You cant eat pizza at hardcore shows ...fuck you!![views:112497][posts:325]____________________________________________ [May 15,2007 4:10am - hardcorepizzamosh ""] So just the other day sunday at dover buddy was attending the hxc show with nothing better to do. In between bands or playing or something he was eating pizza....when the singer pulled him aside in a tactic similar to a marine trying to get you to join....hxc dude-what the fuck man there is a show going on man. friend- yeah I know I am eating pizza. hxc dude-come on man this isnt allston......its about going to the show man..get in there man.....come on..... friend- i play music all the tim i just want to eat this pizza..... hxc dude pissed!! singer of band at this point so pissed about it on stage points out my friend and talks about how people suck at going to would rather eat pizza then be into hardcore.......haahahahaha very funny and very true. Just funny to think someone in a band questioning what your doing....telling you what to do and being that pissed about pizza. hxc for life. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 4:31am - Anthny ""] Wow What is the name of this fucktard's band? |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 4:32am - Anthny ""] post his name so everyone on here can laugh at him |
______________________________________ [May 15,2007 6:51am - GoatCatalyst ""] wow. you should expose this turd's band and EVERYBODY should stand as far from the stage as possible and conduct an old-fashioned fifth-grade pizza party EVERY time they play. |
__________________________________ [May 15,2007 8:36am - SteveOTB ""] I've been known to do things along those lines but not as gay. For instance when people just up and leave during out set I start waving "bye" and sometimes when people are just sitting there at the bar and literally no one is watching us and we're putting on a show for them I say something too. Makes me look like an ass sometimes but you go to shows to watch bands. You can enjoy your pizza and drinks but if everyone is going to ignore us and walk away then I say something. |
________________________________ [May 15,2007 8:44am - xmikex ""] yeah what band was this? I saw the singer of None But Burning bitch out these 2 bar broads for having the loudest conversation ever in the middle of a show. Ruled. |
______________________________________ [May 15,2007 9:17am - the_reverend ""] man oh man, I want pizza now if I could eat pizza at shows instead of taking pictures, I would be 450. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 9:50am - C.dead ""] Wow, thats pretty funny. Considering they sell pizza, i dont see the problem. Actually, pizza is better than 80% of local bands anyways, and 98% of local hardcore bands. Since there wasn't anyone watching his band, and if i was that singer, i probably would have joined you. But since he would have rather of seen you pick up change, throw a couple spinkicks, punch the air, make stoopid faces as if something really amazing just happened (for instance, a really good open E breakdown), or slap them hands together, all in front of the pizza guy, while you are enjoying your pizza, i guess i would have cried to. |
______________________________________ [May 15,2007 9:52am - the_reverend ""] dbh doesn't sell pizza |
__________________________________________ [May 15,2007 10:29am - metal_church101 ""] What was the name of the band? |
__________________________________ [May 15,2007 10:36am - C.dead ""] "dbh doesn't sell pizza " Well, it does have brickhouse in the name. So sorry Rev., i will try to go NH more often and check out all the hardcore hotspots really soon. |
_______________________________ [May 15,2007 10:39am - Yeti ""] lets see if you can eat........PIZZA!! |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 10:40am - RichHorror ""] I'm pissed off. I've been to thousands of shows in Allston and very rarely was there pizza available. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 10:41am - xmikex ""] I have a feeling the name of this band was Fakey Fake and the IMadeThisUpForNoReason Just a hunch. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 10:41am - Ryan_M ""] I hate when people take music too seriously like that. "Yo nigguh if it wernt fuh hardcore I wouldn't even be here right now dawg! Hardcore saved my life! I was gonna kill myself until I heard of Terror dawg! You think this is a game sucka? You think we're playing this show just for fun??? Dis shit be real yo! You best put that pizza down and start showing some respect and mosh it up bitch! I better see you windmill someone in the face and get jumped for my band!" Fucking gay man. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 10:44am - xmikex ""] YOU THINK THIS SAVES THE DAY COVER IS A JOKE?!! WE DONT PLAY DAT SHIT!!!!! |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:00am - RichHorror ""] xmikex said:I have a feeling the name of this band was Fakey Fake and the IMadeThisUpForNoReason Just a hunch. Yeah. This is stupid, even by tough guy hardcore standards. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:02am - INFECT ""] C.dead said:pizza is better than 80% of local bands fact |
__________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:05am - C.dead ""] Damn fucking right, especially pita pizza. Thats when the take a pita and make a pizza out of it. Mmmmm, pita pizza. |
__________________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:07am - metal_church101 ""] Sounds like the guy crashed before he went on stage. |
________________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:08am - aaron_michael ""] Yeti said:lets see if you can eat........PIZZA!! [img] ps. the band that is being mentioned is Hammer Bros. I was told about the incident and got hungry. |
__________________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:09am - metal_church101 ""] LOL. Now I know what to do if I am ever on the same bill as them. |
__________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:21am - C.dead ""] Wow, thats surprising. They actually aren't THAT bad. Or at least as bad i was inferring. |
_______________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:34am - GoatCatalyst ""] CUNT PARM. |
___________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:36am - brian_dc ""] I ate pizza at The Kave. I saw no problem with it. Also, we were playing that show and were starving. |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:45am - RichHorror ""] Lower your voice. If he really said that pizza is destroying hardcore, that's the best thing I've ever heard. |
______________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:49am - xanonymousx ""] if i am hungry at a show and there is food i am going to eat it and i don't care if some turd from a band doesn't like it. hey i have to eat i'll watch your band while i eat even. just let me eat seriously. |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:50am - RichHorror ""] Hammer Bros should go on tour with Ramming Speed. |
___________________________________ [May 15,2007 11:56am - SteveOTB ""] Think he'll issue an apology on Letterman? |
_______________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:18pm - GoatCatalyst ""] Funny- I thought shitty music and shittier kids were ruining hardcore. PS - I enjoy eating at shows to the extent that I order General Tso's shrimp to be delivered to me at the Wallingford American Legion on a somewhat regular basis. People get butt-hurt when I don't share with them, which makes my food taste even better - like some sort of exotic spice. I can't even begin to imagine the pleasures that would be afforded me if my dining was seen as an act of disrespect to an entire genre. |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:22pm - RichHorror ""] SPRING ROLLS ARE RUINING POSTPUNK |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:24pm - xmikex ""] |
________________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:30pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] how fucking gay is that. Oh yeah and mr story teller, please use quotes when you are trying to retell your tales. |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:40pm - xmikex ""] Falafel is ruining jazz fusion!! |
_________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:42pm - xmikex ""] Honestly, to me this sounds like somebody made a joke, and somebody else didn't get it. I dunno, maybe I'm hearing the story wrong. |
____________________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] the trick is to eat the pizza whilst playing the show. |
____________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:54pm - dreadkill ""] C.dead said:Damn fucking right, especially pita pizza. Thats when the take a pita and make a pizza out of it. Mmmmm, pita pizza. pita pizza is amazing |
______________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:54pm - Mike_Giallo ""] Pizza is better than music, hands down. |
____________________________________ [May 15,2007 12:57pm - dreadkill ""] music doesn't taste good or sound good. pizza tastes good and sounds good. |
___________________________________________ [May 15,2007 1:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] [img] |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 1:04pm - Mike_Giallo ""] dreadkill said:music doesn't taste good or sound good. pizza tastes good and sounds good. Amen. |
__________________________________________ [May 15,2007 1:05pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""] FuckIsMySignature said:[img] this is the man responsible for destroying hardcore. |
___________________________________ [May 15,2007 1:18pm - dreadkill ""] hahahhahaaha, pizza the hut. "bahhhhhf, puuuuuuke, whateeeeeeehhhhva!" |
__________________________________ [May 15,2007 1:21pm - Sinistas ""] "he...ATE HIMSELF...TO...DEATH!" |
______________________________ [May 15,2007 1:23pm - Yeti ""] i bet the dude was really enjoying the band, stopped to support the band by buying pizza from the venue, and the singer starts giving him all kinds of shit for it, and now the pizza-eater hates them. good job guys. |
______________________________ [May 15,2007 1:24pm - Yeti ""] i would definitely hate someone who was giving me shit for being hungry. thats one of those unspoken rules among men. if the man is hungry, let the man eat! |
_____________________________________ [May 15,2007 2:08pm - sacreligion ""] unless you're a faggoty hardcore dude that needs to be the center of attention all the time ;) p.s. i'm not saying all hardcore dudes are faggoty, just the ones that need to be the center of attention all the time |
_______________________________________ [May 15,2007 2:54pm - y_ddraig_goch ""] sacreligion said:unless you're a faggoty hardcore dude that needs to be the center of attention all the time ;) p.s. i'm not saying all hardcore dudes are faggoty, just the ones that need to be the center of attention all the time which are all of the them. Why do you think they get those ridiculous tattoos and earings. |
______________________________ [May 15,2007 3:13pm - Yeti ""] plus, anyone who calls themselves "hardcore" now is simply a faggoty faux-hardcore dude trying to be the center of attention. |