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ITT: Everyone point and laugh at "Still Well Angel" pay-to-playing an "audition for Warner Bros. Records"

[Jul 9,2015 8:19am - bundle your home and auto  ""]
"The $75 SWA merch bundle that saves you $7"

merchandise bundled duuuuuuuup
[Jul 9,2015 11:59am - Sacreligion ""]
I'll just leave this here:

[Jul 9,2015 12:03pm - Northern Privilege  ""]
thank fuck we don't live in that shithole of the united states
[Jul 9,2015 12:50pm - hardened arteries  ""]
it is really nice of them to play a benefit for those disabled people! true humility.
[Jul 9,2015 2:14pm - Anon  ""]

xmikex said:Haven't checked this thread in forever since it instantly crashes the Shockwave player on my Chromebook. But finally the Rock HAS COME BACK....

Robb trying to talk shop with King Fowley on FB about the benefits of being an entertainer was classic. The $75 SWA merch bundle that saves you $7 (LOL) blows it out of the fucking water though.

Link to both those pieces of comedy gold?
[Jul 9,2015 2:14pm - Sacreligion ""]



[Jul 9,2015 2:49pm - hardened arteries  ""]
[Jul 9,2015 3:16pm - Wise old man on a hill  ""]
Forced to cancel the tour? WHO SAW THIS COMING?

I guess he didn't listen to his own advice concerning pay-to-play BBQ's
[Jul 9,2015 5:47pm - thread halftime show recap  ""]
They lost their drummer and guitar player. That leaves Robb and the cowboy hat wearing singer. Aren't the singer and the drummer twin brothers that started the band? Will Robb be the only one left? What will happen next in this gripping saga?
[Jul 9,2015 6:14pm - viva la buttrock!  ""]
Still Robb Wells Angel
[Jul 10,2015 1:02am - Sacreligion ""]

thread%20halftime%20show%20recap said:They lost their drummer and guitar player. That leaves Robb and the cowboy hat wearing singer. Aren't the singer and the drummer twin brothers that started the band? Will Robb be the only one left? What will happen next in this gripping saga?

SWA has gone through more members than CSDO.
[Jul 10,2015 12:13pm - Anon  ""]
Side projects bundle duuuuuuppppp
[Jul 10,2015 3:18pm - BEAT IT IN MY HEAD  ""]
Wait, so the drummer they got for their east coast tour wasn't ready for the high pressure world of playing some asshole's BBQ? What a pussy.

Also, I actually bought NO HALO as a joke and their is a song where Cowboy Hat is rapping on it.
[Jul 10,2015 3:19pm - viva la buttrock!  ""]

BEAT%20IT%20IN%20MY%20HEAD said:Wait, so the drummer they got for their east coast tour wasn't ready for the high pressure world of playing some asshole's BBQ? What a pussy.

Also, I actually bought NO HALO as a joke and their is a song where Cowboy Hat is rapping on it.

i've tried so hard to get a physical copy of their cd but they refuse to sell me one haha. faggots.
[Jul 10,2015 3:31pm - BEAT IT IN MY HEAD  ""]
I bought it off Amazon for like $8 bucks and burnt copies for people to laugh at so I could feel better about giving them 8 dollars.
[Jul 10,2015 3:48pm - wat  ""]
where Cowboy Hat is rapping on it.
[Jul 10,2015 5:14pm - Anon  ""]

BEAT%20IT%20IN%20MY%20HEAD said:I bought it off Amazon for like $8 bucks and burnt copies for people to laugh at so I could feel better about giving them 8 dollars.

I'd absolutely fucking love to get a burned copy of this, except I'm worried it'd taint my fucking music collection.
[Jul 10,2015 5:51pm - YOU! WITH THE CD!  ""]
rip that shit and upload it thru an IP masking browser to any and all torrent sites immediately.
[Jul 11,2015 5:16am - Sacreligion ""]
So Robb Wells wants to fuck his stepdaughter even though he's been with his wife for 12 years even though he had that dating profile set up like last year. Wat

[Jul 11,2015 12:12pm - xmikex ""]
"My wife doesn't even like my music."
Call me, Mrs Wells. The nightmare can be over.
[Jul 15,2015 12:54pm - man  ""]
Still the only thread I read here
[Jul 15,2015 3:15pm - fixer upper  ""]

man said:Still the only thread worth reading here
[Jul 15,2015 5:18pm - THE TRVE SWA  ""]
Sean is the new Notshaver

[Jul 16,2015 7:59pm - dummerless ball angels  ""]
so is the Shadows Fall show still on? and has anyone noticed that shitty asian kid band that opened every palladium fag metal/pagan fest is also on the bill? so amazing!

[Jul 17,2015 3:00pm - Raw Balls, Scene Overlord  ""]
Nothing like seeing Rawb Wells holding court to a bunch of morons about how the scene ain't what it used to be when he was sucking dick and paying to play in front of a different set of washed up bands.

Robb Wells
18 hrs · Edited ·
"You know what? There is NO (music) SCENE here in New England. It's every band for themselves and, to be quite honest, nowadays, it's how it has to be.
In the 80's & 90's bands were more communicative with one another. One bad promoter/venue and EVERYONE knew about it. Now, with no "union" AND the abundance of promoters, shits all fucked up!
Nothing for nothing but, for those chasing a record deal... NO BAND is gonna get it for you and they can't go with you.
For the others bands, well, that's just a mess all in itself when everyone hates everyone else simply because the music they play, paths they follow, belief system, etc. It's a "no win" situation trying to please this so called "scene".
Seriously, if your not willing to communicate amongst one another, let these promoters & venues know 'what's up' and how WE want to be shown off, then there's NO HOPE.
Unity amongst bands is where it has to start FIRST. Fuck what genre you play. Fuck what YOU think the scene should be like and FUCK ANYONE who thinks making money off of us is their right.
Take back the scene by re-building it. Evolution= revolution (in this case)."

"Please don't bring up 'pay-to-play' as that subject takes on so many meanings to so many different people."
[Jul 28,2015 12:18pm - Anon  ""]
Robb Wells said:Well, with the 'No Halos' tour all wrapped up, we're taking a long break before these FINAL 3 shows of the year. We've been at it, each other, the road and many other things/obstacles for nearly 2 years straight.

Oh yeah. What an exhausting fucking tour that was, with half of it canceled.

Are we sure Robb isn't a long con, a joke by some scenester?
[Jul 28,2015 1:18pm - Sacreligion ""]
Band still refuses to admit they failed or lost any members. They are a living version of the Steamed Hams sketch.

[Jul 28,2015 3:58pm - Robb's AWOL Left Nut  ""]
Is Robb's house on fire? No, it's just the northern lights.
[Jul 28,2015 4:51pm - Denial  ""]
Which you can easily see through the hole in his mothers roof.
[Jul 28,2015 5:37pm - Robb‘s AWOL Left Nut  ""]
I wonder if the aurora borealis gave him his almost-cancer.
[Jul 28,2015 9:21pm - living the dream  ""]
[Jul 29,2015 11:51am - Robb's AWOL Left Nut  ""]
What? Forcing employees of random food spots to pose with you shows you're in touch with(touching) the common people!
[Jul 30,2015 10:06pm - Longdeadgod_nli  ""]
Clearly they got the vip treatment at the waffle house and had all the other customers cleared out to make room for the swa crew
[Jul 31,2015 8:48am - Robb‘s AWOL Left Nut  ""]
All the other customers were bundled up off camera to make room for Robb's ego.
[Jul 31,2015 5:30pm - xmikex ""]
Robb is looking worse all the time. Maybe his almost cancer has hypothetically spread.
[Aug 5,2015 5:50pm - Wise old man on a hill  ""]
Our boy needs a place to live in Worcester. Who's up to the challenge?
[Aug 11,2015 6:04pm - Anon  ""]
I guess he found someplace new to live, since he's got time to open his cockholster about politics.

I'm still wondering when him and Cowboy Fetus Twin are gonna admit that the band is dead.
[Aug 11,2015 8:40pm - raw balls comedy hour  ""]

Who would come see 4 comedians AND 4 bands share 1 stage for an 18+ event?
[Aug 11,2015 9:08pm - Narcosis ""]

raw%20balls%20comedy%20hour said:SERIOUS QUESTION:

Who would come see 4 comedians AND 4 bands share 1 stage for an 18+ event?

Well, we know who the 4 comedians are. So that bids the question- Who are the 4 bands?
[Aug 11,2015 11:22pm - Anon  ""]
Let's not insult comedians by the comparison. Still Well are the punchline, they're not the comedians.
[Aug 11,2015 11:33pm - Narcosis ""]
fair point.
[Aug 12,2015 3:13pm - Do the Math  ""]
Rahawbb's comedy only works well with groups of 10 people or less. So how would that work if he'll only play shows in 500+ venues?
[Aug 12,2015 3:34pm - Robb‘s Cancerous Nostril  ""]
Well considering only 5 people show up no matter the venue, Raw Balls will be fine.

By the way Robb, you're a creepy piece of shit. Stop staring at jailbait, sicko.
[Aug 12,2015 3:37pm - Anon  ""]
I'm pretty convinced Robb has a serious learning disability.

Doesn't make him not an asshole. Just a disabled asshole.
[Aug 12,2015 4:10pm - Wise old man on a hill  ""]
Almost disabled.
[Aug 12,2015 4:56pm - Robb's AWOL Left Nut  ""]
Disab-undle dupppppp!
[Aug 12,2015 6:44pm - u'er no friend uhmiiiine  ""]
Rawb longing for something he'll never have.

[Aug 12,2015 10:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Found this image of cowboy fetus twin and raw balls looking for new band members:

[Aug 13,2015 3:07am - RobbWellsFBFriend  ""]

Robb‘s%20Cancerous%20Nostril said:By the way Robb, you're a creepy piece of shit. Stop staring at jailbait, sicko.

This is your new feed every morning if you are friends with Robb Wells

[Aug 13,2015 3:09am - RobbWellsFBFriend  ""]

I thought you all might appreciate the irony.

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