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Anyone who votes Ron Paul is Anti American

[Jan 18,2012 9:17am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jan 24,2012 1:02pm - yummy ""]
Perhaps I have too much time on my hands but muting the volume anytime the four candidates talk shows context in character. Based on body language Ron Paul is the best Republican candidate. America votes for characters.
[Jan 24,2012 1:03pm - eyeroller  ""]
Last time was Magilla Gorilla.
[Jan 24,2012 1:05pm - Lamp ""]

yummy said:America votes for characters.

Social conservatives DEFINITELY pick their candidates based on character above all else. Not policy.
[Jan 24,2012 1:47pm - yummy ""]
He's got to be doing something right for the establishment to fear him so much.

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