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How drunk would you have to be to fuck Leigh Rush???

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[Dec 24,2006 3:31am - Josh Martin is bored and in Connecticut  ""]
Instead of ruining other threads with babble about this retarded douchebag, just insult her here.
[Dec 24,2006 5:09am - Josh Martin is bored and in Connecticut  ""]
A horse is a horse of course of course.....
[Dec 24,2006 5:12am - BlackMetalLady ""]
This isn't Josh Martin
[Dec 24,2006 5:15am - Josh Martin is bored and in Connecticut  ""]
Yes it is you fucking retard.
[Dec 24,2006 5:16am - BlackMetalLady ""]
sign in and prove it... it takes a seccond
[Dec 24,2006 5:16am - Josh_Martin ""]
I was doing that anyways, you queen of mongoloids
[Dec 24,2006 5:17am - BlackMetalLady ""]
You're an asshole... I'm beautiful
[Dec 24,2006 5:24am - Josh Martin is bored and in Connecticut  ""]
Ooohhh, look I logged out again.

You think you're beautiful. You also think you're important. You also think I care if you book my band or not.
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

[Dec 24,2006 5:25am - BlackMetalLady ""]
[Dec 24,2006 5:27am - BlackMetalLady ""]
Josh, importnat lesson...

There is an old saying, "Becareful what you say to the doorman, because you just might be working with him one day."
[Dec 24,2006 5:31am - BlackMetalLady ""]

looks like #1 is winning
[Dec 24,2006 5:34am - BlackMetalLady ""]
Josh Martin has a crush on me... but I'm not intererested in Hobby Rockers... nor a Man who is not a gentleman.
[Dec 24,2006 6:01am - BlackMetalLady ""]

I'm very forgiving , Josh... too bad your parents didn't teach you.

[Dec 24,2006 7:01am - anonymous  ""]
BlackMetalLady said:Josh, importnat lesson...

There is an old saying, "Becareful what you say to the doorman, because you just might be workig with him one day."

Nice spelling
[Dec 24,2006 8:55am - anonymous  ""]
I am sure her pussy smells like the inside of a bums asshole. No way would I touch that "woman" if you can even call her one.
[Dec 24,2006 9:02am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
anonymous said:I am sure her pussy smells like the inside of a bums asshole. No way would I touch that "woman" if you can even call her one.

That was me by the way.

[Dec 24,2006 9:31am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
#1 is winning because noone would need to be drunk to fight you. You're reading the 'ugly turns me on' part wrong.
[Dec 24,2006 9:37am - anonymous  ""]
I think these two kids like each other LMFAO!
[Dec 24,2006 9:50am - Doubleshot  ""]
[Dec 24,2006 10:12am - davefromthegrave ""]
BlackMetalLady said:You're an asshole... I'm beautiful

I disagree with half of this statement
[Dec 24,2006 11:45am - To Some Dumb Fuck who did this Thread  ""]
i think this is the stupidest thread on here... you must have some infatuation with leigh or something. i know leigh and she's a kind hearted person, who is beautiful in many ways! i do believe you are jealous of her!
[Dec 24,2006 11:53am - To Some Dumb Fuck who did this Thread  ""]
i bet you and your army of 5 friends feels special right josh? oh and also leigh has done A GREAT DEAL for my band. to the point of management company's actually contacting us. so maybe you can fly a kite you looser josh!
[Dec 24,2006 12:00pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ohhh, are you as big as anal cunt yet? cause if not, id say josh still has 1 up on you.
[Dec 24,2006 12:12pm - Kevord ""]
Go jump in a lake ya big poopie pants!
[Dec 24,2006 12:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
actually that was just Leigh logging out
[Dec 24,2006 12:22pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
W3 nli said:actually that was just Leigh logging out

No, No. If I have something to say then I'll log in and say it. I'm sure Mr. Martin was extremely drunk when he started this thread. I think he should work on creating better music than wasting time here... that hobby rocker fool!
[Dec 24,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know why people are obsessively posting bml/leigh threads. she should start a slick marketing campaign for something. I mean, all this free advertising. I'd say ™ your name and start selling waffle irons or something.
[Dec 24,2006 12:49pm - Hoser_NLI  ""]
To Some Dumb Fuck who did this Thread said:i bet you and your army of 5 friends feels special right josh? oh and also leigh has done A GREAT DEAL for my band. to the point of management company's actually contacting us. so maybe you can fly a kite you looser josh!

What's a "looser?"

[Dec 24,2006 12:49pm - Niccolai ""]
If I didn't get a waffle iron for xmas, I'm coming for each and every one of you.
[Dec 24,2006 12:52pm - BlackMetalLady ""]
the_reverend said:I don't know why people are obsessively posting bml/leigh threads. she should start a slick marketing campaign for something. I mean, all this free advertising. I'd say ™ your name and start selling waffle irons or something.

Good idea!:bow:
[Dec 24,2006 12:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hey, aaron cursed the waffle iron, not me, ill have no part in this.

now your gonna get rollerblades
[Dec 24,2006 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]
this thread isn't about you or I being gay.
we will have to sword fight in another thread.
[Dec 24,2006 12:57pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]

[Dec 24,2006 3:19pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 24,2006 3:48pm - Dankill  ""]
I'd triple bag it while tripping on acid and punch her in the face.
[Dec 24,2006 6:21pm - Josh Martin is a Has- Been  ""]
i liked anal cunt when i was in skool but after 9th grade i grew up!
[Dec 24,2006 6:29pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
If she has a nice body, cut off her head and fuck her.
[Dec 24,2006 6:42pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Leigh Rush on a date last night:

[Dec 24,2006 6:44pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Leigh Rush experimenting with lesbianism:

[Dec 24,2006 6:46pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Dec 24,2006 6:50pm - Kevord ""]
Josh Martin is a Has- Been said:i liked anal cunt when i was in skool but after 9th grade i grew up!

But still never learned to spell.
[Dec 24,2006 6:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Leigh Rush opening wide for the dentist:

[Dec 24,2006 7:15pm - Anonymous  ""]
BlackMetalLady said:W3 nli said:actually that was just Leigh logging out

No, No. If I have something to say then I'll log in and say it. I'm sure Mr. Martin was extremely drunk when he started this thread. I think he should work on creating better music than wasting time here... that hobby rocker fool!

Now drunk on spiked eggnog, Josh?
[Dec 24,2006 7:33pm - Ryan_M ""]
BlackMetalLady said:W3 nli said:actually that was just Leigh logging out

No, No. If I have something to say then I'll log in and say it. I'm sure Mr. Martin was extremely drunk when he started this thread. I think he should work on creating better music than wasting time here... that hobby rocker fool!

I'm not trying to start up any more shit here, but I don't understand this hatred for "hobby rockers". Is it really a bad thing if playing music is a hobby? Not everyone who starts a band is aiming to be a rock star. Some people just play because they like to.
As far as Josh Martin needing to play "better music" - hey, he can play whatever he wants to. His style isn't intended to be socially acceptable. Just because you don't like his music doesn't mean he should change. Personally, I think he's quite good at what he does and I enjoy the music I've heard from his bands.

It sounds to me that you just like being able to say you know people in bands, and that you are able to help bands become more successful, and it makes you mad when some bands aren't intrested in being as successful as you want to be able to take them, so you call them "hobby rockers" like they're morons for not wanting your help.
[Dec 24,2006 7:39pm - Josh Martin  ""]
Josh Stuck his nose in some one else's bussiness. he dosnt even know who Leigh Rush is. He's Never Met her or anything! Josh dosn't even know the WHOLE STORY. so maybe a little education here would be helpful to him, also maybe he shouldnt believe everything he hears!
[Dec 24,2006 7:50pm - A Christmas Wish  ""]
i think a great christmas present would be to tea bag josh martin! Deck The BALLS!
[Dec 24,2006 7:59pm - blackmetallady ""]
Ryan_M said:BlackMetalLady said:W3 nli said:actually that was just Leigh logging out

No, No. If I have something to say then I'll log in and say it. I'm sure Mr. Martin was extremely drunk when he started this thread. I think he should work on creating better music than wasting time here... that hobby rocker fool!

I'm not trying to start up any more shit here, but I don't understand this hatred for "hobby rockers". Is it really a bad thing if playing music is a hobby? Not everyone who starts a band is aiming to be a rock star. Some people just play because they like to.

No, no, no. "Hobby Rockers" don't make me money, because they don't draw. Why? Because they don't try, nor do they care. That's why I don't like hobby rockers... they waste my time. Personally, I have nothing against hobby rockers... just don't ask me to be on a bill.

As far as Josh is concerned, Anal Cunt wouldn't make me money anyway, because they break to much shit at venues. Damn, they would cost me money. That makes them hobby rockers in my eyes. Moreover, they suck anyway! Remember, he started in with me first on this board without even knowing me. If he can't handel my comments, then he shouldn't have run his mouth in the first place.

I think I'll make a t-shirt that says, "If you're a Hobby Rocker... DON'T TALK TO ME."

[Dec 24,2006 8:02pm - Niccolai ""]
You rant about bands being worthless that don't make you money... then you go ahead and book Otep. I don't get it.
[Dec 24,2006 8:04pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I've started to really appreciate the term "hobby rocker".
[Dec 24,2006 8:12pm - hey Granny  ""]
hey granny have your wounds healed from my tea bagging yet?

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