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DIECAST, Manifest, Hell Within(formerly Twytch) and Cheech. Friday August 27th...

Club Fuel (Lowell, Ma) - [cheech][diecast][hell_within][manifest][randomshots]
[Jul 28,2004 2:53pm - rythmicillusion ""]
The show is at Club Fuel in downtown Lowell MA, 105 Market Street. (978)458-1288 for directions or club info. 19+, $10, doors at 8PM. This will be Diecast's first show in a bit, Manifest's first show in 8 months (!!!), and Hell Within's second show under their new name. Congrats to those guys, they recently scored a deal with Life Force records!!!


[Jul 28,2004 3:04pm - Jellyfish ""]
whats the purpose of 19+
[Jul 28,2004 3:30pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
"no high school drama"
[Jul 28,2004 3:57pm - honor4death ""]
i certainly will not be at this show.....
[Jul 28,2004 4:00pm - tbone_r ""]
if i had never heard 2 of diecasts newest songs i would have gone just to see them
[Jul 28,2004 4:20pm - nick ""]
wow i wouldnt want to miss 'hell within's' second show with thier new name.
[Jul 28,2004 7:26pm - dreadkill ""]
i wouldn't want to miss this poserfest. are adema and devildriver going to be there too? i sure hope so
[Jul 28,2004 7:48pm - hey  ""]
tywtch is a metal/hardcore band? i was always under the impression they were numetal/rapmetal. was i wrong in this assumption?

Diecast's first ep was awesome.
[Jul 29,2004 1:59am - Jellyfish ""]
diecast is cool, but the rest are horrible.
[Jul 29,2004 9:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Do those bands have any fans who are out of high school?
[Jul 29,2004 10:05am - dreadkill ""]
you aren't wrong. twytch was nu-metal, but now that the trend is almost dead and metalcore and real metal are taking some of the spotlight, they jumped onto the bandwagon. be prepared for a lot of nu metal bands to do the same thing. i call it "the devildriver effect." hopefully people will see past it and know who the fakes are. unfortunately, the idiots who make up the majority of the music consuming public will probably attach themselves to the poser bands.
[Jul 29,2004 6:22pm - hey  ""]
yeah! i knew i wasnt wrong. i just read on lambgoat that they just got signed to lifeforce. pretty good label if you ask me. where can i hear thier stuff under "twytch"? does anyone know?

"the devildriver effect" is an excellent phrase.

i think i heard that twytch has ex members in some other band that i was recommended. anyone know the name? i meant to check them out but i cant remember what thier name was.
[Jul 29,2004 6:52pm - anonymous  ""]
diecast is terrible!
[Jul 30,2004 11:55am - hey  ""]
hey said: i think i heard that twytch has ex members in some other band that i was recommended. anyone know the name? i meant to check them out but i cant remember what thier name was.


[Aug 11,2004 1:13am - wrong  ""]
cheech rules
[Aug 27,2004 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to this tonight.
I'll be signing along to diecast.
it's going to be interesting to see hell with in.
and cheech is cool.
[Aug 27,2004 9:33am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I'll be signing along to diecast.

yeah you'll probably be signing autographs you rockstar you!

[Aug 27,2004 9:33am - the_reverend ""]
singing I mean.
[Aug 27,2004 9:34am - succubus ""]
signing would have been cooler
[Aug 27,2004 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 27,2004 9:48am - succubus ""]
now if that were true...why would i be with you?
[Aug 27,2004 9:49am - RustedAngel ""]
sing along to songs KEN SUSI wrote! (disrepair)
[Aug 27,2004 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
you would be with me cause my skin is white und die Augen sind blau.
[Aug 27,2004 6:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to b&n to read before this.
see anyone there.
[Aug 28,2004 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
picked up boston beatdown at bullmoose.
oh, I'm back.
pictures soon.
[Aug 28,2004 1:55am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, pictures are uploading now
[Aug 28,2004 2:45am - the_reverend ""]
cheech: cheech brings me back to the hardcore from the late 80's. drinking beer and having fun, that's what it's like. they remind me a lot of sheer terror or slapshot. it's hilarious watching the drunken fans hitting their heads against things.

hell within: (formally the band twytch if you haven't heard that enough). of course everything was still labeled "twytch", but how did they sound? the sound was exactly the same... well, i think the drums here bumped up and more double bass... that was at least for the first few songs. that mix of hardcore and nu-metal... nu-hardcore? then, right before the 1/2 way mark in the set list, metal riffs and some melodic metal parts came out, but the singing was still the same. they were definitly easing the people into new stuff cause the next song dropped further and was completely a "lifeforce" sounding track, sounding completely melodic. A few songs after that they went the same way... then old ones, the trauma concept singer made a cameo. they cut a song and went straight into a slayer cover.

manifest: or "manfest" as the singer said... ahaha... the first 2 songs weren't bad... short, hard, faste. after that though, they went into the toolesque, groove-centred hardcore that I'm just not down with. I think the crowd definitly liked the songs that I didn't and they didn't like the songs that I thught were decent. At one point, there was even a melodic part! it was in one of their newer songs. Something that I find with a lot of shows here is that 95% of the people that come are coming for a "local hero" band and they leave before the headliner. they mentioned the ATR/BOE show coming up in Oct at that some club.. I think BOE should play RIGHT before manifest so they get a larger crowd.

at this point, I wanted around the town and saw hookers pissing in an alley and then I pissed in a puke covered bathroom... mmm.. corn...

diecast: breeding ground was in full effect on this one. at one point, I got way too up close and personal and one of the guitarist caught my 12-24 lens with his guitar head.. oopies.. that'll teach me. their new songs sound good, though nothing has stuck in my head yet. they played all their songs and then got begged back on stage to play another track.. it was a new one from the new sampler.
[Aug 28,2004 4:49am - doomsayer  ""]
THe reverend is gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 28,2004 6:55am - the_reverend ""]
I'm not going by tha reverend thank you very much.
[Aug 28,2004 11:58am - moran ""]
You should
[Aug 28,2004 2:12pm - anonymous  ""]
I personally thought Cheech was fun, but nothing special at all. Hell Within played a pretty good set, but the energy level was lacking a little bit. A good portion of the fans were their to see Manifest and they gave the fans exactly what they wanted. They played with a lot of energy and tore things up. Diecast was nothing short of amazing. Their new stuff sounded real good and they had a lot of energy. The new stuff is cool, but like the rev said nothing really sticks in my head. (Except maybe the part in Fire Damage when he actually says the words Fire Damage) hahaha... All in all I thought it was a pretty good show with a real good crowd...
[Aug 28,2004 3:27pm - rythmicillusion ""]
Thanks for taking pictures Rev, they look killer as usual.

I thought the show went pretty well last night...everyone was having a good time, some good pits, no real trouble at all. And after all these years of listening to them, i got to see Diecast live and meet all the guys. They are some cool cats, and their set was rediculous.

I'm kinda(really) partial, but I thought Manifest did a good job at their first show back after a 9 month hiatus. Lots of the locals did come out to support them, but i saw lots of new faces enjoying them, which is always cool.

At the end of the show, their was this fat chick outside the club sitting in a chair, passed out. She fell over onto the ground and her bladder released, soaking her pants. Gotta love Lowell

Thanks to all that came out, it was a really good time!
[Aug 28,2004 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I basically agree with anonymous and rythmicillusion there.
except the fact that the show went awesome.

good times, no fights.
[Aug 29,2004 3:23am - Danifest  ""]
Thanks for coming down and taking pics, Rev.
[Aug 29,2004 6:06pm - uracokhed  ""]
why does joenotcommon want my balls so much???
[Aug 29,2004 11:31pm - Penis Wrinkle  ""]
A good portion of the fans were their to see Manifest and they gave the fans exactly what they wanted......umm ya are you IN maninfest?
[Aug 30,2004 12:07am - anonymous  ""]
No, I booked the show... and I saw Manifest own that crowd
[Aug 30,2004 2:33am - Danifest  ""]
heh heh heh...
[Aug 30,2004 8:11am - the_reverend ""]
I was there and the crowd did go crazy for manifest.
[Aug 31,2004 12:39am - anonymous  ""]
CHEECH kicks ass...at a metal show they still tore it up. they get a better response in a more Hardcore audience, but they play fast and heavy and have a lot of fun...sucks the crowd was too serious to join in on the party!!!
[Aug 31,2004 11:43pm - Hate  ""]
Hell within fucking owned.
[Sep 1,2004 12:26am - dreadkill ""]
Hate said:Hell within fucking owned.

you are definitely someone from that band. what random person would come in and post that anonymously?
[Sep 1,2004 8:32am - the_reverend ""]
a friend?
[Sep 1,2004 12:47pm - Matt HewllWithin  ""]
Dreadkill...this is Matt singer of Hell Within. I think your comments hold no merit. Where the fuck do you get nu-metal? We play songs at fucking 220! That's nu-metal? Go to hellwithin.com. Download "swallow the stitches". I am absolutly calling you out. You clearly have something against us and that's fine. Our new record will be amazing. You clearly have no concept of music. If guitar harmonies everywhere, fast double bass, shred solos and screaming is nu-metal than I am lost. You are calling out our crediblity and to that I take extreme offense. I have thick skin, but your comments are complete bullshit. Who has a record deal? What the fuck have you done? I can't wait until you hear this album, my friend. You say general comments but do not have one specific thing to say. Until you have a viable argument your opinion means nothing.
[Sep 1,2004 12:52pm - Frankie  ""]
dreadkill said:you aren't wrong. twytch was nu-metal, but now that the trend is almost dead and metalcore and real metal are taking some of the spotlight, they jumped onto the bandwagon. be prepared for a lot of nu metal bands to do the same thing. i call it "the devildriver effect." hopefully people will see past it and know who the fakes are. unfortunately, the idiots who make up the majority of the music consuming public will probably attach themselves to the poser bands.

That is outright bullshit. You are calling us posers? You are fucking idoit. Show up at the next show....please. I'd love to meet you.
[Sep 1,2004 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]

there's the mp3, I'm listening to it now. not that you asked me too, but on this mp3, the clean vocals sound more like metal vocals (slightly flanged). the other vocals sound more like beyond the embrace. some of the guitars still sound new metally, like the break down in the first 1/3.
I think the clean vocals sound very nu-metal live, jmho.
I can only go on what I heard live... your old stuff (of which you played) was very nu-metal too. again, jmho. I went to look for my review of the show that I saw you as under the name twytch, but I guess I didn't write a review back then.
[Sep 1,2004 1:25pm - Matt HellWithin  ""]
I'd say the heavy vox are pretty fucking brutal. The clean vocals are pretty fucking good. What your hearing is someone who can actually sing.
[Sep 1,2004 1:33pm - assuck ""]
in all seriousness, i found the twytch cd IN THE TRASH AT A CAR WASH, so i took it home and listened to it. it was terrible.
[Sep 1,2004 1:34pm - assuck ""]
and manifest are a bunch of egotistical cock sucking metalcore playing fuckwads.
[Sep 1,2004 1:39pm - Wasted Youth  ""]
They could fing you in a trash can. Death metal fag. You got no right to core. Go play dungeons and dragons you fucking pussy. Come to Lowell and fucking get killed.

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