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The way to late is there anyone awake out there thread?

[Jun 22,2008 9:08pm - Joshtruction ""]
ahhh the stranger... in a strange land
[Jun 22,2008 9:45pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha this was on ebay, as Im looking for cheap guitars....and rttp tab was still on this thread.
It was meant to be.
[Jun 22,2008 9:58pm - Joshtruction ""]
What the fuck! This movie is haunting me! I will probably rent it when I am in NH this week so I have something to watch.
[Jun 22,2008 11:35pm - ellesarusrex ""]

Joshtruction said:hahaha thats awesome. you were wasted, I expected something like that

go out with a bang.
[Jun 23,2008 3:27am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
when this thread started i was playing asshole. in all actuality i should have been sleeping. 2 full nights of available sleep + 4 hours of actual sleep + 2 days at a lacrosse jamboree + endless amounts of lacrosse related pr that implies i actually know what i'm talking about = delirium

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