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WATCHMAKER (possibly last performance ever, featuring JOHN GILLIS of ANAL CUNT on drums)?

[Jan 19,2006 1:37pm - brian_dc ""]
Watchmaker is playing a show with John Gillis from Anal Cunt on drums...it is not there last show ever.

commence shitstorm

-this thread
[Jan 19,2006 1:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Anthony nli said:Anyone who doesn't see that the saw and gauntlets and looking like a rabid viking is awesome, really doesn't get metal.

That pretty much sums it all up.

Death to Fugazi fans!
[Jan 19,2006 1:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The saw and gauntlets have nothing to do with Vikings, but they are awesome nonetheless. They have nothing to do with any gimmicks, Watchmaker is not known around the world for any of that.
[Jan 19,2006 1:40pm - watchmaker666 ""]
hey I like fugazi!
[Jan 19,2006 1:41pm - brian_dc ""]
gotta love irony.
[Jan 19,2006 1:42pm - watchmaker666 ""]
brian_dc said:gotta love irony.

so true brotha
[Jan 19,2006 1:44pm - Josh_Martin ""]
mOe nli said:i'm sorry if i like my music gimmck free, its just the post/punk rock in me

Dumbest thing said since the I Have a Dream speech.

Yeah, what a gimmick. They are totally using that to make it big.
Something you wouldn't even know about if you've never seen them live. Yeah, they're right up there with Kiss and Alice Cooper. They totally market themselves as "That band with the singer who wears a gauntlet and uses a sawblade mic stand". Gimick city there.

I think Moe is just being stupid on purpose to get a rise out of people.

[Jan 19,2006 1:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Apathy is a gimmick
[Jan 19,2006 1:48pm - mOe nli  ""]
Josh_Martin said:mOe nli said:i'm sorry if i like my music gimmck free, its just the post/punk rock in me

Dumbest thing said since the I Have a Dream speech.

and I'M being stupid to get a rise out of people
[Jan 19,2006 1:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Being black and playing rock is a gimmick.
[Jan 19,2006 1:51pm - mOe nli  ""]
i'd care about that if I played rock

and my skin isnt something i put on before I play
[Jan 19,2006 1:56pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
mOe nli said:i'd care about that if I played rock

and my skin isnt something i put on before I play

Watchmaker doesn't put on their skin either.

[Jan 19,2006 1:57pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
You guys can't but this guy can

[Jan 19,2006 2:48pm - watchmaker666 ""]
omg, you guys are fucking killing me!
[Jan 19,2006 2:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
mOe nli said:i'd care about that if I played rock

and my skin isnt something i put on before I play

Uh, yeah you do play rock. Punk and metal are forms of rock.

Whether you are black on purpose or not doesn't matter. A bunch of white guys deciding to get a black in the band is no less a gimick then a fucking wrist gauntlet.
By your logic Slayer is a gimick band because Kerry King wore a gauntlet (and his was way bigger than Brian's)

[Jan 19,2006 3:08pm - mOe nli  ""]
a bunch of "white guys" who ask me to be in their band dont ask me because of the color of my skin, they ask me because they are fond of my talents...are you saying that gauntlets are the same as talent or an actual musician in a band?
[Jan 19,2006 3:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
think of the idea of eating a potato, ok now think of how someone one day just decided hey im gonna pick that thing off the ground and eat it.
[Jan 19,2006 3:25pm - Josh_Martin ""]
mOe nli said:a bunch of "white guys" who ask me to be in their band dont ask me because of the color of my skin, they ask me because they are fond of my talents

That's what they told you.

I bet Steven Speilberg's adopted kids don't think he adopted them just because they're black either.

[Jan 19,2006 3:28pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
why are people trying to convince other people what they "should" like?

Sometimes I don't get some people that post on here at all.
[Jan 19,2006 3:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:why are people trying to convince other people what they "should" like?

Sometimes I don't get some people that post on here at all.

oh great, now look what you've all done.
[Jan 19,2006 3:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh and btw, people that wear Gauntlets and use Saws and run around like spooky monkeys on stage, but can't understand why someone wouldn't "get" it, that's just way beyond me. Really.

Must be way too sophisticated for my puny brain.
[Jan 19,2006 3:36pm - Josh_Martin ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:oh and btw, people that wear Gauntlets and use Saws and run around like spooky monkeys on stage, but can't understand why someone wouldn't "get" it, that's just way beyond me. Really.

Must be way too sophisticated for my puny brain.

You are misunderstanding.

We all know why you don't get it. What is confusing is why someone who wouldn't get that would want to hang out on a metal board.

You and Moe should go to the Ramrod, you'd fit in better.

[Jan 19,2006 3:39pm - mOe nli  ""]
yea, you're goin places Josh
[Jan 19,2006 3:39pm - eddie ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:why are people trying to convince other people what they "should" like?

Sometimes I don't get some people that post on here at all.

I agree, I blame the scene. Lets whine about how bad it is and think of ways we can make it better.
[Jan 19,2006 3:42pm - Josh_Martin ""]
mOe nli said:yea, you're goin places Josh

Hey, you're the one who thinks Slayer is a gimick band.

I mean, they wore gauntlets. GIMICK!!! Right?

[Jan 19,2006 3:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Oh, and I've already been places.
Now I just want to sit home and drink.

[Jan 19,2006 3:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
i told you guys, those ny people get very excited about things!
[Jan 19,2006 4:20pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
mOe nli said:a bunch of "white guys" who ask me to be in their band dont ask me because of the color of my skin, they ask me because they are fond of my talents...are you saying that gauntlets are the same as talent or an actual musician in a band?

The members of Watchmaker are quite talented, and that is why they were asked to be in the band too...not b/c of the color of their skin either.

ONE member of the band puts on two gauntlets for fun and has a cool mic stand, and this is a gimmick? The only people who even see that shit are the people around here who go to a rare Watchmaker show, the rest of their fans who order the CDs from AROUND THE WORLD have no clue about that.

I just don't understand what this m0e guy is saying. The band have absolutely no 'gimmicks' unless you count the excellent music.
[Jan 19,2006 4:28pm - mOe nli  ""]
Josh_Martin said:mOe nli said:a bunch of "white guys" who ask me to be in their band dont ask me because of the color of my skin, they ask me because they are fond of my talents

That's what they told you.

I bet Steven Speilberg's adopted kids don't think he adopted them just because they're black either.

so people only ask me to be in bands because i'm black??
you're a fucking clown
[Jan 19,2006 4:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
mOe nli said:Josh_Martin said:mOe nli said:a bunch of "white guys" who ask me to be in their band dont ask me because of the color of my skin, they ask me because they are fond of my talents

That's what they told you.

I bet Steven Speilberg's adopted kids don't think he adopted them just because they're black either.

so people only ask me to be in bands because i'm black??
you're a fucking clown

I love how everything I say gets taken seriously no matter how ridiculous I get.

Way to dodge the real arguement though.
Your whole gimick thing is just retarded.

By your standards, if you had seen Slayer on the Hell Awaits tour you would've thought they were a lame gimick band. That makes you a fucking poseur. End of story. Fuck off, seriously.
[Jan 19,2006 4:38pm - greggdeadfacenli  ""]
hahahahaha this shit is fuking funny
[Jan 19,2006 4:40pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Now I guess I have to wait for Moe to go to allmusic.com and look up what Hell Awaits is.
[Jan 19,2006 4:40pm - ninkaszi  ""]
Josh_Martin said:mOe nli said:Josh_Martin said:mOe nli said:a bunch of "white guys" who ask me to be in their band dont ask me because of the color of my skin, they ask me because they are fond of my talents

That's what they told you.

I bet Steven Speilberg's adopted kids don't think he adopted them just because they're black either.

so people only ask me to be in bands because i'm black??
you're a fucking clown

I love how everything I say gets taken seriously no matter how ridiculous I get.

Way to dodge the real arguement though.
Your whole gimick thing is just retarded.

By your standards, if you had seen Slayer on the Hell Awaits tour you would've thought they were a lame gimick band. That makes you a fucking poseur. End of story. Fuck off, seriously.

the slayer thing is right on. moe has proven again and again what a tard he really is.
[Jan 19,2006 4:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I just don't get why he's here. I don't go to metalcore boards and bother people like him.

[Jan 19,2006 4:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dood the eyeliner and giant crosses so ruled !
[Jan 19,2006 4:45pm - mOe nli  ""]
*eats some more Pineapple*

SUffocation is the best gimmick band EVER
[Jan 19,2006 5:00pm - watchmaker666 ""]
I know I said before to let this thread die, but this shit is cracking me up! please don't let this die! I'm laughing my ass off
[Jan 19,2006 5:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
By the same logic, wouldn't certain band names be gimmicks as well? Such as Adolf Satan, Kevorkian's Angels, and umm, Raising Kubrick?
[Jan 19,2006 5:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mOe nli said:Pineapple

whiskey_weed_and_women said:potato

who else has a food reference for this thread.
[Jan 19,2006 5:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:By the same logic, wouldn't certain band names be gimmicks as well? Such as Adolf Satan, Kevorkian's Angels, and umm, Raising Kubrick?

that maybe true but he regrets being apart of that band
[Jan 19,2006 5:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wasn't aware he regrets being in Kubrick.
[Jan 19,2006 5:10pm - mOe nli  ""]
i was kidding about the regret thing...i mean yea, we sucked but i dont regret being in RK. It made me a better musician and i got to meet a lot of you wonderful people
[Jan 19,2006 6:11pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I'd rather he take his music seriously

He does,that isn't an act. I guess we should all just stand there with our heads down like weepy little faggots.
[Jan 19,2006 6:15pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Josh_Martin said:Being black and playing rock is a gimmick.

Jesus you are quick
[Jan 19,2006 6:16pm - MmOeSH  ""]
could ya? that'd be great. and oh yea, a breakdown every now and then wouldnt hurt either
[Jan 19,2006 6:21pm - HHH MOE  ""]
It's all about the game and how you play it.
[Jan 19,2006 6:25pm - Blue ""]
i dont get it, when someones opinion differs from the boston metal elite, everyone gets their panties in a bunch.
[Jan 19,2006 6:27pm - MOEsha  ""]
I do not wear panties. They rub my clit the wrong way.
[Jan 19,2006 6:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think the point was, the thread isn't a 'what do you think about watchmaker?' as it is just for one of their shows.
[Jan 19,2006 6:29pm - mOe nli  ""]

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