salvia almost illegal... good, but dont take kratom[views:5515][posts:52]______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 10:36am - ouchdrummer ""] So massachusetts is pretty close to making salvia or more specifically anything that contains salvinorum-A illegal to buy/sell/possess in ma. This is a decision about drugs that i actually agree with the government on, salvia is safe at lower levels, but at higher levels it can cause people to do stuff that is really really dangerous. I have tried dozens of obscure psychedelics from around the globe in many different forms, and this one was the only one at high levels that really made me have concern for non-experianced trippers. So i am not really upset about it, but in the same bill THEY ARE ADDING KRATOM to the list too. Which just isnt right. Kratom has most of the benefits of the poppy plant with with addition of the fact that it will belp people with opiate withdrawels even better than methadone. It's not right that this plant with so many purpases can just be made illegal with salvia because people dont know about it and are scarred. Oh well, i have a kratom tree growing anyways. |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""] [img] |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 10:43am - cav nli ""] agreed that salvia sucks. its defnitely the worst drug ive ever tripped on. i guess it was kinda fun and all but i got really bad vibes after i did it. i would love to hear more about these "dozens of obscure psychedelics" |
__________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 10:46am - c.DeAd ""] DMT; powdered death. That shit I would never touch again. |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 10:59am - ouchdrummer ""] dmt is great either in a very controlled dose (smoking with a mg scale to measure) or thru ayahuasca. As far as the dozens of obscure psychedelics, almost every visionary cactus, which is about 50 differnt kinds of cacti containing about 30 different hallucinogenic phenethylamines total between all of them, besides the cacti, there is ibogaine, Lsa, all the plants in the Solanaceae family ie. datura, belladona, brugmansia, all of the sacred lotus plants, mescal beans etc.. |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 11:06am - ouchdrummer ""] oh not to mention mysticin.. the chem in NUTMEG that makes it highly hallucinogenic. That shit lasts almost three days, although it is really really really bad for your liver, try it once, then deal with nutmeg flavored burps for a week (Still cant eat anything with nutmeg) and to boot all the research chems i've tried have been even crazier than most of the natural stuff, more dangerous for sure though. (although lsa, mescalin from cacti, and huasca, when prepared right, are stronger than almost any research chemi trip.) |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 11:51am - cav nli ""] shit sounds crazy. i just really want to try lsd but i want to make sure its real shit. |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:02pm - ouchdrummer ""] well if you wanna try its brother LSA thats totally legal to order seads that contain it. If you have access to everclear you can do a totally safe extraction from hawaiin baby woodrose. |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:25pm - cav nli ""] hmmm im interested. where can you get these seeds? |
________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:37pm - aril ""] has many different types of seeds. i got my salvia from this place called bouncing bear botanicals or something. good stuff. google it. |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:40pm - ouchdrummer ""] number of different places online. I am Shamen dot com is pretty reliable. are the best although they arent taking credit card payments right now, so you have to trust them enough to send a money order, i can vouge for that site though. The idea is that LSA is about 1/20th the strength of LSD and as you have to take MICROgrams of lsd, you only need Miligrams of LSA. It has a slight sedative quality to it as well, and lasts longer, and takes longer to kick in than lsd. it is way more fun IMHO though. Buy only fresh HBWS and immediately grind them to powder and soak them in just enough everclear to cover them for about a day, strain thru cheescloth or a tshirt, then evaporate the dish of liquid somewhere warm but not hot, below 100fh is preferred otherwise some of the alkaloid will evaporate with the alchohol. You will have a resinous sorta shit left over, do this with a controlled amount of seeds, so in the end you can use simple math to figure out how much extraction to take. Between 10 seeds to feels something, to 40 to go like 10hits of acid out of your mind. All you do is mix the relatively small, mostly tasteless shit in some coffee/beer/soda and drink. Be prepared for some cramps before the onset. A word of advice: You can just take the seeds crushed up but if you dont clean them 100% of the hair on the outside, you will get a little cyanide in your drug. I dont need to tell you how bad that stuff is. Only that with the extraction you wont get any. So dont even try without the extraction cause people have died, not many, and only ones that were stupid, but its happened and i wouldnt want to be responsible for that. So just drive to rhode island like me and get some everclear to extract with. enjoy. email me with more questions. |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:40pm - cav nli ""] nah yo i want dem LSA seeds nah meen |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:41pm - ouchdrummer ""] bouncing bear has awesome ayahuasca materials. I have ordered from them a bunch of times. Great Mimosa Hostillis root bark, almost all inner purple pure alkaloid heaven. |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:43pm - cav nli ""] im from rhode island, im all set! |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:47pm - ouchdrummer ""] word. Your lucky, you can use everclear for a bunch of polar soluable extractions. |
________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 12:48pm - aril ""] damn, ouchdrummer, you're a shaman of some sort. |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 1:17pm - aril ""] honestly, there's no sense in banning a lot of these natural drugs. there's many legal household or over-the-counter substances that have do more harm than a good number of those. I don't even want to get into why ganj is illegal because that just pisses me off everytime I even think about it. 1937 was a year that will live in infamy. |
______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 1:27pm - Yeti ""] seriously. 1937 is incredibly relevant in 2008. huffing compressed air is 10000 times more dangerous than tripping on mushrooms. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 1:51pm - ouchdrummer ""] I have been called a shamen by some. I do regularly prepare these type of materials myself, and then bring into group setting for "vision quests" We should put together a deathmetal outting with some shamanic materials somewhere where we could enjoy christ-grinding metal. Perhaps outside somewhere. I am thinkin it would be good to plan one for the fall when there arent those pesky bugs everywhere. (They ruin outside trips for me. I hate fucking irritating bugs in my face all night.) I wonder if anybody'd be into it. |
______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 2:20pm - Mess ""] ouch... tell me more about the Kratom tree |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 2:30pm - ouchdrummer ""] Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa.) is native to the thailand region of the world. It can be as small as a bush, or as big. Its leaves contain alkaloids that are very chemically similar to opiates. 7-hydroxymitragynine and Mitragynine being the strongest. They will actually satisfy any opiate associated urges because they work with the same receptors in your brain. And it wont drag out the withdrawels like methadone would because its not actually an opiate. It is in itself addictive in you do it enough to reach that point. The actual high itself is a lot like strong opiates IE. (sp?) Meripedidine or Hydromorphone although it has one very different quality in that it stimulates the epinepherine and nor-epinepherine the same way an amphetamine would, making it have a pronounced UPPER euphoric feeling with the opiate buzz. which is why me and my friends have nicknamed it Spopium. (Speedy-opium) Either get a bunch of the leaves and make an extraction (preferred because you can control how strong the extraction is) or just buy the strongest extraction you can find. Its great stuff although the extractions you can buy are costly compared to its opiate counterparts on the streets here. |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 2:58pm - aril ""] I wish I knew you when I was in college. |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 3:07pm - narkybark ""] the guy is a one-man carnival. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 3:08pm - ouchdrummer ""] whats that matter, i am far past college years and i still do the stuff. You just have to be responsible with when ya do it. Usually a friday night, or saturday morning thing. Because saturday is my one weekend practice-free (with a band) night. So as long as i start by sat morning i am good for playing. |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 3:11pm - aril ""] Because I've toned down quite a bit because of my 2 year old son |
________________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 3:18pm - monster_island ""] i read an article in the news paper a couple of weeks ago that claimed enrgy drinks cause risky behavior such as having unprotected sex |
______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 3:21pm - Yeti ""] ouchdrummer said:Perhaps outside somewhere. I am thinkin it would be good to plan one for the fall when there arent those pesky bugs everywhere. (They ruin outside trips for me. I hate fucking irritating bugs in my face all night.) I wonder if anybody'd be into it. i went with 3 friends out into a sand pit in the middle of the woods last summer on a full moon, we all ate 5+ grams of mushrooms and went absolutely bananas, it was by far the most incredible experience i've ever had, but the damn bugs were too much. mosquitos buzzing in your ear when you are peaking is so bizarre. plus they bite you and you can't figure out where you are being bitten. i wonder if the mosquitos tripped too. |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:04pm - RevoBass ""] ouchdrummer, I am really interested to hear about your experiences with these different substances. Hallucinogens are very fascinating to me. There is so much introspection and self-analysis that comes with taking them. They are more than just recreational drugs. I've only tried LSD and mushrooms at this point but I would like to try more. |
______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:06pm - Mess ""] ouch, check your messages |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:20pm - ouchdrummer ""] RevoBass said:ouchdrummer, I am really interested to hear about your experiences with these different substances. Hallucinogens are very fascinating to me. There is so much introspection and self-analysis that comes with taking them. They are more than just recreational drugs. I've only tried LSD and mushrooms at this point but I would like to try more. absolutely, shoot me an email with any questions you have. I feel the same way about psychedelics, not just recreational, they give me a perspective on my life i wouldnt otherwise have, one from an outside POV |
______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:21pm - Mess ""] what's your email |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:23pm - ouchdrummer ""] |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:24pm - aril ""] agreed |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 4:26pm - ouchdrummer ""] narkybark said:the guy is a one-man carnival. This guys got no idea, he's just my bass player. What do they know. |
___________________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 8:41pm - vote republicrat ""] [img] |
__________________________________ [Jul 23,2008 9:10pm - mortalis ""] i've never tried lsd, but the stories of acoustic perceptions becoming optical perceptions and other fucked up sensory things are really intriguing. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 24,2008 8:26am - ouchdrummer ""] mortalis said:i've never tried lsd, but the stories of acoustic perceptions becoming optical perceptions and other fucked up sensory things are really intriguing. Yeah thats why i like ayahuasca so much, because with dmt sound becomes all of perception, or at least sound/music destorts (sp?) every other sense, in time/with the music if you will. Which is what makes dmt with deathmetal so so good. |
__________________________________________ [Jul 24,2008 8:36am - Corpus_Colostomy ""] man there was a point in my life where lsd was really integral..and useful..i was reading alot of books by ram das, ie: be here now and the only dance there is. lsd imo, was capable of allowing you to pierce the veil. 8 hits of orange sunshine, up in winooski vt. back in 2002...that trip lasted just shy of 3 days. kratom sounds like a peak in the himalayas... if this asian bitch bumps into me on the train one more time ima' crack her in da gunt. |
__________________________________ [Jul 24,2008 9:26am - Demetri ""] DMT made me into a new BETTER person. Completely introspective. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 24,2008 9:43am - ouchdrummer ""] dmt has changed mine too. Anywhere over 7 hits lasts a long time. |
____________________________________ [Jul 24,2008 12:39pm - narkybark ""] (permanently) |
_______________________________ [Jul 24,2008 12:54pm - Yeti ""] ouchdrummer said: mortalis said:i've never tried lsd, but the stories of acoustic perceptions becoming optical perceptions and other fucked up sensory things are really intriguing. Yeah thats why i like ayahuasca so much, because with dmt sound becomes all of perception, or at least sound/music destorts (sp?) every other sense, in time/with the music if you will. Which is what makes dmt with deathmetal so so good. mushrooms do that too. i've listened to a bunch of different bands while tripping, but the 3 albums that made my fucking head spin were: Godflesh - Streetcleaner. this was like getting your head smashed over and over by a machine. it almost became too much when Locust Furnace hit. the song that was the hardest to sit through was Pulp. Drudkh - Forgotten Legends. it needs no explanation, the whole droning nature thing went perfectly with the trip. Meshuggah - Chaosphere and I. the way that mushrooms distort time, and the weird time signatures blended together incredibly. the other thing that bugged me out was when we were in the sand pits, we were surrounded by crickets and such, so even though reality was a spiraling maelstrom in my head, the weirdest thing was that the drone of the insects continued unchanged. it kept me connected to reality. i don't know, its hard to explain. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 24,2008 1:48pm - ouchdrummer ""] yeah, insects really suck while your trippin. Lame. And meshuggah's Chaosphere was one of the best tripping experiances of my life. The raw machine-like, sterile, non-stop, crushing, onslaught of strange meters made me feel like i was becoming a machine. Pretty bad-ass. |
____________________________________ [May 8,2009 6:45am - ouchdrummer ""] break cleaner, dust-off, white-out, scope, ether, and nutmeg.... but since i don't consider any of that stuff stupid, i brought back a thread about some real drugs. (instead of posting in the "Stupid things you did to get high as a kid.") |
________________________________________ [May 8,2009 10:20am - DestroyYouAlot ""] As long as jenkem is still kosher, I'm cool. |
_____________________________________ [May 8,2009 10:25am - ouchdrummer ""] gross. i can't believe that people actually do that. |
__________________________________ [May 8,2009 12:22pm - Eli_hhcb ""] Haha, jenkem haha |
_________________________________ [May 8,2009 12:26pm - W3 nli ""] i didnt read any of this but i thought mandrake root tea was a really good trip |
____________________________________ [May 8,2009 12:31pm - RichHorror ""] Yeah, salvia was weird. I was like the living embodiment of that weird Acid Bath "We smoke the tonails of the wise man" spoken word thing on it. |
____________________________________ [May 8,2009 3:47pm - burnsy nli ""] I did salvia and i felt like i was being dragged away. I saw beads growing out of the floor and covering everything in sight. i didn't know there were so many other psychedelics not covered by the analog drug act. |
____________________________________ [May 8,2009 4:03pm - ouchdrummer ""] "not covered by the analog drug act" well.... that's kinda grey area. The analog drug act was created because the DEA couldn't keep up with all the new drugs labs were making. In other words, the analog drug act COULD cover almost any drug. Taken from Wiki: "The Federal Analog Act, 21 U.S.C. § 813, is a controversial section of the United States Controlled Substances Act, allowing any chemical "substantially similar" to an illegal drug (in Schedule I or II) to be treated as if it were also in Schedule I, but only if it is intended for human consumption. The banned substances are often called designer drugs." Which means that they could classify MOST Of the currently available psychedelics as illegal if they wanted to, but probably wouldn't. This is for many reasons, the main reason being that once you have a criminal case for a drug that no one in the past has gotten in legal trouble for, people will find out about it, they will get curious, and suddenly this drug that hasn't, and wouldn't have been a problem otherwise, suddenly is popular, and available. Salvia has been available for a real long time, but has only started becoming a problem since the fucking media started reporting on how this new "trippy" drug is available in convenience stores. |
_______________________________________ [May 8,2009 7:02pm - My_Dying_Bride ""] Yeti said: ouchdrummer said: mortalis said:i've never tried lsd, but the stories of acoustic perceptions becoming optical perceptions and other fucked up sensory things are really intriguing. Yeah thats why i like ayahuasca so much, because with dmt sound becomes all of perception, or at least sound/music destorts (sp?) every other sense, in time/with the music if you will. Which is what makes dmt with deathmetal so so good. mushrooms do that too. i've listened to a bunch of different bands while tripping, but the 3 albums that made my fucking head spin were: Godflesh - Streetcleaner. this was like getting your head smashed over and over by a machine. it almost became too much when Locust Furnace hit. the song that was the hardest to sit through was Pulp. Drudkh - Forgotten Legends. it needs no explanation, the whole droning nature thing went perfectly with the trip. Meshuggah - Chaosphere and I. the way that mushrooms distort time, and the weird time signatures blended together incredibly. the other thing that bugged me out was when we were in the sand pits, we were surrounded by crickets and such, so even though reality was a spiraling maelstrom in my head, the weirdest thing was that the drone of the insects continued unchanged. it kept me connected to reality. i don't know, its hard to explain. i listened to Red Sparowes - "Every Red heart..." whilst peaking and wanted to die immediately |
_______________________________ [May 8,2009 7:36pm - Burnsy ""] Good analysis ouch. And the issue being that salvia is not really similar in chemical substance to other scheduled substance? |