, I'm more interested in finding out what that facial expression is supposed to mean haha...

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