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New Orleans is proof positive blacks are idiots...

[Sep 4,2005 1:34pm - down the drain  ""]
retzam said:Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.

Just talk to science. It's the most racist guy I know... Don't bother trying to argue with him though. He'll always win.

[Sep 4,2005 1:36pm - down the drain  ""]
retzam said:Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.

Your an idiot by the way... You come on this thread and you address nothing. Present some sort of arguement to back up your theories.
[Sep 4,2005 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]
Blacks are just pissed cause whitey has been tricking and deucing 'em forever.

I mean the white people never stole slaves, they were sold to them by other black people. and on top of that whitey came up with the idea of putting slaves of different tribes together in boats so they could not communicate.

Proof that white man has inherited Loki's genius.

and besides if blackey would quit bitching and get off his ass then he wouldnt be poor,'

I think don't be a menace sums it up best.
[Sep 5,2005 12:27am - morbid jesus  ""]
just let the national grard drop off basketballs, fried chicken and barbeque and new orleans will be fine
[Sep 5,2005 12:50am - davefromthegrave ""]
c'mon guys, we don't hate the niggers anymore. now we hate the towelheads. let's get with the program people, hating the niggers is so 60's.
[Sep 5,2005 4:14am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
oh who cares just be racist and get it over with
[Sep 5,2005 9:05am - armageddanne ""]
Only one thing is real: death.
So, showel that stupid white supremacy bullshit up your asses and shut the fuck up.
[Sep 5,2005 9:11am - KeithMutiny ""]
haha, i miss anne
[Sep 5,2005 9:27am - an80smetalchick ""]
The people that are armed and running in gangs shooting at rescuers are members of VooDoo Gangs who have taken over downtown New Orleans.

They are preventing the Red Cross to enter downtown New Orleans. This is why there is a strong military presence with orders to shoot to kill and why there was no supervision in the Astrodome or Convention Center. This is also why food and water are being dropped down to the people rather than having relief stations downtown on the ground.

They have shot down a military engineer, police officers, fire fighters, medical patients, and a rescue helicopter.

This information was derived directly from a New Orleans resident and has also been documented on witchvox.com should anyone wish to learn more about the truth.
[Sep 5,2005 10:12am - davefromthegrave ""]
armageddanne said:Only one thing is real: death.
So, showel that stupid white supremacy bullshit up your asses and shut the fuck up.

just in case you weren't aware, my comment was a joke.
[Sep 5,2005 10:12am - davefromthegrave ""]
an80smetalchick said:The people that are armed and running in gangs shooting at rescuers are members of VooDoo Gangs who have taken over downtown New Orleans.

They are preventing the Red Cross to enter downtown New Orleans. This is why there is a strong military presence with orders to shoot to kill and why there was no supervision in the Astrodome or Convention Center. This is also why food and water are being dropped down to the people rather than having relief stations downtown on the ground.

They have shot down a military engineer, police officers, fire fighters, medical patients, and a rescue helicopter.

This information was derived directly from a New Orleans resident and has also been documented on witchvox.com should anyone wish to learn more about the truth.

arise, chicken. chicken, arise.
[Sep 5,2005 10:19am - an80smetalchick ""]
[Sep 5,2005 10:33am - horror_tang ""]
xmikex said:[img]

Wow, this actually puts this thread in perspective.
[Sep 6,2005 12:54am - retzam ""]
down the drain said:retzam said:Hahahaha this thread is ridiculous. I'd really like to meet a smart racist. Really. Come on. I'm BEGGING you guys.

Your an idiot by the way... You come on this thread and you address nothing. Present some sort of arguement to back up your theories.

HAHAHAHAHA you seriously want me to back up my theory that all racists are morons? HAVE YOU READ THIS THREAD!?!
[Sep 6,2005 5:16am - armageddanne ""]
davefromthegrave said:armageddanne said:Only one thing is real: death.
So, showel that stupid white supremacy bullshit up your asses and shut the fuck up.

just in case you weren't aware, my comment was a joke.

I didn't even read your post I was refering to the beginning of this threat, never made it to the end due to the high stupidity factor of the start.
[Sep 6,2005 11:55am - anonymous  ""]
Yah those homies down in New Orleans are pretty ignorant. Those people had rough lives before the hurricane hit.Now the little that they did have is all gone.The poor black people arnt gonna leave New Orleans.They have nowhere else to go.
[Sep 6,2005 5:30pm - anonymous  ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:If they're still alive looting for food and such they must have some survival instinct and intelligence. Plus wading through five feet of water is a really strenuous activity so they can't be physically weak. Now imagine wading a few miles through five feet of water with a 52 inch tv in your arms after you've already walked a few miles in the water while finding food for your household, that's some Paul Bunyan strength on display. They aren't weak, you're just jealous of black people's physical and mental superiority.

Ok... I've heard enough of the total pussy whining on this board. I am not in awe of how strong black people are. This is an open invitation to blacks or to any pc fags to take on ol' Pauly boy one on one, two on one, or a whole army of you glass jawed fence sitters. I don't care if you like me, like my band, or like my friends. I'll smash you and your fucking safe zone into bits. Fuck you, fuck your friends, fuck your bands, fuck your girl friends, fuck your friends fucking friends... Fuck every fucking gay scene in New England... Come and get me...

your just mad because all the ladies like the brothers these days!
[Sep 6,2005 5:45pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I could care less. I will admit that I get a kick out of offending people.
[Sep 6,2005 5:47pm - anonymous  ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:I could care less. I will admit that I get a kick out of offending people.

i get a kick out of tapping those white girls asses ,how do you like that?

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