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Now Find a show to go to!

Apr 11 (Sat) - Dreaded Silence, Withered Sun, Divinity Destroyed (NY), +1TBA - Club Oasis, Worcester MA +


[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Feb 19,2009 5:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


[Feb 19,2009 5:45pm - MetalThursday ""]
Fuck yes! Although I'm pissed that you beat me to booking DS's return gig.... WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
[Feb 19,2009 5:49pm - Aegathis ""]
where is club oasis?
[Feb 19,2009 5:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
same building as the old Espresso bar
[Feb 19,2009 5:50pm - RustyPS ""]
nowhere...it's an oasis....DUH
[Feb 19,2009 5:54pm - reimroc ""]
awww whoop there it is
[Feb 19,2009 6:11pm - Aegathis ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:same building as the old Espresso bar

Really,ya i heard something about there being one old Espresso building left standing somewhere around here, I just don't remember what town it was in.>:]
[Feb 19,2009 6:39pm - thedeathdealer ""]
Fuckin A! cant wait
[Feb 19,2009 7:19pm - archaeon ""]
I'll probably go to this shit.

mostly for niggergenic
[Feb 19,2009 8:03pm - Beorht-Dana ""]

MetalThursday said:Fuck yes! Although I'm pissed that you beat me to booking DS's return gig.... WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

We can't wait to get on a Metal Thursday again. We would have jumped on one by now but we wanted to make sure we were totally ready to play again. With that said, Dreaded Silence is going to be better than ever.
[Feb 19,2009 8:21pm - dreadkill ""]
This is going to be a fun show. can't wait to play with jon and chris from withered sun and see their new lineup. divinity destroyed is a cool band and i've been wanting to check them out on one of their trips up here, and anthony and the pathogenic dudes are always a good time.
[Feb 19,2009 8:22pm - dreadkill ""]
tom, thanks for booking this.
[Feb 19,2009 8:24pm - dreadkill ""]

MetalThursday said:Fuck yes! Although I'm pissed that you beat me to booking DS's return gig.... WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

we were hoping to play the march 5th edition of metal thursday but i couldn't get all the guys in the band to commit in time to ask you about it, plus we need more practice. we're looking forward to returning to metal thursday soon.
[Feb 19,2009 9:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:tom, thanks for booking this.

right on man should be a badasss show
[Feb 20,2009 2:07am - Jesus H. Chris  ""]

Beorht-Dana said:
With that said, Dreaded Silence is going to be better than ever.

Um...that hurts. :bartmoon:

So I guess ya'll won't be coming to my show then, eh?
[Feb 20,2009 7:40am - Yeti ""]
Divinity Destroyed is pretty damn good.
[Feb 20,2009 7:47am - MetalThursday ""]

dreadkill said:
MetalThursday said:Fuck yes! Although I'm pissed that you beat me to booking DS's return gig.... WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

we were hoping to play the march 5th edition of metal thursday but i couldn't get all the guys in the band to commit in time to ask you about it, plus we need more practice. we're looking forward to returning to metal thursday soon.

I'll throw some dates at you guys soon, we'll work something out...
[Feb 20,2009 9:01am - dreadkill ""]

Jesus%20H.%20Chris said:
Beorht-Dana said:
With that said, Dreaded Silence is going to be better than ever.

Um...that hurts. :bartmoon:

So I guess ya'll won't be coming to my show then, eh?

i was told you guys were playing during the day, so my plan was to go see you play before heading to worcester. i don't want to miss your first show.
[Feb 20,2009 10:18am - Jesus H. Chris  ""]
I was just joking around, dude. I just found out last night that we're not playing the show. There's a little friction between us and one of the other bands.
[Feb 20,2009 10:33am - dreadkill ""]
you haven't played a show yet and there's already friction? that sucks. do you guys have anything else lined up?
[Feb 20,2009 10:39am - ouchdrummer ""]
nice, pathogenic back in action. That's good god damn news.
[Feb 20,2009 11:18am - Jesus H. Chris  ""]
No friction within the band, there's been a disagreement with the band we share a room with, who also happens to be playing the same show. They've moved out of the practice space and we're pulling out of the show.

Nothing else lined up yet.
[Feb 20,2009 11:29am - the_reverend ""]
I thought this thread was a question and the answer was "bands that all have the same drummer"
[Feb 20,2009 12:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
eh worked for the last show
[Feb 20,2009 12:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Feb 20,2009 12:31pm - FuckIsMySignature]
eh worked for the last show

I only played for 2 of the bands...
[Feb 20,2009 12:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only 2 bands on this show have the same drummer too. aaron is just being difficult
[Feb 20,2009 12:52pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well if you go by mr horrors' rules, you shouldn't have bands that share any of the same members, because it will hurt draw.... but i think it makes it a little easier, as far as space for equipment and such.
[Feb 20,2009 1:43pm - pam ""]
Sweet! This will be fun.
[Feb 20,2009 1:53pm - sinislazy  ""]
What bands share a member?
[Feb 20,2009 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 20,2009 1:59pm - dreadkill ""]
anthony has been out of our band for over a year. as far as i know, none of the bands share a drummer, unless anthony or chris helme have decided to commute to NY to play with divinity destroyed.
[Feb 20,2009 1:59pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 20,2009 2:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]
NO you won't
[Feb 20,2009 2:02pm - dreadkill ""]
was that shut up faggot directed at me or aaron or both of us since we're boyfriends?
[Feb 20,2009 2:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I think it was me for speaking of his holy word.
[Feb 20,2009 2:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Faggots, all of you.
[Feb 20,2009 2:07pm - thedeathdealer ""]
Hey Tom, Divinity Destroyed is from New Jersey, not NY.
[Feb 20,2009 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
remember when richard was in composted and got diabeetus from fucking cakes?
[Feb 20,2009 2:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Me? a fag? it's more likely than you think.
[Feb 20,2009 2:08pm - RichHorror ""]
I lied. About everything that has ever happened.
[Feb 20,2009 2:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
me too, i love you.
[Feb 20,2009 2:11pm - dreadkill ""]
i thought Divinity Destroyed were from NJ too, then saw NY and figured they moved over the border.
[Feb 20,2009 2:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

thedeathdealer said:Hey Tom, Divinity Destroyed is from New Jersey, not NY.

shit. well tell them to be from New York instead.
[Feb 20,2009 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
arm pit to the anus.
[Feb 20,2009 3:05pm - RichHorror ""]
more like n00bismysignature AMIRITE
[Feb 20,2009 3:06pm - sever ""]
[Feb 20,2009 3:28pm - Yeti ""]

the_reverend said:remember when richard was in composted and got diabeetus from fucking cakes?

i made the horrible mistake of shaking his hand after that. a layer of skin peeled off.
[Feb 20,2009 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
it was a RichHorrible mistake.
[Feb 20,2009 4:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RichHorror said:more like n00bismysignature AMIRITE

i like b00bismysignature better
[Feb 20,2009 4:03pm - sever ""]
copulation is my handwritten name.

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