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salvia almost illegal... good, but dont take kratom

[May 8,2009 4:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
"not covered by the analog drug act" well.... that's kinda grey area. The analog drug act was created because the DEA couldn't keep up with all the new drugs labs were making. In other words, the analog drug act COULD cover almost any drug.

Taken from Wiki:

"The Federal Analog Act, 21 U.S.C. § 813, is a controversial section of the United States Controlled Substances Act, allowing any chemical "substantially similar" to an illegal drug (in Schedule I or II) to be treated as if it were also in Schedule I, but only if it is intended for human consumption. The banned substances are often called designer drugs."

Which means that they could classify MOST Of the currently available psychedelics as illegal if they wanted to, but probably wouldn't. This is for many reasons, the main reason being that once you have a criminal case for a drug that no one in the past has gotten in legal trouble for, people will find out about it, they will get curious, and suddenly this drug that hasn't, and wouldn't have been a problem otherwise, suddenly is popular, and available.

Salvia has been available for a real long time, but has only started becoming a problem since the fucking media started reporting on how this new "trippy" drug is available in convenience stores.
[May 8,2009 7:02pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

Yeti said:
ouchdrummer said:
mortalis said:i've never tried lsd, but the stories of acoustic perceptions becoming optical perceptions and other fucked up sensory things are really intriguing.

Yeah thats why i like ayahuasca so much, because with dmt sound becomes all of perception, or at least sound/music destorts (sp?) every other sense, in time/with the music if you will. Which is what makes dmt with deathmetal so so good.

mushrooms do that too. i've listened to a bunch of different bands while tripping, but the 3 albums that made my fucking head spin were:

Godflesh - Streetcleaner. this was like getting your head smashed over and over by a machine. it almost became too much when Locust Furnace hit. the song that was the hardest to sit through was Pulp.

Drudkh - Forgotten Legends. it needs no explanation, the whole droning nature thing went perfectly with the trip.

Meshuggah - Chaosphere and I. the way that mushrooms distort time, and the weird time signatures blended together incredibly.

the other thing that bugged me out was when we were in the sand pits, we were surrounded by crickets and such, so even though reality was a spiraling maelstrom in my head, the weirdest thing was that the drone of the insects continued unchanged. it kept me connected to reality. i don't know, its hard to explain.

i listened to Red Sparowes - "Every Red heart..." whilst peaking and wanted to die immediately
[May 8,2009 7:36pm - Burnsy ""]
Good analysis ouch. And the issue being that salvia is not really similar in chemical substance to other scheduled substance?

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