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Now Find a show to go to!

Apr 7 (Fri) - A Terrible Night For A Curse, Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries, Smite The Righteous, It Will End In Pure Horror - $6 - 8 pm - 21+ - Dee Dee's Lounge - 297 Newport Ave - Quincy, MA +

4/7 - A Terrible Night For A Curse, Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries, Smite The Righteous, It Will End In Pure Horror. DURP!! @ Dee Dee's Lounge - Quincy, MA

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Mar 11,2006 9:37am - RichHorror ""]
April, 7 2006 at Dee Dee's Lounge
297 Newport Ave, Quincy, MA 02169
Cost: $6

A Terrible Night For A Curse
Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries
The Departed
Smite The Righteous
It Will End In Pure Horror
[Mar 11,2006 9:51am - RichHorror ""]
The Departed may or may not be playing this show.
[Mar 11,2006 9:54am - thedeparted ""]
yeah we arent sure yet, i think our singer will be doing something for the army that weekend. we'll know shortly.

[Mar 11,2006 10:42am - jrb2971nli  ""]
I'd like to see Pam and Craig do a duet! The line up sounds killer, I'd probably go but it's a weekday right? ugh, some of us have work in the am
[Mar 11,2006 1:04pm - pam nli  ""]
I am going to inconceivably drunk at this show
[Mar 11,2006 5:28pm - cav ""]
if the departed doesnt play i think LCTR is looking to fill this date on their tour. get in touch with em craig.
[Mar 13,2006 10:29am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 14,2006 10:59am - anonymous  ""]
last chance to reason
[Mar 14,2006 11:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The guy from the departed posts here alot so they must be good. hey look, he is in this thread.
[Mar 14,2006 11:40am - craig nli  ""]
ill talk to evan from lctr IF the departed cant do it. as much as i dig lctr, id rather play an assload of shows with the departed before nelson has to depart. (no pun intended. honestly.)
[Mar 14,2006 3:20pm - pam nli  ""]
hold on, when did this show turn into a Thursday??? I thought it was a Friday show??? The email I got from Sly said April 7th. Someone please un-confuse me.
[Mar 14,2006 3:26pm - RichHorror ""]
I mailed Sly a week ago or so, and he said it was April 6.
[Mar 14,2006 3:34pm - pam nli  ""]
I don't think we can play then. I wish someone had told me it got moved again because the date we said yes to was the 7th. I had like 20 people coming to this, too.
[Mar 14,2006 3:36pm - RichHorror ""]
On the ATNFAC myspace it says the 6th as well, so I'd say that's the definite date. I thought it was the 7th initially too, no clue why it got moved.
[Mar 14,2006 3:38pm - pam nli  ""]
It got moved because DeeDee's is the #1 place I'm dying to play, that's why.
[Mar 15,2006 12:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The guy from the Departed is hiding from me.
[Mar 15,2006 12:54am - cav ""]
its cus hes drunk
[Mar 15,2006 1:01am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Don't worry. I found him and he is perfectly safe.
[Mar 15,2006 12:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Thank goodness.
[Mar 15,2006 6:23pm - RichHorror ""]
From Sly--

hey, guys im so sorry, i feel like such an idiot. The show is the 7th. When i replied to this i just checked our myspace page to confirm the date and sent it not realizing that my date was wrong. "I'm sofa king we-tod-ed. "
[Mar 15,2006 6:24pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ha so its on the 7th after all
[Mar 15,2006 6:27pm - RichHorror ""]
What a twisted web we weave, when first we plot to smoke weed.
[Mar 15,2006 6:28pm - dreadkill ""]
i like deedee's. last time we played there, the pope died.
[Mar 15,2006 6:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ill still be there, i mean Kris, maybe Sarah, Rich, Jeff and oh yeah Mickey Dollins plus those pesky kids of the departed.
[Mar 15,2006 6:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Last time I played Dee Dee's, my heart died.
[Mar 15,2006 6:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i found out when i eat too much generic cereal i fart a lot, not so much pooh but man do i fart
[Mar 15,2006 6:37pm - RichHorror ""]
I keep coughing and farting at the same time.
[Mar 17,2006 3:30am - pam nli  ""]
I just got an email from Sly, the show is the 7th, not the 6th!! He said he doesn't know where all the confusion is coming from but it is FRIDAY, not thursday!
[Mar 17,2006 3:31am - pam nli  ""]
and I just saw Rich's post
[Mar 17,2006 3:32am - pam nli  ""]
Whydontcha fix the date on the thread there, Horror
[Mar 17,2006 9:53am - RichHorror ""]
I can't, it's too old. Aaron's the only one who can edit it now.
[Mar 17,2006 1:43pm - RichHorror ""]
RichHorror said:Aaron's the only one who can edit it now.

[Mar 20,2006 6:55pm - RichHorror ""]
Aaron, can you change the date on this thread to 4/7?
[Mar 20,2006 8:10pm - RichHorror ""]
... apparently not.
[Mar 20,2006 10:08pm - thedeparted ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The guy from the Departed is hiding from me.

ha sorry i tottally forgot to check this thread. wow i am a shit.

[Mar 21,2006 1:41am - thedeparted ""]
[Mar 21,2006 9:12am - RichHorror ""]
The DURP!! is completely uncalled for.
[Mar 21,2006 9:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
is It Will End In Pure Horror opening or closing?
[Mar 21,2006 9:26am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 21,2006 9:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
who the fuck is smite the righteous?
[Mar 21,2006 9:32am - RichHorror ""]
Pam that posts on here's band. http://www.returntothepit.com/band.php?band=smite_the_righteous
[Mar 21,2006 9:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh I remember Pam
[Mar 21,2006 9:36am - DreamingInExile ""]
as long as it's definately the 7th I'll be there :newhorns:
[Mar 21,2006 9:38am - RichHorror ""]
It is in fact the 7th, for sure.
[Mar 21,2006 9:41am - DreamingInExile ""]
RichHorror said:It is in fact the 7th, for sure.

in that case, count me in for coming :newhorns:

and I'll bring the guacamole for Craig. :bartmoon:
[Mar 21,2006 9:51am - CraigForACurse ""]
ill bring the "slys an idiot" stick so everyone can take turns knocking the confused homo out of him. sorry about all the confusion guys.
[Mar 21,2006 10:02am - RichHorror ""]
Your myspace says the show is on April 10.
[Mar 21,2006 10:13am - CraigForACurse ""]
i just changed it. im going to kick him in his stupid nuts.
[Mar 21,2006 10:13am - CraigForACurse ""]
he apparently has no idea how to do anything.
[Mar 21,2006 10:16am - RichHorror ""]
CraigForACurse said:i just changed it. im going to kick him in his stupid nuts.

[Mar 21,2006 10:16am - CraigForACurse ""]
[Mar 21,2006 10:17am - CraigForACurse ""]
oh shit, sorry stoned. i get it now. he does have a webcam, and i could potentially film me kicking him in the nuts. that would be sweet.
[Mar 21,2006 10:23am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, that'd be mint.
[Mar 26,2006 11:58pm - RichHorror ""]
If someone doesn't make a flyer for myself, I won't kill myself.
[Mar 26,2006 11:59pm - pam ""]
Shouldn't there be a NEW thread, with the CORRECT date on it?
[Mar 27,2006 12:02am - RichHorror ""]
That is the correct date. Why do you make Daddy drink?
[Mar 27,2006 1:21am - pam ""]
oooh I was looking at the first post...which is still wrong.
[Mar 27,2006 1:22am - RichHorror ""]
Why can't you just love me for me?
[Mar 27,2006 1:24am - pam ""]
I'm sorry, I have PMS. Please forgive me. And fix that post.
[Mar 27,2006 1:29am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 27,2006 1:48am - pam ""]
[Mar 29,2006 1:43pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 29,2006 3:34pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 30,2006 10:22am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 31,2006 1:34pm - pam nli  ""]
[Mar 31,2006 3:58pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I'm excited about this show. Very excited. Very excited, indeed.
[Mar 31,2006 6:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Me too!
[Mar 31,2006 9:02pm - pam nli  ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:I'm excited about this show. Very excited. Very excited, indeed.

Yaaaay I forgot you were coming!!!! Is Foley climbing out of her cave, too?
[Apr 1,2006 4:17am - RichHorror ""]
I really hope someone shows up with a gun to this and murders me.
[Apr 1,2006 8:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Whoever booked this show but be prepared for the possibility of alot of people from Quincy showing up for IWEIPH and then leaving immediately afterwards to go to murphys or somewhere else. Having the biggest band on the bill open for bands that nobody knows isn't the best option. I am not saying I am gonna do that, I'm probably going to be at work all night personally and doubt I'll even make it at all.
[Apr 1,2006 10:00am - RichHorror ""]
As long as they bring a lot of pills for me, the Quincy Forest can do whatever they want.
[Apr 1,2006 10:23am - CraigForACurse ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Whoever booked this show but be prepared for the possibility of alot of people from Quincy showing up for IWEIPH and then leaving immediately afterwards to go to murphys or somewhere else. Having the biggest band on the bill open for bands that nobody knows isn't the best option. I am not saying I am gonna do that, I'm probably going to be at work all night personally and doubt I'll even make it at all.

zip it. nobody cares about anyone. its mass.
[Apr 1,2006 10:36am - CraigForACurse ""]
[Apr 1,2006 10:37am - RichHorror ""]
I care about pills, and nothing else.
[Apr 1,2006 2:09pm - pam nli  ""]
And here I entertained the idea that my Quincy friends just might stick around for my band...
[Apr 1,2006 2:17pm - RichHorror ""]
I think there'll be a good crowd of my Quincy scumbag friends for us, as well as for STR. I think everyone will stay the night because narcotics and alcohol will be wonderfully abundant.
[Apr 1,2006 2:51pm - pam nli  ""]
If I go to Quincy and am NOT swimming in booze and narcotics I will be highly disappointed.
[Apr 1,2006 2:56pm - RichHorror ""]
That is impossible. My complete failure to get anyone with a vagina to hold me will ensure my status as a walking pharmacy.
[Apr 1,2006 5:37pm - dreadkill ""]
scott (sinistas) and i are probably coming to this show. we may possibly bring a few more boozebags with us if people are up for going.
[Apr 1,2006 11:10pm - CraigForACurse ""]
RichHorror said:That is impossible. My complete failure to get anyone with a vagina to hold me will ensure my status as a walking pharmacy.

hahahahahahahahahaha. thats one of the funniest things ive ever seen
[Apr 2,2006 1:15pm - Sinistas ""]
I certainly hope to go. should be fun!
[Apr 2,2006 2:38pm - pam ""]
You better go. Showing even a mild interest in attending mean if you don't show up now I will surely call you names.
[Apr 2,2006 2:42pm - dreadkill ""]
scott, you heard the woman. you better show up or she will call you names.
[Apr 2,2006 2:43pm - pam ""]
TERRIBLE names. On Myspace.
[Apr 2,2006 2:46pm - dreadkill ""]
[Apr 2,2006 2:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Francis. Portnoy. I could go on, but I won't.
[Apr 2,2006 2:52pm - dreadkill ""]
please do
[Apr 2,2006 2:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Gaylord. Consuela. Bradford.

... I'm spent.
[Apr 2,2006 2:54pm - dreadkill ""]
that's all you got, pussy?
[Apr 2,2006 2:54pm - RichHorror ""]
That just cost you your life, faggot.
[Apr 2,2006 2:55pm - dreadkill ""]
i can run faster than you
[Apr 2,2006 2:57pm - RichHorror ""]
I can call the four winds to rip you asunder.
[Apr 2,2006 2:58pm - dreadkill ""]
i still have feelings for you. don't kill me.
[Apr 2,2006 2:58pm - RichHorror ""]
Get me a whore. A WHORE WHO CAN SING.
[Apr 2,2006 3:00pm - dreadkill ""]
why does she need to be able to sing?
[Apr 2,2006 3:08pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't have a problem with the pills. I CAN QUIT ANYTIME I WANT TO
[Apr 4,2006 1:07pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
pam nli said:kellthevalkyrie said:I'm excited about this show. Very excited. Very excited, indeed.

Yaaaay I forgot you were coming!!!! Is Foley climbing out of her cave, too?

Yes, she is!! We're both way too excited!
[Apr 4,2006 2:50pm - Daylight Savings  ""]
I am the reason for you hating life.
[Apr 4,2006 8:53pm - RichHorror ""]
I had no idea Daylight Savings was a woman.
[Apr 4,2006 8:56pm - dreadkill ""]
daylight savings is a conniving bitch.
[Apr 4,2006 8:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i have to work till 11 so i wont be at this, sucks really bad i was looking forward to this show
[Apr 4,2006 10:21pm - RichHorror ""]
Available women should come to this. And then break my heart so I can fall further in pills-soaked depression. Can you be soaked in pills? Hmm.
[Apr 4,2006 11:43pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
too bad it's 21+, I could have brought a horde of available 16-18 year olds....sorry dude
[Apr 4,2006 11:44pm - RichHorror ""]
Leave them behind the dumpster.
[Apr 5,2006 6:57am - Sinistas ""]
and bring extra for me
[Apr 5,2006 7:32am - Messerschmitt ""]
what are the set times?
[Apr 5,2006 8:50am - RichHorror ""]
I'm guessing IWEIPH starts it off at 9 pm. With each band doing 20-30 minutes. So, do the math.
[Apr 5,2006 11:28am - craigforacurse ""]
bump for 2 days from now.
[Apr 5,2006 11:29am - craigforacurse ""]
the departed might not be able to do this, so set times might be longer/IWEIPH might be going on later.
[Apr 5,2006 5:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
if they cant do it you should put Miliatnary or however you spell it craig.

hook jon and eric up doood
[Apr 5,2006 5:14pm - anonymous  ""]
Going on later would be cool for IWEIPH since they're attracting a good chunk of people, as are we. (pretty much the same crowd of Quincy drug addicts)

2 days! yay!

I'm coming down with something, too. I'm pretty sure my body hates me.
[Apr 5,2006 5:15pm - pam nli  ""]
goddammit ^
[Apr 5,2006 5:58pm - Snow  ""]
Put on MILITIANARY or I am going to ruin your evening.
[Apr 5,2006 7:10pm - Snow  ""]
[Apr 6,2006 10:52am - craigforacurse ""]
so iguess the departed is pretty much cancelled. who's militianary and do they still want to play?
[Apr 6,2006 10:56am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Militianary fucking rule and im sure if eric sees this theyll play or just show up and play
[Apr 6,2006 11:02am - craigforacurse ""]
how do i get in touch with them?
[Apr 6,2006 11:03am - Messerschmitt ""]
yessh get Milish
[Apr 6,2006 11:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
they got one of those neat myspace thingies
[Apr 6,2006 12:18pm - craigforacurse ""]
bump so they might see this
[Apr 6,2006 12:42pm - dreadkill ""]
scott (sinistas) and i will be at this show, mainly because we don't want alemap to call us bad names on myspace.
[Apr 6,2006 12:47pm - sinistas ""]
hey ken, want to see if the rest of the guys would be up for this to prep for brandIEs?
[Apr 6,2006 1:07pm - dreadkill ""]
up for playing?
[Apr 6,2006 1:12pm - sinistas ""]
[Apr 6,2006 1:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm up for it
[Apr 6,2006 1:47pm - sinistas ""]
well, DS is 4/5 ok with it so far, so if Militianary aren't down, we might be
[Apr 6,2006 1:50pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Apr 6,2006 1:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone driving thru Boston and wanna give me a ride home so i can still go to this after i get outta work
[Apr 6,2006 2:14pm - dreadkill ""]
sinistas said:well, DS is 4/5 ok with it so far, so if Militianary aren't down, we might be

[Apr 6,2006 10:27pm - Snow  ""]
Beware my wrath.
[Apr 6,2006 10:30pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope Al Snow shows up to this.
[Apr 6,2006 11:29pm - pam nli  ""]
I really wish there were set times, I've got people asking me left and right. Hopefully they make it for us, snow wont unlease its wrath, and I won't feel like I have the flu all day tomorrow, too.


Sleep now.
[Apr 6,2006 11:39pm - RichHorror ""]
Regardless of when we play, I always tell people that to see us they have to get there at the start of the show. Because fucking over bands because my friends are lazy is queer. Just tell them to get there at 8 or 9, drink beer and shut up.
[Apr 6,2006 11:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone wanna give me a ride home, anyone going thru boston ?
[Apr 6,2006 11:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Is gas money or road head involved?
[Apr 6,2006 11:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RichHorror said:Is gas money or road head involved?

im pretty sure i know the rules of the road. i was just seeing if anyone would even answer.

i mean i do own jay and silent bob strike back
[Apr 6,2006 11:50pm - RichHorror ""]
If I drive myself to the show, you're set.
[Apr 6,2006 11:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sweet titties
[Apr 7,2006 1:28am - craigforacurse ""]
militianary is confirmed for tomorrow night.
[Apr 7,2006 1:31am - craigforacurse ""]
sorry, tonite
and sorry about the set times. that was sly's department. ill try to get something out of him.
[Apr 7,2006 8:57am - MHBBSINLI  ""]
We're getting to Boston early to go to all the record stores in Allston and Harvard Square so if anyone wants to hang out before the show just get in touch with us. It's Robbiey's Birthday Saturday so we'll have to start celebrating early!
[Apr 7,2006 9:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to give Robbie a lapdance tonight.
[Apr 7,2006 10:27am - sinistas ""]
oh man, this will be fun
[Apr 7,2006 10:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am gonna make out with pam when smite the righteous is playing
[Apr 7,2006 10:33am - RichHorror ""]
Despite getting to the show an hour after they've played.
[Apr 7,2006 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be there for them, isnt Militianary opening, then you guys?
[Apr 7,2006 10:37am - RichHorror ""]
I have a feeling STR will have played by 11.
[Apr 7,2006 10:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Even if I take the bus to the show, I will get there around 10.
[Apr 7,2006 10:42am - RichHorror ""]
I'm going to strangle you with a pair of blood-soaked pantyhose.
[Apr 7,2006 11:01am - craigforacurse ""]
so heres an idea of the line up for tonite. this is just something i thought up so noone will beat me up. tell me if you think it should go differently.

Militianary (open)
Smite the Righteous
HBBSI (close)
[Apr 7,2006 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
HBBSI is from CT and shouldn't be headlining. Let Smite the Righteous headline if everyone Pam knows is going to see her band. I am gonna bust a cap in a nigga if HBBSI plays to nobody, because thats how notcommon rolls.
[Apr 7,2006 11:13am - RichHorror ""]
Everyone who goes to this will have the added bonus of see me have a rage induced-nervous breakdown during our set.
[Apr 7,2006 11:16am - Messerschmitt ""]
RichHorror said:Everyone who goes to this will have the added bonus of see me have a rage induced-nervous breakdown during our set.

break one of the hundred tv's with your head and i'll go
[Apr 7,2006 11:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be singing Brian Adams' songs tonight because I am a socialite.
[Apr 7,2006 11:18am - RichHorror ""]
That was already a plan.
[Apr 7,2006 11:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am a respected member of the community.
[Apr 7,2006 11:24am - RichHorror ""]
Only since you started slowly killing yourself with narcotics.
[Apr 7,2006 11:27am - craigforacurse ""]
yeah its killing me to say this, but joes right
[Apr 7,2006 11:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am always right.
[Apr 7,2006 11:30am - cav ""]
even though were not playing i think smite the righteous and iweiph should end this show since they are the ones that everyone is saying will draw. and its obvious to have the band that got added yesterday play first.
[Apr 7,2006 11:31am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I know I ask this all the time, and it's probably earlier in the thread, but I'm lazy and at work.

So, here it goes?

Doors at 8, or show at 8?
[Apr 7,2006 11:33am - craigforacurse ""]
shut up cav. heres the lineup, sorry if it steps on anyones toes.

Militianary (open)
Smite The Righteous (close)

sorry. we needed to come up with something
[Apr 7,2006 11:33am - craigforacurse ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:
Doors at 8,

probably will start around then too
[Apr 7,2006 11:34am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
Craig, you stepped on my toes, and i'm offended.
[Apr 7,2006 11:35am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
craigforacurse said:kellthevalkyrie said:
Doors at 8,

probably will start around then too

[Apr 7,2006 11:36am - cav ""]
craigforacurse said:shut up cav. heres the lineup, sorry if it steps on anyones toes.

Militianary (open)
Smite The Righteous (close)

sorry. we needed to come up with something

tell me to shut up, then take my advice...so craigish of you!

[Apr 7,2006 11:36am - RichHorror ""]
So, bands should definitely get there at 7?
[Apr 7,2006 11:38am - sinistas ""]
Needs more jello wrestling.
[Apr 7,2006 11:39am - RichHorror ""]
I will definitely get smacked by at least 12 women tonight. I better wear an extra pair of pants.
[Apr 7,2006 11:40am - cav ""]
haha deedees...7, youll just be pissing off the regulars at the bar...the first band should show up at 7 to get loaded in, but the lady that runs the sound board doesnt show up til 8-9, at least the 2 times weve played there we showed up way too early. plus theres not enough room to load in early, you usually load in while the band before you is setting up.
[Apr 7,2006 11:44am - cav ""]
oh ya and dont get too close to that juke box...might have a confrenation...and watch out for the random homeless people coming in to use the bathroom... haha i love deedees i wish we were playing...damn pires and his pawcatuck red sox game.
[Apr 7,2006 11:56am - craigforacurse ""]
yeah some drunk guy threatened me if i tried to put a song on the jukebox. i had to explain to him how jukeboxes worked, and that he'd still hear his.
[Apr 7,2006 11:56am - craigforacurse ""]
im going to get there kinda early. probably between 7 and 8.
[Apr 7,2006 12:07pm - Messerschmitt ""]
it's always fun to watch eazy-e grabbing chicks asses
[Apr 7,2006 12:26pm - mooseknuckle  ""]
so the first band goes on at around 8? i don't think that will work. try 9 / 9:45 / 10:30 / 11:15. makes a little more sense?
[Apr 7,2006 12:45pm - mooseknuckle  ""]
[Apr 7,2006 1:13pm - DreamingInExile ""]
TONIGHT MOFO's! I'll be there...

I'll bring all my shoes and all my glasses...
[Apr 7,2006 1:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
please start this later id like to catch as much of this as possible
[Apr 7,2006 1:37pm - RichHorror ""]
I'd honestly be surprised if this started at 8.
[Apr 7,2006 1:42pm - pam nli  ""]
WOW thanks for the heads up on the closing. We're the youngest band on the bill, we shouldn't be headlining.
[Apr 7,2006 1:43pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, but pam, you guys are really good, and I've been wanting to see you since the Stone & Steel fest when you were sick (and you still kicked ass then)
[Apr 7,2006 1:44pm - pam nli  ""]
ah, this is Joe's fault. you bastard. way to assume I have friends.
[Apr 7,2006 1:46pm - RichHorror ""]
You're the one who said you had all of Wuincy coming to see you. If this was Joe's fault a young girl would be crying, clutching onto a pair of torn panties by now.
[Apr 7,2006 1:47pm - pam nli  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I am gonna make out with pam when smite the righteous is playing

Why do I have a feeling I will end up hitting you with the microphone tonight?
[Apr 7,2006 1:48pm - RichHorror ""]
When Joe says "make out" he really means "stare awkwardly at my shoes".
[Apr 7,2006 1:49pm - pam nli  ""]
RichHorror said:You're the one who said you had all of Wuincy coming to see you. If this was Joe's fault a young girl would be crying, clutching onto a pair of torn panties by now.

I said nothing of the sort. I got a small crowd coming BUT I also had them coming early. Hopefully they can stick around or I will be very depressed.

You're also giving me a LOT of time to get hammered. This is not smart.
[Apr 7,2006 1:50pm - RichHorror ""]
I finally moved out of my ex's. That means I finally have my machete and collection of butterfly knives back in my posession. Nobody's fucking leaving early.
[Apr 7,2006 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
pam nli said:You're also giving me a LOT of time to get hammered. This is not smart.

Just shake your junk.
[Apr 7,2006 2:04pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm going to be a mess.
[Apr 7,2006 2:09pm - RichHorror ""]
That's the general idea, dear.
[Apr 7,2006 2:11pm - pam nli  ""]
It was all of your plans all along. Leave her at the bar all night and watch her forget lyrics onstage. Cute.
[Apr 7,2006 2:12pm - RichHorror ""]
hahaha, you have lyrics.
[Apr 7,2006 2:26pm - pam nli  ""]
I lack the improvisational skills that you have.
[Apr 7,2006 4:05pm - pam nli  ""]

that is all.
[Apr 7,2006 4:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Those should be instrumental in teaching kids about alternative lifestyles.
[Apr 7,2006 4:11pm - pam nli  ""]
whattaya mean? that is the epitomy of manliness.
[Apr 7,2006 7:41pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Apr 8,2006 2:32am - Jonas  ""]
Militianary: Kicked ass. They need to be booked more.
HBBSI: Took 45 minutes to setup and played for 15 minutes.
A Terrible Night For a Curse: The part when they punched the hooker in the face was awesome.
It Will End In Pure Horror: Huh?
Smite The Righteous: Sexy street rhymes with a Motown Philly feel.
[Apr 8,2006 2:51am - Moran NLI  ""]
IWEIPH is great music to play pinball to. Good times.
[Apr 8,2006 4:03am - RichHorror ""]
Holy shit, my head hurts. Great show.
[Apr 8,2006 4:21am - pam nli  ""]
That was the best time ever. I think I broke a blood vessel in my head.

PS- fuck everyone who didn't go to IHOP. non-pancake eatin' motherfuckers.
[Apr 8,2006 4:25am - pam nli  ""]
humorous pictures coming later...
[Apr 8,2006 5:14am - sacreligion ""]
french toast > pancakes

HIM sucks
[Apr 8,2006 6:52am - sinistas ""]
oh man, the pancakes are making my stomach cringe.

I can't believe I'm up already.
[Apr 8,2006 9:50am - pam nli  ""]
I'm awake at 10am and horrified, what the hell are you doing up at 7?
[Apr 8,2006 9:51am - pam nli  ""]
sacreligion said:french toast > pancakes

HIM sucks

Are you trying to make me beat you up?
[Apr 8,2006 2:16pm - RichHorror ""]
I got sent home from work today because they were convinced I have head trauma. I look awesome.
[Apr 8,2006 3:57pm - Craig @ work  ""]
you were getting kicked while lying in the road.
[Apr 8,2006 4:05pm - dreadkill ""]
that was a fun show. i almost shat my pants.
[Apr 8,2006 4:07pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:You're the one who said you had all of Wuincy coming to see you. If this was Joe's fault a young girl would be crying, clutching onto a pair of torn panties by now.

Wuincy is my favorite city of all time.
[Apr 8,2006 5:27pm - cav ""]
Jonas said:Militianary: Kicked ass. They need to be booked more.
HBBSI: Took 45 minutes to setup and played for 15 minutes.
A Terrible Night For a Curse: The part when they punched the hooker in the face was awesome.
It Will End In Pure Horror: Huh?
Smite The Righteous: Sexy street rhymes with a Motown Philly feel.

who punched a hooker in the face? what?!
[Apr 8,2006 5:32pm - dreadkill ""]
my review of the show

militianary: i missed some of their set, but caught most of it. they kicked ass and reminded me a bit of today is the day. john gillis is a nasty drummer and has an awesome last name.

hbbsi: their set was really short and i missed alot of it, but what i heard was tight.

atnfac: i hadn't seen these guys in a couple years. they've really honed their sound and put on a good show.

iweiph: they ruled. rich horror is the world's greatest frontman. grah like a motherfucker.

smite the righteous: intense as always. i enjoyed their set.

this show was a veritable who's who of rttp. rttp hoodies dominated the bar and i saw lots of people from local bands i haven't seen in a while. good times.
[Apr 8,2006 6:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Craig @ work said:you were getting kicked while lying in the road.

Yeah, I got that a lot. Some people like to play their XBOX, I like to have a boot party thrown in my honor. Different strokes.
[Apr 8,2006 6:22pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
pam nli said:That was the best time ever. I think I broke a blood vessel in my head.

PS- fuck everyone who didn't go to IHOP. non-pancake eatin' motherfuckers.

You gonna be at Morbid Angel tonight Pam?
[Apr 9,2006 12:54pm - pam nli  ""]
Chris took his RTTP hoodie off after the 6th or 7th one showed up in the bar.

Pictures are uploading...forgot I had a camera on me until IWEIPH came on so there's not as many as I'd hoped.

And yes, I went to Morbid Angel.
[Apr 9,2006 12:57pm - dreadkill ""]
my favorite band of the night was DURP!
[Apr 9,2006 1:06pm - Sinislazy  ""]
yeah, Durp kicked ass.
[Apr 9,2006 1:39pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i wanted to go to this, but i fell asleep.
...that's pretty sad, huh?
[Apr 9,2006 2:42pm - kell nli  ""]
this show was kick ass. i was drizunk. pam was awesome. that's all i have to say for now.
[Apr 9,2006 7:28pm - RichHorror ""]
pam nli said:forgot I had a camera on me until IWEIPH came on so there's not as many as I'd hoped.

There's no need for cameras until IWEIPH hits the stage. I'm THAT attractive.
[Apr 9,2006 7:34pm - Sinislazy  ""]
moreso when you've busted your head open

[Apr 9,2006 7:35pm - dreadkill ""]
rich's good looks make brad pitt jealous
[Apr 9,2006 7:45pm - RichHorror ""]
I just railed Angelina Jolie because she couldn't believe she wasted her time with Brad Pitt after seeing me. And by "railed Angelina Jolie" I mean cried myself to sleep after screaming "WHY WON'T ANY OF THEM LOVE ME?!" for twelve hours straight.
[Apr 10,2006 1:45am - RichHorror ""]
pam nli said:Pictures are uploading...

Where are these pictures you speak of?
[Apr 10,2006 8:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I was definately in my A game at this show.
[Apr 10,2006 8:56am - sinistas ""]
yes, you were, lol
[Apr 10,2006 8:58am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Who kept taking pictures of me? I need them for myspace. I want Tom to know the truth about me.
[Apr 10,2006 9:12am - sinistas ""]
I never asked how the apple juice was.
[Apr 10,2006 9:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It was great, the waitress made a good choice. I also had a chocolate milk, that was also great.
[Apr 10,2006 9:16am - sinistas ""]
my coke was fantastic.
[Apr 10,2006 9:20am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to start retelling stories of my weekends in song form.
[Apr 10,2006 3:14pm - sinistas ""]
make sure you Shatner it
[Apr 10,2006 3:17pm - pam nli  ""]
Oh man, pictures. I suck...

My pancakes were fucking amazing.

How'd that syrup taste, boys?
[Apr 10,2006 4:02pm - pam nli  ""]
Hope this works. I'm new to Flickr.


Some of my favorites:

The disgust on one one side of the table is priceless.
You guys are all gay.
No comment needed.
Here's your goddamn picture, Joe. Myspace, away!
[Apr 10,2006 4:08pm - sinistas ""]
haha, awesome
[Apr 10,2006 4:22pm - pam nli  ""]
Good times.
[Apr 10,2006 4:41pm - sinistas ""]
haha, Mike's face looks like a bust of julius caesar
[Apr 10,2006 4:48pm - dreadkill ""]
i look like i want to swallow a cock in the picture with the panthers jersey. ha.
[Apr 10,2006 4:55pm - sinistas ""]
foreshadowing, perhaps? ;)
[Apr 10,2006 5:08pm - dreadkill ""]
sinistas said:foreshadowing, perhaps? ;)

you look like you are getting off while looking at my ass.
[Apr 10,2006 5:08pm - dreadkill ""]
pam's camera is awesome.
[Apr 10,2006 5:14pm - sinistas ""]
dreadkill said:sinistas said:foreshadowing, perhaps? ;)

you look like you are getting off while looking at my ass.

quite possible.
[Apr 10,2006 5:15pm - dreadkill ""]
if that's the case, i think DS should be in that gay dude's gayest metal band poll.
[Apr 10,2006 6:54pm - RichHorror ""]
pam nli said:[img]

And yet I'm still unattached. Shocking.
[Apr 10,2006 6:56pm - dreadkill ""]
women are intimidated by your beauty
[Apr 10,2006 6:56pm - dreadkill ""]
and your machete collection
[Apr 10,2006 6:57pm - sinistas ""]
definitely the machetes
[Apr 10,2006 7:03pm - RichHorror ""]
That hanging plant is grim as fuck.
[Apr 10,2006 7:18pm - pam nli  ""]
I think machetes are hot.
[Apr 10,2006 7:19pm - RichHorror ""]
Come on over. But only to look at my knives.
[Apr 10,2006 7:22pm - pam nli  ""]
I likey knives.
[Apr 10,2006 7:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Check your myspace or I'll explode into uncontrollable rage.
[Apr 10,2006 7:28pm - dreadkill ""]
did you leave her mean comments?
[Apr 10,2006 7:30pm - pam nli  ""]
no, he didn't.
[Apr 10,2006 7:30pm - RichHorror ""]
No, that would indicate a will to live.
[Apr 10,2006 7:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i have a will to drink booze
[Apr 10,2006 7:35pm - pam nli  ""]
we all live in new bedford...we should all be at a bar.
[Apr 10,2006 7:35pm - dreadkill ""]
living in new bedford saps my will to be productive and sober.
[Apr 10,2006 7:39pm - pam nli  ""]
Really? I'm just bursting with happiness over here.
[Apr 10,2006 7:40pm - dreadkill ""]
my stomach is making weird noises.
[Apr 10,2006 7:43pm - pam nli  ""]
you should stop swallowing
[Apr 10,2006 7:44pm - dreadkill ""]
[Apr 11,2006 11:43pm - RichHorror ""]
After looking at the pictures and hearing what I actually did during our set, I believe my part in the IWEIPH portion of this show can technically be considered a suicide attempt. I promise to try harder next time.
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[Aug 26,2006 4:38am - Nicole  ""]
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