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New things you want added to RTTP

[May 24,2005 10:05am - DreamingInExile ""]
well, it's better then my home server:

P3 800EB
1GB PC133
[May 24,2005 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
I'm sure your home server isn't getting quite the traffic this site does.
[May 24,2005 10:49am - succubus ""]
defyunlearn.com is also on the "rttp" server
but i think carinamastrocola.com (also on this server) gets the MOST traffic!!!
[May 24,2005 11:03am - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:I'm sure your home server isn't getting quite the traffic this site does.

definately not, it's mainly a development environment now that I have better hosting
[May 24,2005 5:17pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 26,2005 2:31pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I just thought of another thing... you (meaning YOU, Aaron) should be able to lock topics or have them auto lock after so many days/weeks/months (whatever) of no new posts
[May 26,2005 2:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Links for EVENTS(page) to DISCUSSIONS. Kinda like that "view flyer" thing.
[May 26,2005 3:58pm - an80smetalchick ""]
davefromthegrave said:an80smetalchick said:wait... PORN!

me too. Wanna make some porn with me? I got a camera.

Say Please!
[May 26,2005 4:41pm - the_reverend ""]
swamplorddvm said:Links for EVENTS(page) to DISCUSSIONS. Kinda like that "view flyer" thing.

good idea... I wrote some code a long time ago to do that and deleted it...
let me look back into it.
the events page is on my updating list.

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