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January 7th: Gorgoroth

[Oct 2,2005 8:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
@ club crypt

more tba
[Oct 2,2005 8:55am - wade ""]
that is really good fucking news!
[Oct 2,2005 8:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If I can't make Deceased 18+, I am going to use it's success as an argument to make Gorgoroth 18+, clubs want to make more money and this club isnt going to sell out on 21 and over patrons, so they might as well take money from 18-21 year olds as well, in my opinion.
[Oct 2,2005 8:58am - wade ""]
makes sense to me but then, I'm from maine.
[Oct 2,2005 10:34am - davefromthegrave ""]
well, when i saw this thread title I pretty much got an erection.
[Oct 2,2005 10:35am - davefromthegrave ""]
but, are they going to have severed sheep heads?
[Oct 2,2005 10:55am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Good plan Joe, 18+ or all ages shows are bound to improve attendance.
[Oct 2,2005 11:07am - Kinslayer  ""]
Wait, what? GORGOROTH in the US?

Skepticism sets in...
[Oct 2,2005 11:08am - Aegathis ""]
where is club crypt ?
[Oct 2,2005 12:26pm - dreadkill ""]
that would be awesome. bring gorgoroth here!
[Oct 2,2005 12:44pm - retzam ""]
Kinslayer said:Wait, what? GORGOROTH in the US?

Skepticism sets in...

Yeah, if Frost can't get in because of a barfight, how are Infernus and Gaahl going to get in with rape and torture (respectively) under their belts?
[Oct 2,2005 2:09pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I thought 2 members were in jail?
[Oct 2,2005 2:12pm - retzam ""]
Gaahl may still be in jail, but only with four month sentence, so if so he'll be out really soon. Infernus was found guilty with rape and appealed the sentence but I have no idea how that whole situation is going.
[Oct 2,2005 2:36pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
According to the Gorgoroth site they are touring Europe...
[Oct 2,2005 3:14pm - Worm  ""]
yes were is club crypt?? and when!!
[Oct 2,2005 3:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
355 Ferry St, Everett MA
[Oct 2,2005 3:53pm - Abbath ""]
i'll believe it when i see it
[Oct 2,2005 6:21pm - retzam ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:According to the Gorgoroth site they are touring Europe...

Then I assume Gaahl's out of jail.
[Oct 2,2005 6:35pm - toilet full of barf  ""]
December Wolves needs to play this if it happens...
[Oct 2,2005 7:29pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Horn of Valere would like to play as well..
[Oct 2,2005 7:37pm - MASlayer  ""]
if there's no tour scheduled, I can't imagine it being a cheap venture
[Oct 2,2005 8:09pm - Slasher ""]
Er.....I don't really see this happening, at all..more details needed
[Oct 2,2005 9:46pm - Dissector ""]
This hsow will be big. Are you going to be booking at Club Crypt a lot?
[Oct 2,2005 10:49pm - heavy metal hunter  ""]
there is no way u.s customs will let them over here
[Oct 2,2005 11:13pm - paganmegan ""]
hekseri needs to play with gorgoroth
[Oct 3,2005 12:00am - BestialOnslaught ""]

would be about the best BM show MA has ever seen!
[Oct 3,2005 12:04am - heavy metal hunter  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:GORGOROTH

would be about the best BM show MA has ever seen!

those bands counldn't carry gorgoroth's underpants
[Oct 3,2005 12:05am - ryan from hbbsi  ""]
davefromthegrave said:but, are they going to have severed sheep heads?

im bringing a portable propane grill if there is
[Oct 3,2005 3:40am - Ist Krieg  ""]
Cold Northern Vengeance
Horn Of Valere

Would be the most true bm show ever
[Oct 3,2005 3:41am - Ist Krieg  ""]
real bm bands need real bm bands to back them
[Oct 3,2005 3:47am - Ist Krieg  ""]
add Grand Belial's Key...
[Oct 3,2005 7:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Gorgoroth is going to have support on tour from US bands, who have yet to be named. Kevorkian's Angels is doing the Boston date. As far as what their line up is, the agent never went into details with me. I hope that he gets back to me with the other bands today.
[Oct 3,2005 9:15am - davefromthegrave ""]
ryan from hbbsi said:davefromthegrave said:but, are they going to have severed sheep heads?

im bringing a portable propane grill if there is

I'll bring BBQ sauce
[Oct 3,2005 9:23am - Christraper ""]
Kinslayer said:Horn of Valere would like to play as well..

I couldn't agree with this more.

[Oct 3,2005 10:06am - paganmegan ""]
BestialOnslaught said:GORGOROTH

would be about the best BM show MA has ever seen!

Horn of Valere and CNV would be cool too.
Course, I'm partial to Hekseri >:]
[Oct 3,2005 10:24am - litacore ""]
I'd have to fight Gaahl's amorous advances off with a 2 X 4 tipped w/razor wire
[Oct 3,2005 10:29am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Looks like its Gorgoroth as part of a US tour package, and Kevorkians Angels opening. Local BM is shit out of luck :(
[Oct 3,2005 10:45am - paganmegan ""]
I just wonder how they're going to be allowed into the country with that band's track record. It's very interesting
[Oct 3,2005 10:56am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i love Kevorkian's and all, but what the fuck?

it's not like there's not enough black metal around here to choose from.
[Oct 3,2005 10:59am - Christraper ""]
[Oct 3,2005 11:16am - paganmegan ""]
KillerKadoogan said:i love Kevorkian's and all, but what the fuck?

it's not like there's not enough black metal around here to choose from.

I'd love to have my band play, but if anyone that is among the New England black metallers got to be on this show, I would completely applaud it. Such as HOV, CNV (who NEED to play more shows), martyrvore, witch tomb, december wolves, one master, and a shit load more. I like kevorkian's, but it's gorgoroth, man. Why not put the spotlight on black metal, especially those who don't get to play that many shows? (ahem, CNV)
[Oct 3,2005 11:20am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Oct 3,2005 11:23am - cnv nli  ""]
it is obvious that Kevorkians Angels sucks on Joe's dick and get's put on shows in which they don't belong.
[Oct 3,2005 11:25am - Christraper ""]
Well I think theyre on his label or something.
[Oct 3,2005 11:48am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I agree they are out of place, but it is Joe's show, and he could book Boy George to open for Gorgoroth if he wanted to. It's his money and his call.

Besides, the rest of us could always book some shows too, to get the lineups we'd like.
[Oct 3,2005 12:04pm - litacore ""]
Boy George opening for Gorgoroth

now that'd be a sight to behold! I'd show up early for that action, heh
[Oct 3,2005 12:06pm - SuperFly ""]
you should all fight to the death.
[Oct 3,2005 12:09pm - Kinslayer  ""]
HoV will play for free...

How's that for insentive?
[Oct 3,2005 12:11pm - Christraper ""]
Its true
[Oct 3,2005 12:18pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
cnv nli said:it is obvious that Kevorkians Angels sucks on Joe's dick and get's put on shows in which they don't belong.

I never posted this , it's that cunt Hidden from Honey Pump board.
[Oct 3,2005 12:46pm - paganmegan ""]
"I'd rather be in Norway"
[Oct 3,2005 12:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]
What's the deal with this Goodtimes show?
[Oct 3,2005 12:58pm - BSV  ""]
HOV or CNV would be the essential pick for an opener.
[Oct 3,2005 1:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I vote for PERPETUAL WINTER and ABAROTH as openers.
[Oct 3,2005 1:34pm - Mary ""]
cnv nli said:it is obvious that Kevorkians Angels sucks on Joe's dick and get's put on shows in which they don't belong.

Talk about clueless. :middlefinger:

Reguardless, I think that it should be all BM bands as well.
[Oct 3,2005 1:42pm - duff138  ""]
Kinslayer said:HoV will play for free...

How's that for insentive?

I imagine any bands playing would be playing for free. I saw HOV at the New England Black Metal fest and I'd definitely like to see them on this bill
[Oct 3,2005 1:43pm - Christraper ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:cnv nli said:it is obvious that Kevorkians Angels sucks on Joe's dick and get's put on shows in which they don't belong.

I never posted this , it's that cunt Hidden from Honey Pump board.

[Oct 3,2005 1:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
i'm not trying to shit on anyone when i say this but having ka open up is up there with shroud of bereavement on main support with cryptopsy.
[Oct 3,2005 3:08pm - toilet full of barf  ""]
december wolves was playing black metal before any of these bands even formed. they deserve the opening spot far more.
[Oct 3,2005 3:26pm - paganmegan ""]
I would have nothing negative to say about seeing december wolves open for gorgoroth
[Oct 3,2005 3:59pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm curious to see who the bands playing with Gorgoroth are for the full tour...he said they are 'US bands', so who could it be? Averse Sefira? Kvlt of Azazel? Nachtmystium/Twilight/Xasthur/Leviathan or anyone from that crowd? Or more likely, metalcore and death metal bands?
[Oct 3,2005 4:18pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 3,2005 4:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The tour is not a black metal tour, its going to be Gorgoroth with 2-3 non black metal bands, so adding Kevorkian's Angels to a mixed metal show makes perfect sense to me.

The simple solution would be to not go to this show if you are unhappy with who Gorgoroth plays with. I'm not about to start catering to some elite black metal cause. You people should all dig up my Exhumed thread and tell me it's stupid Grief and Sin of Angels are playing, and that I should get all gore/death metal bands instead.

[Oct 3,2005 5:13pm - Christraper ""]
Joe all you posted was that Gorgoroth were coming to the US to tour with US bands and that Kevorkians Angels were opening the Boston show.
You in no way mentioned that these other bands werent going to be black metal. Hence the whining.
[Oct 3,2005 5:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My mistake, sorry to be so snappy then. I am trying to get Kevorkian's Angels onto a few tour dates actually.
[Oct 3,2005 5:18pm - shrapnel !  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The tour is not a black metal tour, its going to be Gorgoroth with 2-3 non black metal bands, so adding Kevorkian's Angels to a mixed metal show makes perfect sense to me.

The simple solution would be to not go to this show if you are unhappy with who Gorgoroth plays with. I'm not about to start catering to some elite black metal cause. You people should all dig up my Exhumed thread and tell me it's stupid Grief and Sin of Angels are playing, and that I should get all gore/death metal bands instead.

nope but Throwing Shrapnel should be playing that show too !
[Oct 3,2005 5:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
shrapnel ! said:

nope but Throwing Shrapnel should be playing that show too !

shut the fuck up sean.
[Oct 3,2005 5:57pm - shrapnel !  ""]
BornSoVile said:shrapnel ! said:

nope but Throwing Shrapnel should be playing that show too !

shut the fuck up sean.

i was talking about the Exhumed show ass.
[Oct 3,2005 6:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
go call up joe and beg n bitch to him!
[Oct 3,2005 6:03pm - shrapnel !  ""]
BornSoVile said:go call up joe and beg n bitch to him!

naw, Joe made a line up. we'd love to play it, but like a lot of people on this message board he doesn't care for our music.

and i'd never ask to play a black metal show, were not black metal lots of good bands around here who deserve to play it but def not us. were just grind.

[Oct 3,2005 6:06pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
So what are the gayest possible bands Nuclear Blast can put on this tour?
[Oct 3,2005 6:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
i hope they play with gizmachi.
[Oct 3,2005 6:21pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I am in awe that this band is playing Boston.
[Oct 3,2005 6:22pm - retzam ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:So what are the gayest possible bands Nuclear Blast can put on this tour?

Danzig and Six Feet Under.
[Oct 3,2005 9:19pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Yeah, KEVORKIAN'S is not too good a choice at all...
[Oct 3,2005 9:20pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I vote for PERPETUAL WINTER and ABAROTH as openers.

Come on John! With the handful of decent BM bands around here, why would the 2 most generic be the best fit for a show w/legends like GORGOROTH?!?! Ha...
[Oct 3,2005 10:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 3,2005 10:07pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I mean neither is bad but they're both kinda Norse/Swede-BM-by-numbers.
[Oct 3,2005 10:15pm - The voice of reason  ""]
How about u turn this show in to a fest to showcase the bm in the area as well.............
[Oct 3,2005 10:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
How about someone writes an email to this address booking@templeofwatain.com and gets them to headline a bm fest the next day?
[Oct 3,2005 11:33pm - Bradness ""]
I thought it was weird Joe asked us, but really, what the fuck. All you liberal douchebags are supposed to embrace diversity, but in YOUR scene, no, no way.

If we play this show, come on down and give us the finger while we play.
[Oct 3,2005 11:53pm - pace til death  ""]
there is nothing diverse about kevorkian's angels being on every show that is booked by certain parties.
[Oct 4,2005 12:00am - The voice of reason  ""]
Really... It's pretty counter productive being that no one at this show will want to hear Kevorkian's Angels. BM bands for BM bands..
[Oct 4,2005 12:03am - Bradness ""]
pace til death said:there is nothing diverse about kevorkian's angels being on every show that is booked by certain parties.

We're on his label. He's trying to get us on good shows, that's how you get a band to be known, fucking maroon. Big local shows can lead to decent out of state shows.

We didn't play with Sabbat
We're not on the Deceased show in December
We haven't done a NotCommon Obriens show in quite a while

Go fuck yourself not logged in jealous prick
[Oct 4,2005 12:09am - The voice of reason  ""]
Jealous? Haha... Not really, like everyone else I would rather see a bm band on this bill.
[Oct 4,2005 12:15am - RichHorror ""]
This is hysterical. Like I always say/think, people should be out busting ass to get a following so they get asked to play big shows, not begging for a slot on an internet message board when they have no fans.

If you don't like the lineup for a show, get off of your mommy's computer and book a date yourself.

And yes, I know no one knows/likes my band, douchebag.
[Oct 4,2005 12:25am - BornSoVile ""]
Hey, I told Joe to his face two weeks ago I though KA was a bad choice, it was pretty civil how I did it, I think people are civil now too-no need to make a big deal about it. I've seen KA many many times, I don't mind seeing them this time around, it's just that I feel a local BLACK METAL band should be playing with one of the biggest black metal bands ever. It's as simple as that. Regardless, I'll be at the show.
and yeah Dwyer, you could definately pick some other black metal bands from the area, just don't go looking for the reach around giving trying to accomodate younger bands who might be easier to manipulate.
[Oct 4,2005 12:30am - RichHorror ""]
I can dig it. Every NC show I see advertised has a least a somewhat diverse lineup. I just thought it was funny people were shocked that this one was no different.

Also, I have a hetero[?]-mancrush on Mark Kevorkian, and will rush to his defense whenever possible. I am a big gay clown.
[Oct 4,2005 12:32am - Dissector ""]
RichHorror said: I am a big gay clown.

You're not the only one, sister.
[Oct 4,2005 12:38am - Haha  ""]
BornSoVile said:Hey, I told Joe to his face two weeks ago I though KA was a bad choice, it was pretty civil how I did it, I think people are civil now too-no need to make a big deal about it. I've seen KA many many times, I don't mind seeing them this time around, it's just that I feel a local BLACK METAL band should be playing with one of the biggest black metal bands ever. It's as simple as that. Regardless, I'll be at the show.
and yeah Dwyer, you could definately pick some other black metal bands from the area, just don't go looking for the reach around giving trying to accomodate younger bands who might be easier to manipulate.

Dwyer is a shrewd business man. Hahahaha!
[Oct 4,2005 12:39am - Haha  ""]
I heard that The Ducky Boys are opening too...
[Oct 4,2005 12:40am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Idiots running wild.

How the fuck would I benefit one way or the other?!
[Oct 4,2005 12:42am - Haha  ""]
Dwyer is the man!
[Oct 4,2005 12:46am - BornSoVile ""]
You'd probably take 200 of their CDs, promise them money and a bottle of 151, trade all the CDs and give them nothing.
That would be awesome if the Ducks opened, good way to pull in 200 heads.
[Oct 4,2005 12:49am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
So short-sighted.
[Oct 4,2005 12:51am - BornSoVile ""]
Oh and Joe doesn't exactly put all his bands on every single show he books. Excluding two "tour" dates he got for us in Philly and OH, we played a CD release show, the July 4th at O'Briens and the Doom and Grind Fest. 3 SHOWS. That's it. Deceased is the first show in 6 months we've got from him, so I think everyone needs to rethink the whole Not Common Weltmacht theory.
[Oct 4,2005 12:51am - wow  ""]
This thread keeps getting funnier. The Ducky Boys and Gorgoroth and now shady record deals.
[Oct 4,2005 12:55am - BornSoVile ""]
It didn't get funny til Sean Shrapenl told Joe they should play the Exhumed show.
[Oct 4,2005 1:04am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Jay will get his bottle of 151 when he plays a show with TERATISM.

I love how you poke your nose in everyone else's business Josh, you childish cocksuckah.
[Oct 4,2005 1:07am - Mary ""]

[Oct 4,2005 1:17am - heavy metal hunter  ""]
Ist Krieg said:real bm bands need real bm bands to back them

[Oct 4,2005 1:25am - heavy metal hunter  ""]
great raising kubrick and kevorkian angels opening for goregoroth BARF!!
[Oct 4,2005 1:36am - stonedpimp  ""]
kevorkians angels sucks
[Oct 4,2005 1:43am - BornSoVile ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:
I love how you poke your nose in everyone else's business Josh, you childish cocksuckah.

get some new zing lines there John, for the past two weeks it been nothing but cocksuckah and childish/immature/your an idiot those are sooo 3rd grade.
[Oct 4,2005 2:13am - BestialOnslaught ""]
The voice of reason said:Really... It's pretty counter productive being that no one at this show will want to hear Kevorkian's Angels.

I will.
[Oct 4,2005 8:06am - Messerschmitt ""]
yeeha! fuck die cunt die!
[Oct 4,2005 8:19am - SuperFly ""]
this is PATHETIC. maybe KA should paint their faces, then they'll be scary and evil and fit in really swell.
[Oct 4,2005 8:23am - Messerschmitt ""]
maybe people should keep this thread going with why ka souldn't play this show? sounds awesome... gay.
[Oct 4,2005 8:48am - cnv nli  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:The voice of reason said:Really... It's pretty counter productive being that no one at this show will want to hear Kevorkian's Angels.

I will.

still, no one....
[Oct 4,2005 8:49am - voice of sausage  ""]
[Oct 4,2005 9:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh bummer, I am losing the black metal popularity contest.

The Gorgoroth tour is not a black metal tour, chances are the support bands will be either thrash, grind or hardcore because thats what this agent normally does.

[Oct 4,2005 10:37am - Yeti  ""]
Sacreligion will gladly play if you are looking for diversity
[Oct 4,2005 10:49am - Messerschmitt ""]
that was just stupid
[Oct 4,2005 11:56am - MASlayer  ""]
so...aside from all this hyperbole...is there a confirmation of this happening?
[Oct 4,2005 12:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
hahaha all this bickering, and what if they don't even make it into the country?

we will all feel prtty stupid.
[Oct 4,2005 1:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I doubt that I'd have been contacted about it if they werent all set to come here, but then again that happened with that Circle of Dead Children/Kill the Client/Lair of the Minotaur tour...but that was a different agent
[Oct 4,2005 1:29pm - armageddanne too lazy to login  ""]
I really fucking doubt the Gorgoroth are going to be able to cross the border unless they get session musician for a US tour, which in this case wouldnt be Gorgoroth anymore...Marduk cant come, Inepsy cant either, seriously dont dream too much...
[Oct 4,2005 1:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Even if they do come, nobody from this board will go see them because their band isnt playing.
[Oct 4,2005 1:38pm - Christraper ""]
No its because Gorgoroth would be the only band we'd be paying to see.
[Oct 4,2005 1:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Even if they do come, nobody from this board will go see them because their band isnt playing.

I thought I was the only one who noticed that one.

I'll be coming to this if I find out that Gorgoroth has 'Crushing the Scepter' on the setlist. I will sacrifice myself during that song.
[Oct 4,2005 1:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Christraper said:No its because Gorgoroth would be the only band we'd be paying to see.

Then I guess the show will be short the 5-8 people from this board who can only listen to black metal
[Oct 4,2005 1:51pm - Christraper ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Christraper said:No its because Gorgoroth would be the only band we'd be paying to see.

Then I guess the show will be short the 5-8 people from this board who can only listen to black metal

You should know that i dont listen to bm exclusively. and I know that youre smart enough to see both sides of this "diversity over common sense" bullshit that never seems to end.
Im not going because I dont want to sit through a shit load of bands i dont like that COULD HAVE been different just so I can see Gorgoroth. Its a waste of time and money. Sorry dude but its not an ego thing. As much as I wouldve liked to have played this show i wouldve been just as happy to see any other bm band in the area doing the same. And I wouldnt be surprised if people who arent in bands who normally would be going to this show decide not to. I like you Joe but this is stupid.

[Oct 4,2005 1:57pm - eddie ""]
Christraper said:Joe/NotCommon said:Christraper said:No its because Gorgoroth would be the only band we'd be paying to see.

Then I guess the show will be short the 5-8 people from this board who can only listen to black metal

You should know that i dont listen to bm exclusively. and I know that youre smart enough to see both sides of this "diversity over common sense" bullshit that never seems to end.
Im not going because I dont want to sit through a shit load of bands i dont like that COULD HAVE been different just so I can see Gorgoroth. Its a waste of time and money. Sorry dude but its not an ego thing. As much as I wouldve liked to have played this show i wouldve been just as happy to see any other bm band in the area doing the same. And I wouldnt be surprised if people who arent in bands who normally would be going to this show decide not to. I like you Joe but this is stupid.

can't believe this is all over one slot, when there will probably be 4, 5 bands playing.
[Oct 4,2005 1:58pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Oh geez... Anyone who likes GORGOROTH and skips this show for any reason other than being broke or sick should just quit listening to BM now!
[Oct 4,2005 2:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well, I am not booking the tour so whoever the agent decides to send them around with isn't up to your standards then don't blame me. If it was going to be all black metal then Kevorkian's Angels wouldn't be playing. The rest of the spots on this show are going to be filled by someone else. I suppose their thinking would probably be, whoever doesnt go because of the mixed tour line up won't compare to the number of people who do come because it is a mixed line up. Personally I would rather it be a 1-2 band tour package, instead of 3-4. I know I will end up losing money on this show but I want to see Gorgoroth so I am okay with that.

If people won't sit through Kevorkian's Angels and as of yet unnamed bands to see Gorgoroth, but will sit through The Red Chord and Chimaira to see Immortal then I think they are retarded (I dont mean you, I have no idea if you went to that concert).
[Oct 4,2005 2:04pm - Christraper ""]
eddie said:can't believe this is all over one slot, when there will probably be 4, 5 bands playing.

dude he said the other bands playing were all non-bm and no offense to the good guys of kevorkians angels but if them getting booked on this show is any indication of the type of bands thatll be playing that night then im not fucking going.
call me an elitist or whatever but jesus christ you wouldnt expect Wretched Asylum to open for Destruction would you???

[Oct 4,2005 2:06pm - Christraper ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
If people won't sit through Kevorkian's Angels and as of yet unnamed bands to see Gorgoroth, but will sit through The Red Chord and Chimaira to see Immortal then I think they are retarded (I dont mean you, I have no idea if you went to that concert).

No. I didnt. And for the same reason. But I can see your point.

[Oct 4,2005 2:06pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Joe said the booking agent is putting the other bands on the bill, not him, so KEVORKIAN'S is the only slot he's picking...
[Oct 4,2005 2:09pm - Christraper ""]
I can read. Im also allowed to state my opinion on the matter.
[Oct 4,2005 2:10pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
So what would make you think that the other bands would be like KEVORKIAN'S if Joe's not responsible for picking them?
[Oct 4,2005 2:13pm - Christraper ""]
because KA are absolutely nothing like gorgoroth whatsoever. which leads me to believe that nuclear blast threw a shit load a dog crap on the bill with gorgoroth to draw the mall crowd.
[Oct 4,2005 2:18pm - anonymous  ""]
If gorgoroth comes to boston, a bottle of the Old Jack Daniels for them.
[Oct 4,2005 2:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Nuclear Blast isn't involved with the tour line up either, to my knowledge anyways.
[Oct 4,2005 2:31pm - NEHOR  ""]
You are all a bunch of fucking cry babies. Why don't you go home to your mommies and cry on how its so fucked up with who is playing with Gorgoroth. And you sit there and fucking claim how black metal you are. You are all pathetic....
[Oct 4,2005 2:32pm - Anthony nli  ""]
if people dont wanna see the openers, just stand outside and chill until the headliner, or get there late. it's no big deal.

if it's a one time chance to see a legendary band come to the US, then it's probably worth it to pay a door fee really to only see one band. i dont really know gorgoroth, but, for example, if a band I really loved like Psycroptic came over from australia and all the openers sucked, i would still go just for psycroptic.
[Oct 4,2005 2:33pm - Anthony nli  ""]
ps im not saying KA sucks, in case it sounded like that
[Oct 4,2005 2:54pm - SuperFly ""]
this is better than the whiner line on WEEI.
[Oct 4,2005 3:07pm - Christraper ""]
NEHOR said:I love balls.

[Oct 4,2005 3:25pm - Yeti  ""]
i think that paying like 15 bux is well worth it to see Gorgoroth. its like that Mayhem and Exhumed show. one is black one is gore, but who cares? see if emo was booked before Gorgoroth, then i can agree, but if its just a different form of death or black or gore or thrash or doom or grind then its no big deal. i will definitely sit through the openers to see the mighty Gorgoroth. but, since the lead singer was incarcerated, i dont think they will be allowed in the country.
[Oct 4,2005 5:14pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
cnv nli said:BestialOnslaught said:The voice of reason said:Really... It's pretty counter productive being that no one at this show will want to hear Kevorkian's Angels.

I will.

still, no one....

Communist cunt posted this one... I'll be at this show no matter who opens.
[Oct 4,2005 5:25pm - RichHorror ""]
Christraper said:because KA are absolutely nothing like gorgoroth whatsoever. which leads me to believe that nuclear blast threw a shit load a dog crap on the bill with gorgoroth to draw the mall crowd.

Yeah, everytime I go to the mall all i see is these kids with Motorhead shirts listening to 80's crossover bands.
[Oct 4,2005 5:39pm - Bradness ""]
Christraper said:eddie said:can't believe this is all over one slot, when there will probably be 4, 5 bands playing.

dude he said the other bands playing were all non-bm and no offense to the good guys of kevorkians angels but if them getting booked on this show is any indication of the type of bands thatll be playing that night then im not fucking going.
call me an elitist or whatever but jesus christ you wouldnt expect Wretched Asylum to open for Destruction would you???

you call us good guys and then compare us to Wretched Asylum?

Besides us not wearing corpse paint, spiked wristbands and playing the same minor chord over and over again, why won't we fit? It's all variations of metal; most of us admit to liking various forms of metal.
So what's the problem, and i'd like more of an answer than we suck, cuz that's not the issue.

[Oct 4,2005 6:08pm - MASlayer  ""]
*AHEM* Again, is there a confirmation yet? if not how long before it is?
[Oct 4,2005 6:20pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I just want to say, that I don't really give a fuck who else plays this show.
[Oct 4,2005 6:30pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Though I would rather see this show be total Black Metal because it would create a more Satanic atmosphere I am still grateful that Gorgoroth will be playing.
[Oct 4,2005 8:15pm - heavy metal milf hunter  ""]
It would be better if gorgoroth played with a bigger band like morbid angel at the big palladuim stage, fuck that small club bullshit.
[Oct 4,2005 8:17pm - ryan from hbbsi  ""]
it would be better if gorgoroth played in my livingroom
[Oct 4,2005 9:06pm - davefromthegrave ""]
ryan from hbbsi said:it would be better if gorgoroth played in my livingroom

with naked chicks everywhere
[Oct 4,2005 10:52pm - ryan from hbbsi  ""]
and lots of drugs and beer smoking and flowing
[Oct 5,2005 8:57am - Christraper ""]
Bradness said:you call us good guys and then compare us to Wretched Asylum?

Besides us not wearing corpse paint, spiked wristbands and playing the same minor chord over and over again, why won't we fit? It's all variations of metal; most of us admit to liking various forms of metal.
So what's the problem, and i'd like more of an answer than we suck, cuz that's not the issue.

I never said you suck. And i wasnt comparing you to wretched asscum, i just dont think it fits but whatever thats just my opinion. I dont even know why i should have to explain myself. Its not like im the only one who thinks this is wierd. Again its nothing against you guys. I dont know, i think I cared about this more yesterday.

[Oct 5,2005 10:24am - davefromthegrave ""]
ryan from hbbsi said:and lots of drugs and beer smoking and flowing

your mom would be fuckin pissed
[Oct 5,2005 12:42pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'm going to state my opinion and hopefully put things into perspective for those of you that are not in a local black metal band....

A. I'm going to go see Gorgoroth regardless of who opens. I cant tell you how many countless shows I go to where I either hate the opening bands, hate the headliners or am only interested in one band on the bill. As much as it sucks to pay full pirce to only see one band I like, I still go; it just gives me more time to drink before hand at my house and not waste $$ on bar priced beers...

B. I'll try to rationalize where us local BM'ers are coming from: I know the Kevorkians Angels guys are big into bands like the Ramones, DK etc...I am too, believe it or not AND I'm into/play in a black metal band!!!! WOAH!! Imagine that...so dig this: Let's say that Horn of Valere or CNV or any other local BM act were opening the upcoming Jello Biafra / Melvins show....wouldn't those of you into those bands/going to that show find that a little odd? Regardless of the fact that I'm sure there is a person or two going to this show that are into a little BM and regardless of the fact that me, as a 'BMer' dig some Jello Biafra/Melvins material, I think the MAJORITY of the fans at this show would be thinking 'what the fuck is this!?"...and those of you that are huge fans of those 2 bands and play a music somewhat similar/influenced by those bands might be a little put off by the fact that a non-appreciateive BM band is opening for them...You can say you wouldn't be because you support diversity at a show, but deep down, you know you'd be lying to yourself....

That's all I have to say on this subject. Not trying to start shit considering this show isn't even 100% confirmed and the fact that even when(if) it is, there is 0% of my band or any other local BM band I'd like to see opening. Mark you and I get along, Brad you and I do as well. This is not a knock on Kevs Angels or Joe Not Common as I completely understand the situation. I just want you all to understand why us local BM bands who may worship and are very influenced by a band like Gorgoroth are a little bummed that there's not chance we'd ever get to share a stage with them.

*insert violins here*

(I've also been informed that Kult ov Azazel may be added to this touring bill...how's that for diversity???...oh wait...)

[Oct 5,2005 12:44pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'll be back in a while to respond to the inevitable flame war I probably just inadvertently started after I return from buying a new Sega controller from EB games... (I smashed mine against the wall last night really pissed off at Altered Beast and it no longer works :( )
[Oct 5,2005 12:50pm - paganmegan ""]
kinslayer wins best post award in my opinion. Thank you for articulating that so well
[Oct 5,2005 12:52pm - Christraper ""]
[Oct 5,2005 1:11pm - arillius ""]
haha Altered Beast. What an awesome game.
[Oct 5,2005 3:21pm - SuperFly ""]
Joe, when Duran Duran come to town can you PLEASE put one of my bands on the bill. PLEEEEEEEASE!!!
[Oct 5,2005 3:23pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Joe should put Picnic of Love on the Gorgoroth show just to piss everyone off.

[Oct 5,2005 4:18pm - shrapnel !  ""]
BornSoVile said:It didn't get funny til Sean Shrapenl told Joe they should play the Exhumed show.

funny how you're asking to play our shows but taking shots at me.
[Oct 5,2005 4:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
shrapnel ! said:BornSoVile said:It didn't get funny til Sean Shrapenl told Joe they should play the Exhumed show.

funny how you're asking to play our shows but taking shots at me.

You earned it!
[Oct 5,2005 5:09pm - Bradness ""]
Josh_Martin said:Joe should put Picnic of Love on the Gorgoroth show just to piss everyone off.

[Oct 5,2005 7:02pm - Mary ""]
this is Brad
well articulated Andrew, i understand your point. I also got everyone else's point. Maybe it's the BM way to just want to play with black metal bands, but IMO one of the best shows around here in years was the Watchmaker/Hirudinea/HOV/Abhorred show at the Paridise, a rather diverse line up.
Whatever happens i'm sure i'll see you guys at this show wether we're playing or not.
[Oct 6,2005 1:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
shrapnel ! said:Joe/NotCommon said:The tour is not a black metal tour, its going to be Gorgoroth with 2-3 non black metal bands, so adding Kevorkian's Angels to a mixed metal show makes perfect sense to me.

The simple solution would be to not go to this show if you are unhappy with who Gorgoroth plays with. I'm not about to start catering to some elite black metal cause. You people should all dig up my Exhumed thread and tell me it's stupid Grief and Sin of Angels are playing, and that I should get all gore/death metal bands instead.

nope but Throwing Shrapnel should be playing that show too !

[Oct 6,2005 1:57pm - SickSickSicks ""]
gorgoroth in boston would be incredible but can they really all be out of jail still/already?
[Oct 6,2005 5:38pm - anonymous  ""]
I turn 18 on the 5th, it would be great to see Gorgoroth, ooo man. Where's this club?
[Oct 6,2005 5:39pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I do not think this show will happen
[Oct 6,2005 9:24pm - back ass licker  ""]
[Oct 6,2005 9:36pm - davefromthegrave ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:I do not think this show will happen

[Oct 6,2005 9:40pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
davefromthegrave said:coldnorthernvengeance said:I do not think this show will happen


Glad I could be of assistance.
[Oct 10,2005 11:32pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Jay will get his bottle of 151 when he plays a show with TERATISM.

I love how you poke your nose in everyone else's business Josh, you childish cocksuckah.

HAHAHA! That wasn't deal ya son of a bitch! Alright if your gonna switch it up, I get a bottle of 151 & a case of (ice cold) Corona's, BEFORE my first show with TERATISM. And god damnit John, I'm gonna need ya to pop the caps off those puppies, throw a lime in em & bring em over to me whenever I need another!!

My business IS everyones business. :doublehorns::whipper:
[Oct 10,2005 11:34pm - shrapnel !  ""]
so it is written, so it shall be done
[Oct 11,2005 12:00am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I think we should end my 1st TERATISM show with the 151 shots & a 1 time viewing of J.Dwyer VS Niagra falls, for all attending! Who wants to book this?
[Oct 11,2005 12:24am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have an open slot for TERATISM on either October 28th or 29th in Newport at Area Venue, which night?

Waiting for an answer soon!
[Oct 11,2005 12:25am - shrapnel !  ""]
do the 28th, it's my birthday and oh yeah we dont have a show on that night Ha
[Oct 11,2005 12:28am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I doubt it will be this month John. Probably December.
[Oct 11,2005 12:30am - DEATH2ALL ""]
We got a lot of work to do and we can only practice once or twice a week. I bet throwing Shrapnel can play it though!
[Oct 11,2005 3:05am - BornSoVile ""]
May the deal state that J.Dwyer VS Niagra Falls be viewed on every big screen TV throughout the bar.
[Oct 11,2005 3:07am - shrapnel !  ""]
DEATH2ALL said:We got a lot of work to do and we can only practice once or twice a week. I bet throwing Shrapnel can play it though!

shrapnel ! said:do the 28th, it's my birthday and oh yeah we dont have a show on that night Ha
[Oct 11,2005 5:32am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I can guarantee that I will never book TS on a show.
[Oct 11,2005 5:33am - shrapnel !  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I can guarantee that I will never book TS on a show.

so would you guarantee never to come to one either
[Oct 11,2005 5:39am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I can hope and dream.
[Oct 11,2005 7:52am - DEATH2ALL ""]
BornSoVile said:May the deal state that J.Dwyer VS Niagra Falls be viewed on every big screen TV throughout the bar.

It may. John just has to agree to it:doublehorns:
[Oct 11,2005 8:25am - Kinslayer  ""]
Fuck, if it was more like Nov 28th, Betrayal would be interested in playing at Area Venue...
We haven't practiced in so long though, Oct 28th might be pushing it...
[Oct 11,2005 8:33am - Christraper ""]
oct 28th is the party dumbass
[Oct 11,2005 11:39am - malettey ""]

[Oct 11,2005 1:12pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Christraper said:oct 28th is the party dumbass

Everybody is having a party on the 28th.
[Oct 11,2005 2:28pm - Christraper ""]
DEATH2ALL said:Christraper said:oct 28th is the party dumbass

Everybody is having a party on the 28th.

[Oct 11,2005 2:44pm - Weird mother fucker  ""]
[Oct 11,2005 5:28pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Christraper said:DEATH2ALL said:Christraper said:oct 28th is the party dumbass

Everybody is having a party on the 28th.


Maybe if a band was playing it.
[Oct 11,2005 8:05pm - ROBTERATISM  ""]
[Oct 11,2005 8:16pm - anonymous  ""]
DEATH2ALL said:Christraper said:DEATH2ALL said:Christraper said:oct 28th is the party dumbass

Everybody is having a party on the 28th.


Maybe if a band was playing it.

shrapnel ! said:DEATH2ALL said:We got a lot of work to do and we can only practice once or twice a week. I bet throwing Shrapnel can play it though!

shrapnel ! said:do the 28th, it's my birthday and oh yeah we dont have a show on that night Ha

[Oct 11,2005 10:39pm - DEATH2ALL ""]

I'm going to another party that night. Maybe we'll go to both. we'll figure it out.

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