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Most Overrated

[Oct 29,2003 6:48pm - faggynuts421 ""]
[Oct 29,2003 6:49pm - faggynuts421 ""]
[Oct 29,2003 6:58pm - University of Joe McNamara  ""]
RustedAngel said:joe/notcommon said:
i don't have a closed mind regarding music.
you just have terrible tastes, but we learn to live with stupid people liking stupid music.

dying fetus, eternal suffering, skinless= gay and boring

those bands can be added to my list of over rated

in your opinion i have terrible taste, but honestly, who the fuck cares what you think? you are a worthless fucked up retarded piece of shit anyways who tries to act important in your little group of 5 bands and DIY label.

dying fetus = not overrated, lyrics are an interesting read.
eternal suffering = yes overrated.
skinless = sucks, especially now.
opeth = impressive musicians, good songwriting, diverse musical influence (but yeah "they are nothing compared to the new nickelback" - joe/notcommon)

die of aids, or maybe even a brain tumor soon you fucking faggot.

sorry, forgot how important you are because you try way too hard to be the most metal.

[Oct 29,2003 7:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, i am so metal i don't drink or do drugs. how stereotypical is that?
[Oct 29,2003 7:43pm - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:yeah, i am so metal i don't drink or do drugs. how stereotypical is that?

Lie!!! We all know you drink.
[Oct 29,2003 8:46pm - Lynneaus ""]
oh please... do u realize how dumb u look fighting.

personally i dont thnk 1/2 of you understand the concept of overrated
[Oct 29,2003 10:33pm - joostin ""]
On Broken Wings.
[Oct 29,2003 10:40pm - the_reverend ""]
dream theatre
women of sodom
paradise lost
[Oct 31,2003 4:01am - the_reverend ""]
super joint ritual
[Oct 31,2003 8:20am - abadoodityrightder  ""]
hamartia anyone? who said metal couldnt be pretty
[Oct 31,2003 8:21am - abadoodityrightder  ""]
fuck...i forgot this is overrated..i meant underrated
[Oct 31,2003 8:47am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:dream theatre
women of sodom
paradise lost

paradise lost = fucking yawnfest 2003

dream theater = 80% good songs.
[Oct 31,2003 8:49am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:moonspell
super joint ritual

moonspell = how are they really overrated? not many people like them.

amorphis = ELEGY, TUNELA, Tales? how? new shit blows.

superjoint ritual = glad i don't have to watch them play next week.
[Oct 31,2003 9:37am - handinjury ""]

They are far from overrated, this is a great band. Do you know how many copy cat bands spawned from suffo? to many. They are what made death metal more of a challenging music to play(musically- riffs ,solos, and some killer technical aspects with the song writting).

[Oct 31,2003 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
RustedAngel said:superjoint ritual = glad i don't have to watch them play next week.

are we going together?

[Oct 31,2003 11:14am - University of Joe McNamara  ""]
most over rated:

phantom limb
red invasion
the network

if you don't believe me then go to the middle east on november 9th and you will see for yourself what I mean. Get there early to make sure you see how over rated conifer is.

[Oct 31,2003 11:22am - dyingmuse ""]
handinjury said:SUFFOCATION

They are far from overrated, this is a great band. Do you know how many copy cat bands spawned from suffo? to many. They are what made death metal more of a challenging music to play(musically- riffs ,solos, and some killer technical aspects with the song writting).

hell yeah dude suffo own all
[Oct 31,2003 11:23am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:RustedAngel said:superjoint ritual = glad i don't have to watch them play next week.

are we going together?

yeah, that'd be cool... we'll figure it out early next week.
[Oct 31,2003 6:37pm - Devin ""]
Superjoint Ritual suck. They just sound like any old punk/thrash band, not too original. But Opeth rule. I love Opeth!

Cannibal Corpse is quite overrated among the underground metal community. So is Darkthrone.
[Oct 31,2003 7:35pm - babysbreath ""]
[Nov 1,2003 1:39am - Hoser ""]
Opeth is God you thrashing cunts.....
[Nov 1,2003 1:42am - boobtoucher ""]
Definitely Shadows Fall...and a shitload of "grind" bands.
Also Shai Hulud for Christ's Sake...also a shitload of "emo" bands.
[Nov 1,2003 1:44am - Niggers suck  ""]
50 cent
[Nov 1,2003 1:45am - jews suck  ""]
The Beastie Boys...all kikes
[Nov 1,2003 1:47am - shadow's fall is jewish  ""]
any band that signs autographs in their mtv2 headbanger's ball videos sucks!!! I hate that fag guitar player...way to much ego and not enough originality...jewish fags
[Nov 1,2003 4:32pm - retzam ""]
Wow, 3 posts in a row by the same bigotist fuck under 3 different names. That is really fucking clever. Oh, sorry. I guess I am not metal now. Let me guess, now I'm gay??
[Nov 1,2003 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
ratzem whatever your name is: yes you are gay

the bigot: you are a moron. if being metal means being like you, I'm not metal.
[Nov 1,2003 4:40pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:ratzem whatever your name is: yes you are gay

the bigot: you are a moron. if being metal means being like you, I'm not metal.

Hey man, how many times do I have to tell you?? I was kind of drunk that night and I thought he was a chick!! Besides, we didnt get past second base.
[Oct 11,2012 12:14am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 11,2012 12:17am - KEVORD ""]

Alx_Casket said:VENOM
[Oct 11,2012 12:19am - Spence ""]

Alx_Casket said:VENOM

[Oct 11,2012 12:21am - KEVORD ""]
Spencer, I heard a rumor that you dont like Slayer either?
[Oct 11,2012 12:35am - yummy ""]
The Rolling Stones
[Oct 11,2012 12:44am - Spence ""]
I don't dislike Slayer, I just don't go out of my way to listen to them. There's shitloads of thrash metal bands i'd rather listen to before Slayer. But I don't hate Slayer or anything.
[Oct 11,2012 12:46am - KEVORD ""]
[Oct 11,2012 12:47am - yummy ""]
That would be like listening to Nasum just because you were in the mood for grind. Maybe take another look
[Oct 11,2012 12:50am - Spence ""]
I've taken plenty of looks at Slayer, trust me. haha

Seasons and SoH are the only Slayer albums I really ever listen to.

I also was vastly disappointed with Slayer when I saw them back in 2010 - I felt Megadeth and Testament were both much superior live acts.
[Oct 11,2012 12:52am - yummy ""]
I was actually in agreement with you Spence. I care more for Megadeth and Testament than Slayer. Although maybe Gary Holt can help them out, who knows?
[Oct 11,2012 12:53am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 11,2012 1:25am - Boozegood ""]

Alx_Casket said:VENOM

Spence said:

Please explain this.
[Oct 11,2012 7:54am - Yeti ""]
i actually agree with Spence on Slayer. i do enjoy them, i just don't particularly care. though i LOVE Seasons.
[Oct 11,2012 8:07am - Boozegood ""]

Yeti said:i actually agree with Spence on Slayer. i do enjoy them, i just don't particularly care. though i LOVE Seasons.

I think people are getting 'I don't like them but other people do' confused with 'overrated'.

I don't see how you can call bands like Slayer, Venom, Hellhammer, Bathory, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Celtic Frost, Sabbath, Motorhead, blah, blah, etc. etc. 'overrated' when they are essential bands to the creation of Metal music and the various sub-genres therein.

Now, you certainly are free to not like them yourself, but I don't see how they can be labeled as 'overrated' just because you happen to not like them.

For example I as well am not the biggest Slayer fan in the world and have always admitted that, but I would never in a million years call them 'overrated'.

Than again maybe it's me who doesn't understand what 'overrated' means.
[Oct 11,2012 8:37am - Ancient_Master ""]
Eric Clapton
Jimmy Page
Lars Ulrich
Jack White
Modern pop singers who rely heavily on digital post production (only Boyz II Men is real)
[Oct 11,2012 8:39am - KEVORD ""]
Boozegood nailed it and I couldn't agree more with Opeth being the most overrated band on the planet.
[Oct 11,2012 9:05am - Mark_R ""]
Venom is about "correctly" rated among the metal fanbase at large IMO.

(changed post)
[Oct 11,2012 9:17am - Mark_R ""]

DeOdiumMortis said:Also, any band that is ever called "the future of [insert genre/subgenre name]" is automatically overrated.

This made me remember that Metal Judgment review of Mastodon - Leviathan that lead off with "This is the future of metal. Right here." You called it almost a year before that album came out, too.
[Oct 11,2012 9:26am - Burnsy ""]
Boozegood makes a good point. I really can't stand most of what Slayer has offered. That doesn't mean they're overrated though.

I think just about every popular band is overrated to some extent. The winner for me is Between the Buried and Me. Also, I don't mind Mastadon but they're pretty overrated. Same with Burzum. I listen to Burzum but find that people cream their pants WAYYYYY too much over it.
[Oct 11,2012 9:59am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Fact:I've had the good fortune of having heard only about five minutes of Blackwater Park as my only exposure to Opeth. I wish I'd heard none.
[Oct 11,2012 10:15am - Alx_Casket ""]
To answer the question of why I think Venom is overrated, they are widely credited with starting the black metal genre. This is incorrect. They MAY have coined the term and MAY have brought the evil stage presence to a higher level than what everyone else was doing at the time, but semantics be damned, they are not black metal. I don't hear it. Their lyrics are on par with a lot of black metal but that's where I draw the line.

I mentioned them in this thread because of shit like their website's tagline: "THE ONLY OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF VENOM - THE ORIGINAL INVENTORS AND FOUNDERS OF BLACK METAL." I don't care that their overpriced merch is at hot topic (http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/Music/MusicTshirts//Venom+In+League+With+Satan+Logo+T-Shirt-971579.jsp), in fact, I see it as a good thing since it gives kids the option to explore other avenues of music than whatever nowadays crap they're being pushed. Hopefully it throws money at honest metalheads instead of at some cookie cutter autotuned bullshit.

When Joe asks Jack what his favorite black metal band is, and Jack replies "Venom" at the top of the list, I tune out on anything Jack has to further say about music. Agree or disagree, the rebuttal is welcomed.
[Oct 11,2012 10:18am - Burnsy ""]

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