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New Orleans is proof positive blacks are idiots...

[Sep 1,2005 8:34pm - VON Death  ""]
The blacks are shooting at the search and rescue helicopters. The first stores that were looted were gun and liquor stores. They're raping girls.
They actually chose to stay in New Orleans. White people left...
It's got to make people wonder why scientists have theories on eugenics and difference in race. Don't tell that to the liberals and corporate empires. It's bad for profits in their eyes...
[Sep 1,2005 8:35pm - anonymous  ""]
i hope the water never recedes and they all just kill eachother off
[Sep 1,2005 8:48pm - VON Death  ""]
Let em' rot... Less welfare taxpayers have to pay for.
[Sep 1,2005 8:53pm - anonymous  ""]
is there anything down there worth saving? we should just say fuck it and let it be we could have a totally free anything goes gangland down there for all the hard guys and other people who piss and moan about capitalism,corporations,police etc..you dont like the world we provided for you? no problem go to new orleans,whats that you said you like to molest kids ? no problem enjoy new orleans!
[Sep 1,2005 9:35pm - Cecchini ""]
The idiocy in this thread is astounding.
[Sep 1,2005 9:38pm - anonymous  ""]
Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

why? be specific
[Sep 1,2005 9:40pm - VON Death  ""]
Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

Let's hear some proof to back up your theory then hot shot. You can't argue against the laws of nature. You'll lose everytime. If these people had any kind of survival instinct they would have made it out of there safe n sound but they don't because they are dumb and weak. It's survival of the fittest. The strong dominate and I'm not talking physical strength, I'm talking intelligence couple with animal instinct...
[Sep 1,2005 9:41pm - uncle sam  ""]
anonymous said:Cecchini said:The idiocy in this thread is astounding.

why? be specific

come on cechinni gimme some sugar!
[Sep 1,2005 9:46pm - Daniel Carver  ""]
Niggers looting,shooting and raping?! It CANT be TRUE?! They are such an intelligent and civilized race of people! That rarely ever happens in places like Detroit or Uganda...
[Sep 1,2005 10:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.
[Sep 1,2005 10:04pm - uncle sam  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.

whats the difference between a black man and a pizza? ....a pizza can feed a family of four! ...without looting!
[Sep 1,2005 10:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!
[Sep 1,2005 10:15pm - uncle sam  ""]
BornSoVile said:welcome to america where all men are created equal, if you can't except that get the fuck out!! time to move to iraq you fucking poser!!

ha ha ha ill move to iraq when you move out of your moms house,all men are not created equal briandc for example has a pencildick
[Sep 1,2005 10:16pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
what did two black guys say while trying to catch an elevator?
ho de do ho de do!
[Sep 1,2005 10:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
uncle sam said:
ha ha ha ill move to iraq when you move out of your moms house,all men are not created equal briandc for example has a pencildick

eww, and you're a fag too? if your christian right buddies find that out they'll kill you.
[Sep 1,2005 10:18pm - uncle sam  ""]
im catholic so its ok to be a pole smoker as long as the pole in question is underage!
[Sep 1,2005 10:20pm - brian_dc ""]
my dick is everywhere! any publicity is good publicity.
[Sep 1,2005 10:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
Angry neurotic catholic!
[Sep 1,2005 10:22pm - uncle sam  ""]
misinformed young man with a bleak future!
[Sep 1,2005 10:23pm - uncle sam  ""]
maybe you could get a job making pizzas with your buddy from last nite!youd probably only have to blow him once or twice
[Sep 1,2005 10:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
wooo, uncle sam speaks pc too.
[Sep 1,2005 10:23pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
if all men are created equal how come I don't look like brad pitt?
[Sep 1,2005 10:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
because you're a metal head.
[Sep 1,2005 10:26pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
all men would be equal if germany won world war 2
[Sep 1,2005 10:27pm - uncle sam  ""]
i would rather be a christian than a metal head these days, pathetic
[Sep 1,2005 10:30pm - xmikex ""]
i don't think a hurricane can teach us much about genetics, but I will say this...

a lot of the looters are justifying what they're doing as it being necessary to survive, but every time I see a black person on tv coming out of a store they've got something stupid in their hands: TV's, designer sneakers, Soul Glow.

[Sep 1,2005 10:32pm - uncle sam  ""]
xmikex said:i don't think a hurricane can teach us much about genetics, but I will say this...

a lot of the looters are justifying what they're doing as it being necessary to survive, but every time I see a black person on tv coming out of a store they've got something stupid in their hands: TV's, designer sneakers, Soul Glow.


with all that water everywhere its hard to keep the afros up
[Sep 1,2005 10:35pm - xmikex ""]
VOMITING KERMIT said:all men would be equal if germany won world war 2

if you ever met Hitler in person he'd suplex you for saying something that dumb.
[Sep 1,2005 10:40pm - uncle sam  ""]
hitler was reincarnated and showed up at a bar ...someone recognized him and said hey... hitler what are you doing here? and he said ive come back from the grave to kill all the jews and 12 clowns...and the guy said why 12 clowns and hitler said see...nobody cares about the jews!
[Sep 1,2005 10:43pm - Cecchini ""]
Its called the culture of poverty. No one any race is born to be rapists thieves or killers, it's a pretty well known fact that poverty breeds crime. Regardless of race, whether you are white, black, yellow or red.

Now are there are more african americans in poverty stricken areas than other races? Yes. But why is that? Because while us whites have been here ever since the pilgrims and the african americans have just been here since we brought them here as slaves, for hundreds of years we held an entire race back from acheiving what whites have just based on the color of their skin. And up until about 50 years ago, african americans never had the same chance as the whites or most any other minority for that matter. So yes, plenty of african americans have acheived the same or greater success than upper class white men, but because of how those who came before us held down an entire race of people, unfortunetly not all of the race has been able to find the same success.

In those poverty stricken areas, whites commit the same crimes, whites do just as bad or worse than any other minority, crime is color blind in these areas. There are just fewer whites in those areas because for generations we had all the oppertunity to succeed, a chance we robbed other races of.

People are people, money or lack there of breeds crime. That is all.
[Sep 1,2005 10:45pm - uncle sam  ""]
Cecchini said:Its called the culture of poverty. No one any race is born to be rapists thieves or killers, it's a pretty well known fact that poverty breeds crime. Regardless of race, whether you are white, black, yellow or red.

Now are there are more african americans in poverty stricken areas than other races? Yes. But why is that? Because while us whites have been here ever since the pilgrims and the african americans have just been here since we brought them here as slaves, for hundreds of years we held an entire race back from acheiving what whites have just based on the color of their skin. And up until about 50 years ago, african americans never had the same chance as the whites or most any other minority for that matter. So yes, plenty of african americans have acheived the same or greater success than upper class white men, but because of how those who came before us held down an entire race of people, unfortunetly not all of the race has been able to find the same success.

In those poverty stricken areas, whites commit the same crimes, whites do just as bad or worse than any other minority, crime is color blind in these areas. There are just fewer whites in those areas because for generations we had all the oppertunity to succeed, a chance we robbed other races of.

People are people, money or lack there of breeds crime. That is all.

thers fewer whites in those areas because we left them you can rationalize anything but if it looks like an ape smells like an ape its probably an ape!
[Sep 1,2005 10:49pm - kessaris ""]
Wow, this thread is proof that rttp forums have nothing but dumb white racists from fucking New England that don't know their ass from their elbow. Grow up children...drop whatever prejudices you developed as children and realize that...you're probably dumb enough to pull the same shit. I gurantee you that half the people on this board would be looting and shooting too. You're all retards. All of you. Even Cecchini. Even me. We actually talked to you. Wow...just wow. I bet you voted for Bush...cunt...die
[Sep 1,2005 10:49pm - kessaris ""]
you can't yell at me, I voted for terd sandwich
[Sep 1,2005 10:51pm - uncle sam  ""]
kessaris said:Wow, this thread is proof that rttp forums have nothing but dumb white racists from fucking New England that don't know their ass from their elbow. Grow up children...drop whatever prejudices you developed as children and realize that...you're probably dumb enough to pull the same shit. I gurantee you that half the people on this board would be looting and shooting too. You're all retards. All of you. Even Cecchini. Even me. We actually talked to you. Wow...just wow. I bet you voted for Bush...cunt...die

i would vote for hitler before i listened to any more of your bullshit ...obviously jewish
[Sep 1,2005 11:21pm - DomesticTerror ""]
xmikex said:i don't think a hurricane can teach us much about genetics, but I will say this...

a lot of the looters are justifying what they're doing as it being necessary to survive, but every time I see a black person on tv coming out of a store they've got something stupid in their hands: TV's, designer sneakers, Soul Glow.


i think that says more about tv than it does about black people.

[Sep 1,2005 11:28pm - uncle sam  ""]
they arent going to have elictricity for a long time...anyone want to discuss the intelligence of a certain group of people ?or is that not liberal enough for you guys?
[Sep 1,2005 11:35pm - Cecchini ""]
uncle sam said:they arent going to have elictricity for a long time...anyone want to discuss the intelligence of a certain group of people ?or is that not liberal enough for you guys?

You must learn to spell electricity before you can discuss someones brain power.
[Sep 1,2005 11:37pm - uncle sam  ""]
but im uncle sam!
[Sep 1,2005 11:40pm - cav nli  ""]
wow, i didnt know that there were people this ignorant still living in this country. you really think that all the black people are still in new orleans because they are somehow inferior to white people. the reason that your seeing a bunch of footage on the news of black people struggling to survive is because its all footage from new orleans, a city where 70% of the population is african american, you fucking morons.
[Sep 1,2005 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?
[Sep 1,2005 11:44pm - uncle sam  ""]
the reason its 70 percent black is because all the white people left because the blacks ruined it the high negroid population there is good though because after all if your going to have a below sealevel ghetto shithole youve got to have blacks to live there...black white red yellow if your to stupid to evacuate when told to or to ignorant to atleast prepare for the fukkin thing you deserve what you get ill bet the white people who did live there left before the storm came!
[Sep 1,2005 11:47pm - uncle sam  ""]
the_reverend said:wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?

i think they have radio still so they can atleast hear
[Sep 1,2005 11:48pm - brian_dc ""]
the_reverend said:wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?

well, I think that much is obvious. if you've ever been called a "fag" on a messageboard you've probably encountered people who don't get that they're being pathetic.
[Sep 1,2005 11:49pm - uncle sam  ""]
brian_dc said:the_reverend said:wait you mean they can't even see what asses people think they are?

well, I think that much is obvious. if you've ever been called a "fag" on a messageboard you've probably encountered people who don't get that they're being pathetic.

some people dont know when they are being made fun of...
[Sep 1,2005 11:51pm - brian_dc ""]
being made fun of definitely doesn't matter
[Sep 1,2005 11:52pm - brian_dc ""]
plus he was responding to someone else's post, dude
[Sep 1,2005 11:52pm - uncle sam  ""]
are you sure because "some " people get pretty upset
[Sep 1,2005 11:53pm - brian_dc ""]
if that's what keeps you goin, more power to you
[Sep 1,2005 11:54pm - uncle sam  ""]
brian_dc said:if that's what keeps you goin, more power to you

thanks for your permission
[Sep 1,2005 11:55pm - brian_dc ""]
I didn't give permission...just envoked my power in your general direction

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