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because Dimebag was killed

[Dec 9,2004 10:43pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I start one serious thread, and it actually got serious replies.

Fuck you faggots, jews, and niggers. Ah, now I feel better.
[Dec 9,2004 10:48pm - retzam ""]
[Dec 9,2004 10:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No more like, he was human, he was breathing, he was not innocent and I don't care that he died.
[Dec 9,2004 10:58pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i think there will definitely be more heightened awareness when it comes to metal shows. after the station fire, pyrotechnics weren't banned anywhere...they were just more carefully inspected, firecodes changed and doors had to push open from the inside. with 9/11, there was just more paranoia and safety precautions when doing everything, as well as the whole unity of the nation shit. look at all the rap shows that have happened in the past...stabbings, brawls, shootings, blah blah blah. rap has been televised and open for the public to see anywhere and everywhere for years now, and those incidents didn't change too much in the rap scene, neither underground nor mainstream. so pretty much what i think is that there will be metal detectors and such like others have said, ticket costs may go up a bit, but most likely only at larger venues, and security will just be a bit tighter (hopefully). with all the exposure metal has been given recently, i don't think this one event will destroy any chances of metal staying alive. aaaand i'm done.
[Dec 10,2004 12:28am - the_reverend ""]
the cops name was niggermeyer.. wow..
[Dec 10,2004 12:37am - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""]
Awesome fucking security at the venue. Always a fuckin loser out there to fuck something up.

Nothing short of a nuclear fucking explosion will wake up Americans from their ignorant slumber.

Just got a nice Desert Eagle 44, with a 10" fucking barrel. Come invade my stage.

A big FUCK YOU to the club and its lax fucking security.

[Dec 10,2004 12:37am - BornSoVile ""]
I doubt it. If anything there will be more attention directed towards Pantera and most of Dimebag's work. Record sales will go up. Censorship is nothing to be afraid of. Death Metal and Black Metal don't fear censorship. So what if they censor it, what's that gonna do make it more underground? If so that would cool. We'll see what happens. This was the MTV Headbangers Ball Tour after all, so there's no telling what's in store.
Honestly Joe, why do you fear metal getting a bad rap so much? It already has a horrible rap as is. It's pretty obvious. Half the kids in the scene hate each other and refuse to accept opposing existences. After all that's what has drawn up this event.
The media will have their fun with this but fuck them. It's always been that way and always will be, that's why it's fucking metal. You should know that by now dude!
This thread is sensationalized.
[Dec 10,2004 12:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:No more like, he was human, he was breathing, he was not innocent and I don't care that he died.

Commit suicide or you're the biggest poseur ever. Oh wait, you signed a wigger metal band, you're already a total poseur. Darryl had way better taste in music than you do. I never liked Pantera but they blow away anything on your gay label.

You sure post a lot about something you claim not to care about.

[Dec 10,2004 1:06pm - Nate ""]
I saw something this morning on CNN. The editor of Guitar World was talking about the incident and made sure to mention it has nothing to do with the metal scene. He even made comparisons to John Lennon, which coincidentally was assasinated the same day Darrell was killed.
[Dec 10,2004 2:46pm - SacreligionNlI  ""]
yeah...everyone forgets that this was just an isolated incident caused by some nutjob

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