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Now Find a show to go to!

Oct 25 (Sun) - EYEHATEGOD, Goatwhore, Anal Cunt, Strong Intention, Howl, Rampant Decay - Middle East (Cambridge, MA)

10/25 EYEHATEGOD @ MIDDLE EAST DOWN(Official Thread)

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jul 29,2009 6:38pm - robing ""]
[Jul 29,2009 6:39pm - robing ""]
[Jul 29,2009 6:39pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
i'm jealous. I got a bunch of friends that tell me i should be jealous.... wait, what the hell am i talking about. Nevermind.
[Jul 29,2009 6:45pm - arilliusbm ""]

BoarcorpseJimbo said:fair enough. it's probably just my corporate office job that sucks out my soul and makes me look older than i am.

amen brother, amen.
[Jul 29,2009 7:10pm - xgodzillax ""]

robing said:So your basically saying you get into genres of music when they totally suck.

nah, thats not what im sayin. ive always listened to metal. wheter it be death, core, black, thrash, symphonic, grind, sludge, doom, etc etc. to be honest, i started going to metal shows out here because my girlfriend goes to metal shows, therefore i had someone who actually knew where and when the metal shows were here. that and i actually had someone to talk to instead of being the awkwardly quiet, angry hardcore kid at a metal show. so yeah, talk your shit. believe that im jealous. do whatever you can to make you feel that youre worthless existence is one of substance
[Jul 29,2009 7:11pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Jim, you're what... my age? I forget. I know i've asked you 3 or 4 times, but i just can't seem to remember.
[Jul 29,2009 7:15pm - xgodzillax ""]
and robin by substance, i mean one of purpose. NOT substance abuse.
[Jul 29,2009 7:21pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Robin doesn't do drugs. I know, i offered him weed a couple times. Dudes got his shit together, and again Godzilla, i'm not arguing with you, but Robin is one of the few (could count on one hand) people in the state that put on local shows i want to go to.
[Jul 29,2009 7:28pm - W3 nli  ""]
i have no idea whats going on here but will be at this show and will be on the verge of blacked out.

goodtimes, thanks robins for bringing good bands to the area again.
[Jul 29,2009 7:30pm - xgodzillax ""]
i wasnt talking about drugs. i was talking about alcohol. even if he does put on some good shows, i still think hes a worthless piece of shit. hes pushin what, almost 40 yet hes arguing with a guy who has the mindset of a 15 year old? oddly im reminded of eric wood sending ITS a message about how were not powerviolence cause he HELPED invent it.
[Jul 29,2009 7:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah but robin can actually skateboard and got to give steve austin lots of hugs so he's ok
[Jul 30,2009 12:54am - RobinG ""]
I just turned 35.
[Jul 30,2009 2:15am - RichHorror ""]
I love Robin. He's my babay boy we got drunk many times and ruined females lives.

I love Nick, he's my baby boy I tell him when I ruin a cop's face for trying to fuck with this becauce he's my little brother and lives the life I lived 10 years ago.

If you have beef with xgodzillax you are a faggot and would never have survived a BLOOD FOR BLOOD show back in the day because you too busy crying to FUCK SOCIETY UP
[Jul 30,2009 2:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I gotta go to this!

Robin, would you mind if i set up my distro?
[Jul 30,2009 2:24am - RichHorror ""]
$50 distro setup or GTFO
[Jul 30,2009 3:00am - goatcatalyst ""]
Psssh... $60 distro setup!

Will be there buying the birthday homos and Robin whisky. A cola for Zilla and nubile bumholes for all of us to smash.
[Jul 30,2009 3:16am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Payable to Robin, or your drunk ass?
[Jul 30,2009 8:20am - goatcatalyst ""]
Payable to Frank Booth, FUCK!
[Jul 30,2009 8:55am - MikeOv  ""]
Die, die, die, motherfucker
Go hang yourself, cocksucker
[Jul 30,2009 2:56pm - W3 nli  ""]

RichHorror said:I love Robin. He's my babay boy we got drunk many times and ruined females lives.

I love Nick, he's my baby boy I tell him when I ruin a cop's face for trying to fuck with this becauce he's my little brother and lives the life I lived 10 years ago.

If you have beef with xgodzillax you are a faggot and would never have survived a BLOOD FOR BLOOD show back in the day because you too busy crying to FUCK SOCIETY UP

i gets no loves :ralphie:
[Jul 30,2009 3:09pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I love you Sean!
[Jul 30,2009 3:48pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't remember posting that, if it makes you feel better.
[Jul 30,2009 3:50pm - MikeOv  ""]
are tickets available yet?
[Jul 30,2009 3:52pm - RichHorror ""]
No, the ME doesn't even have the show listed on their site yet. I imagine Robin'll make an announcement ITT when they're available.
[Jul 30,2009 3:53pm - dreadkill ""]
not reading the whole thread, but eyehategod with rampant decay?!? that's a beautiful marriage.
[Jul 30,2009 3:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Drunk on the reg.
[Jul 30,2009 3:59pm - RichHorror ""]
"i helped pay for a jimmy bower endorsed abortion"
[Jul 31,2009 3:05pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
FINISHER should be one this
[Jul 31,2009 3:50pm - robing ""]
Line up
ANAL CUNT(unbanned from middle east!)
$20 Tix avail soon.
[Jul 31,2009 3:53pm - brian_dc ""]
holy shit, well done.
[Jul 31,2009 3:58pm - robing ""]
I think NYC will be like 30 bucks. I'm waiting for a ticket announcement and then we are good to go.
[Jul 31,2009 3:59pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Wow... nice!

Finally get to see Anal Cunt!
[Jul 31,2009 4:02pm - MikeOv  ""]
Oh man, I'm definitely going to have to call into work the next day.
[Jul 31,2009 4:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Holy shit.
[Jul 31,2009 4:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robin, distro set-up charge?
[Jul 31,2009 4:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
Robin is the man.
[Jul 31,2009 4:11pm - robing ""]
[Jul 31,2009 4:11pm - RichHorror ""]
I have no idea where any would set up their distro after all the bands have set up their merch to this mammoth show.
[Jul 31,2009 4:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
In front of the soundboard (where that wood bench is) is where he usually has me.
[Jul 31,2009 4:25pm - W3 nli  ""]
good show is good and will def be at
[Jul 31,2009 4:39pm - robing ""]
I'll check with Eyehategod to see if it's ok and will get back to you, I'm cool with it. It takes up the space of one person so try to minimize it and I don't think I'll charge you Just buy a ticket or two for a friend!
[Jul 31,2009 4:40pm - MikeOv  ""]
So much alcohol will be consumed

"...And you'll need the cocaine."
[Jul 31,2009 4:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Charge him eleventy thousand Mississippi Fun Bucks.
[Jul 31,2009 4:45pm - robing ""]
10 percent sounds fair.
[Jul 31,2009 4:52pm - RichHorror ""]
10% of a billion
[Jul 31,2009 6:13pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jul 31,2009 7:11pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jul 31,2009 7:19pm - RichHorror ""]
Bat Country
[Jul 31,2009 9:12pm - W3 nli  ""]
trip on acid or take your own life
[Jul 31,2009 9:32pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
smoke coke in the backstage room or


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