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Hank III. worcester. 9-11

[Sep 10,2010 9:52am - josh_hates_you ""]
Hank needs a thread. Who else is going?
[Sep 10,2010 9:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wish this wasnt on the same day as my obriens show :( third fucking time missing him. fuck.
[Sep 10,2010 10:56am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm going to have a shot of Jack Daniels during his set!

I'm not kidding either!
[Sep 10,2010 11:01am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 10,2010 11:10am - sigh  ""]
Is it going to be Hank III playing his country stuff or is it just Assjack playing?
[Sep 10,2010 11:12am - arilliusbm ""]
both palladium shows are worth going to
[Sep 10,2010 11:21am - boblovesmusic ""]

sigh said:Is it going to be Hank III playing his country stuff or is it just Assjack playing?

[Sep 10,2010 11:31am - goatcatabisk  ""]
[Sep 10,2010 12:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
im going with a hefty crew of local shitheads...
[Sep 10,2010 1:18pm - Paul CNV  ""]
I'll be there with my cowboy boots... Spurs n burs
[Sep 10,2010 1:25pm - josh_hates_you ""]
pony riding cowgirls in daisy dukes and cowboy hats FTW.
[Sep 10,2010 5:06pm - W3 nli  ""]
yo Paul bring a long sleeve large shirt Ill have some cash for that bad larry and some whiskey shots lol
[Sep 10,2010 6:10pm - mike29 ""]
Psyched as hell for this. Last time, I saw him as an opener so I'm looking forward to a long set. Paul CNV, if you happen to have a medium on hand, I too will have some cash for you.
[Sep 10,2010 6:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 10,2010 6:21pm - Demon Slices  ""]
Totally going!

Hank RULES live!
[Sep 11,2010 6:20pm - Bastard  ""]
gonna rape bitches at this show
[Sep 11,2010 6:30pm - nekronaut ""]
too many good shows today, i'm just going to stay local and see drop dead.. if i were to go to any other show this would be it
[Sep 11,2010 8:42pm - scmfck  ""]
Fuck me for not going to this. God i must be pathetic...
[Sep 11,2010 9:37pm - boblovesmusic ""]
First song and there's a pit!
[Sep 11,2010 9:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha, I hope this show is a great time
[Sep 11,2010 9:47pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Fuck this rules
[Sep 11,2010 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]
m'eh not my thing.
[Sep 11,2010 10:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
hank williams sr. or GTFO
[Sep 11,2010 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
arilbot answer is arilbotesque.
[Sep 11,2010 10:32pm - boblovesmusic ""]

the_reverend said:m'eh not my thing.

Just wait for assjack hehe
[Sep 11,2010 11:44pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... assjack really sucked.
[Sep 11,2010 11:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
why is that?
[Sep 11,2010 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
idk. askjack them. shitty sounding music is shitty sounding.
[Sep 12,2010 1:41am - Alx_Casket ""]
ITT: boblovesmusic buys tickets for the wrong show
[Sep 12,2010 8:40am - Paul CNV  ""]
ok well let me tell you... This was white music for white people... and not for fags from the city and not for hipster jews from allston and chances are not for you... This was the real deal ... Politically incorrect and TRUE TILL DEATH... FIGHT ME... I DARE YA CITY BOY FAGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
[Sep 12,2010 8:43am - Paul CNV  ""]
[Sep 12,2010 8:45am - Hogan NLI  ""]
Toooo badddd black people are going to fuck you upppppp brothhhhher, HULKAMANIA is going to run WILLLD on YOUUU.
[Sep 12,2010 8:48am - Paul CNV  ""]
Bring it brutha... I will take all of ya on one... Boston is the biggest pussy city on earth
[Sep 12,2010 8:49am - Paul CNV  ""]
I'm dead serious... BOSTON IS GAY
[Sep 12,2010 8:51am - Paul CNV  ""]
and irish people are fags... (;
[Sep 12,2010 8:52am - anon  ""]
all of the people i saw going into this show looked like juggalos
[Sep 12,2010 8:54am - Paul CNV  ""]
NEIN... Looked like white people that smash ya up fagg
[Sep 12,2010 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
funny, aril said the same thing about shoot orphaned land... so ikm already jewmedia.
[Sep 12,2010 9:00am - Paul CNV  ""]
FUCK anything in the other room... HANK III was incredible... If you are a faggot yuppie or a city slickin faggot you would never understand... It was the real fuckin deal son... REAL AMERICAN HEATHEN SHIT AND BTW HEATHENS AINT FROM AHHHHHHHHHHH CITY BOY
[Sep 12,2010 9:04am - Hogan NLI  ""]
[Sep 12,2010 11:07am - mike29 ""]
I'm with Paul (for the most part!)- Hank III is way more honest and true than most of the shitty metal bands and shitheads that pollute the 'scene'. True Heathen music was downstairs, period.
[Sep 12,2010 12:33pm - josh_hates_you ""]
This show was an awesome time. soooooo drunk. Was rad that he played long haired redneck.
[Sep 12,2010 12:36pm - Charest ""]
that show was fucking great
[Sep 12,2010 12:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i WILL see them next time around. fuck. unfortunately he's probably gonna be spending more time with Arson Anthem for a while.
[Sep 12,2010 1:42pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
I really had no idea what to expect from this show... turned out to be a fun time. I'd do that again.
[Sep 12,2010 4:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I didnt care for the style of country and i hated assjack's musc.
[Sep 12,2010 4:29pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
ITT: paul from CNV releasing his hate through the internet
[Sep 12,2010 5:09pm - W3 nli  ""]
great show, really wish he'd just do a tour of his country music. not a fan of assjack.
[Sep 12,2010 5:44pm - the_reverend ""]
Itt: they raping everybody
[Sep 13,2010 1:24am - porphyria  ""]

the_reverend said:I didnt care for the style of country and i hated assjack's musc.

so you like pop country? gaylord.

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