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Nightbitch & Thrillhouse AT THE NUDIE BAR Saturday, Oct 29th in Bridgeport, CT

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Oct 12,2011 3:17am - goatcatalyst ""]

Saturday, October 29

featuring live rock music by

Ruby's II - Bridgeport, CT
$10 or FREE if you're wearing a costume
No falses (fake tits are OK)

Naked girls will be dancing with their clothes off while both bands play

[Oct 12,2011 7:46am - ghoulash ""]
so awesome
[Oct 12,2011 8:14am - hipster man 2000  ""]
This could be very very hip
[Oct 12,2011 8:14am - hipster man 2000  ""]
[Oct 12,2011 10:10am - xmikex ""]
where the beer gives you gas
and the bundys kick ass
at the nudie bar...
[Oct 12,2011 1:44pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
I will be channeling Nikki Sixx as those broads hit the pole to our sets. Normally I don't care about strip clubs, but this is hilarious
[Oct 12,2011 2:27pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Gonna be SO phat
[Oct 25,2011 10:16pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
Riffs n' tits.
[Oct 25,2011 10:43pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Oh my, this looks like a party
[Oct 26,2011 1:32pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
What caliber of stripper are we talking about here? ie can I get an ole fashioned for a fiver?
[Oct 26,2011 2:02pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I know I said I'd go to this, but I might have to work at the Coolidge :( I really want boobies and metal!
[Oct 26,2011 2:52pm - ghoulash ""]
This place has a juice bar, which is basically code for "under age dancers are here".
[Oct 26,2011 2:54pm - ghoulash ""]
I guess it could go the other way though and just be a bunch of G-MILFS, and by G i mean big black mamas. Either way, its going to be silly...
[Oct 26,2011 3:35pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
5 dollar handjobs, people. Goat, make it happen
[Oct 26,2011 3:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
It's Bridgeport. I needn't elaborate further.
[Oct 26,2011 4:04pm - josh_hates_you ""]
why does this have to be over a 2 hour drive away? should do this again at mario's or something sometime.
[Oct 26,2011 4:09pm - boblovesmusic ""]

josh_hates_you said:why does this have to be over a 2 hour drive away? should do this again at mario's or something sometime.

[Oct 26,2011 4:10pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Oct 26,2011 4:20pm - ghoulash ""]
ohhhh the squire... that's nasty.
[Oct 26,2011 4:41pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
The squire? No thank you. I've been there. Never again... Never again...
[Oct 26,2011 4:42pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
what's the matter? don't like the constant threat of being shot? or is it the c-section scars?
[Oct 26,2011 4:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said: IN REVERE, YOU FOGHATS

[Oct 26,2011 4:56pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
Getting shot in Revere is a basic human right, not a priviledge. So no. The "Bring Your Kid to Work" Amateur Night was alittle unnerving though
[Oct 26,2011 5:00pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
hahahaha amazing!

I've lived in Revere all my life. I've never:

1) been shot

2) seen a haircut that Tom referenced

3) been to The Squire

I feel like I'm missing out :(
[Oct 26,2011 5:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you're doing it wrong
[Oct 26,2011 5:01pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I know :(
[Oct 26,2011 5:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Set it up. We know the sleazy joints here in CT. We will happily partake of your sleaze shacks.
[Oct 26,2011 5:35pm - ghoulash ""]
im sure there is some strip joints in Woonsocket we can hit up. Hell, lets book one in Mattapan.
[Oct 26,2011 5:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
^ will play for titties
[Oct 26,2011 6:05pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:^ will suck dick for titties

[Oct 26,2011 6:08pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
you need to get into a fight in front of Beachmont Roast Beef. Then you win.
[Oct 27,2011 12:28am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Oct 27,2011 2:17pm - ghoulash ""]
farty party
[Oct 27,2011 2:25pm - ark  ""]
screw you guys, this is too far away. hope you catch a terrible germ that rots your vasa deferentia.
[Oct 27,2011 2:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
My vas deferens be ironclad.

Also: you'd be astounded how difficult it is to assemble a speculum costume
[Oct 27,2011 3:09pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

ThrilliVanilli said:@Rusty
you need to get into a fight in front of Beachmont Roast Beef. Then you win.

*makes mental note* Thanks for the tip!!
[Oct 27,2011 9:18pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Practicing the obligatory Misfits mini-set. Partytime excellent!
[Oct 27,2011 11:04pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Hey Thrillhousians, what kind of beer do you gents like? Also, we're down to share gear to maximize efficiency und minimize clutter (aka nakedladyspace). Would you like to use our drums and bass cabs? You're welcome to my Earcandy 2x12 but it's strictly 4ohms mono. I'll see if I can borrow a cab if that'll help y'all.
[Oct 28,2011 2:24pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
Well drink anything. High lifes are a plus. Were borrowing a van for gear shuttling. We can prob keep it in there if need be
[Oct 28,2011 3:25pm - goatcatalyst ""]

So you gents are cool with bringing your own gear and stuff?
[Oct 29,2011 12:40pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
Yeah, we're gonna bring our gear and have all the transportation for it worked out.

This shit is TONIGHT! Let's get sleazy!
[Oct 29,2011 1:41pm - ghoulash ""]
yes, we are bringing all our gear. we are going to leave about 5 because we think were going to hit some traffic because of the rain.
[Oct 29,2011 2:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
So much killer
[Oct 30,2011 6:31am - the_reverend ""]
You guys still there?
[Oct 30,2011 11:04am - goatcatalyst ""]
Yes. We moved in.
[Oct 30,2011 1:32pm - ghoulash ""]
well i can check that one off the bucket list.... it was fucking insane.
[Oct 30,2011 1:47pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]
This thread is worthless without pics
[Oct 30,2011 2:13pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
We owe you guys. Thank you so much killer
[Oct 30,2011 5:23pm - the_reverend ""]
Yeah.I gyres please,
[Oct 31,2011 12:11am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm still drunk. Thrillhouse fucking delivers.
[Oct 31,2011 10:55am - ghoulash ""]
I have a bunch of pics from the night I've even got a few videos. I'll post 'em up as soon as I can. The strippers and the bouncers did not seem to care about the all cameras even though that is a serious nudy bar no no.
[Oct 31,2011 11:14am - ellis  ""]
post dat chit amigo!
[Oct 31,2011 11:34am - ghoulash ""]
once the strippers started rubbing our dicks and pretending to give us blowjobs while we were playing our girlfriends stopped taking pictures...
[Oct 31,2011 11:37am - burks  ""]
pics or everyone is FAGGOT
[Oct 31,2011 12:25pm - ghoulash ""]
image broken?
[Oct 31,2011 12:27pm - ghoulash ""]
[Oct 31,2011 12:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Partytime excellent
[Oct 31,2011 5:29pm - frankovhell  ""]
LOL thems some fast food lookin strippers
[Oct 31,2011 5:57pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
Like the skinwich at kfc. One of them even had a gigantic boil or wart or something in the middle of one ass cheek
[Oct 31,2011 6:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Oh man! And here I was, thinking she was a dish... AND THEN HER PANTIES CAME OFF.

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