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ROLL CALL...skinless, dehumanized, wasteform, the nightmare continues, anoxia, & teratism. march 4th @ as220. RI

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Mar 3,2005 1:52pm - chrisabomb ""]

the nightmare continues..

all ages, $10.00, 8:00pm show, for info. contact chrisxxxri69@aol.com or go to as220.org
[Mar 3,2005 2:05pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Chris, that's the 3rd threat for that show. We'll be there and I'll send an update tonight before closing (500 people more or less)...this will sell out.
[Mar 3,2005 3:48pm - chrisabomb ""]
come celebrate anne & john dwyers b-days @ the show & get them real drunk...
[Mar 3,2005 4:07pm - dread_104 ""]
what time do we (Teratism) go on? What time should people show up to definately get in?
[Mar 3,2005 4:15pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
8pm, the capacity ain't that big, just be there on time motherfuckers...tonight I'll send an update about this show to 500 people...obviously not all of them are metalheads (that would be to nice), but a big part is. First band on at 8:30
[Mar 3,2005 4:26pm - tbone_r ""]
im coming w/ nick, jake and a few others.
[Mar 3,2005 4:31pm - lady_czerach ""]
I don't think I can make this :( I'm sick.
[Mar 3,2005 5:40pm - chrisabomb ""]
teratism goes on @ 8:30pm
[Mar 3,2005 5:42pm - pisscup ""]
I'm going in disguise.
[Mar 3,2005 5:43pm - handinjury ""]
lady_czerach said:I don't think I can make this :( I'm sick.

[Mar 3,2005 5:47pm - chrisabomb ""]
lady_czerach said:I don't think I can make this :( I'm sick.

i'm sick too, but i'll be there...
[Mar 3,2005 5:48pm - pisscup ""]
I've been sick since the 80's, doesn't stop me.
[Mar 3,2005 5:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
TNC should go on 1st.
[Mar 3,2005 5:49pm - pisscup ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:TMC should go on 1st.

dontcha mean TNC?

[Mar 3,2005 5:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Usually the local bands open for the out of town bands.
[Mar 3,2005 5:50pm - pisscup ""]
You just got spell checked.
[Mar 3,2005 5:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I guess I'm used to typing TMC since I used to do The Metal Cage radio show.
[Mar 3,2005 6:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Mar 3,2005 6:16pm - lynch mobb  ""]
ill be there
[Mar 3,2005 6:28pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=296973&imageID=62818197&Mytoken=20050303151334


...I don't know what to make out of this, silly.
[Mar 3,2005 6:28pm - phobia ""]
hell yeh i'm gonna go. i live a 10 minute walk away...
and im not going to puke or pass out this time- i promise
[Mar 3,2005 6:32pm - chrisabomb ""]
phobia said:hell yeh i'm gonna go. i live a 10 minute walk away...
and im not going to puke or pass out this time- i promise

you'll be puking by the end of the night i'm sure. its anne's b-day & i'm sure she's gonna be getting hammered with everyone there & you'll be one of them..

[Mar 3,2005 6:33pm - phobia ""]
i know, i know... i'm always hammered.
[Mar 3,2005 6:34pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
oh yeah no shit we'll be hammered, Cara you shouldn't promess shit like that to Chris, nonsense.
[Mar 3,2005 6:38pm - tbone_r ""]
you guys should buy booze for me....
[Mar 3,2005 7:40pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
[Mar 3,2005 7:42pm - chrisabomb ""]
ArmageddAnne said:oh yeah no shit we'll be hammered, Cara you shouldn't promess shit like that to Chris, nonsense.

hahaha! everyone should be getting drunk at this show no matter what!!!
[Mar 3,2005 7:57pm - phobia ""]
ArmageddAnne said:ok

its your fucking birthday... you buy booze for no one.
tbone can fight me for a beer.
[Mar 3,2005 7:58pm - chrisabomb ""]
phobia said:ArmageddAnne said:ok

its your fucking birthday... you buy booze for no one.
tbone can fight me for a beer.

i want to see that..

[Mar 3,2005 8:26pm - tbone_r ""]
hahha ok, how about we have a mosh-off while wearing costumes instead. i dont want beer though. i want a rum and coke.

and when i said "you should buy booze for me" i didnt mean pay for it, i meant retrieve it because im only 19.
[Mar 3,2005 8:57pm - pisscup ""]
tbone_r said:hahha ok, how about we have a mosh-off while wearing costumes instead. i dont want beer though. i want a rum and coke.

and when i said "you should buy booze for me" i didnt mean pay for it, i meant retrieve it because im only 19.

Prove yourself in a BRICK DUEL and I will buy you liquor.

[Mar 3,2005 9:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hey, it's my birthday too! I will take beer or rum & coke! Hook me up you cheapskates.

[Mar 3,2005 9:31pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
All I can say is that I will drink any booze as long as it's not fucking whiskey...so bring your $$$ if you want me drunk, I'm not a lightweight either.
[Mar 3,2005 9:31pm - pisscup ""]
ArmageddAnne said:All I can say is that I will drink any booze as long as it's not fucking whiskey...so bring your $$$ if you want me drunk, I'm not a lightweight either.


[Mar 4,2005 10:59am - jake  ""]
any idea when the best time to get there is?
[Mar 4,2005 11:05am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i forgot about this show! HOLY FUCK! im pushing it... i might be able to get out of work early... so i iwll be there like an hour after it starts. fuck shit akhdlhal! i will have your 20 billz, Jake.
[Mar 4,2005 11:09am - chrisabomb ""]
jake said:any idea when the best time to get there is?

doors @ 8:00pm , show starts @ 8:30pm...

[Mar 4,2005 11:11am - the_reverend ""]
I'm trying to get in touch with soilworker to see if he wants a ride down from portsmouth.
[Mar 4,2005 11:13am - jake  ""]
hahahaha spalding, you're a good man. im glad you didn't forget.

i was talking about how i gave you my all my magic cards for $20 with ryan george (rg...remember him?) last night and i told him you had cut your flowing locks and im pretty sure he looked like he was going to cry. he also says hello and he misses your slipknot tshirt now that i think about it.
[Mar 4,2005 12:20pm - tbone_r ""]
pisscup said:QUOTE]

Prove yourself in a BRICK DUEL and I will buy you liquor.


then a brick duel it is.
[Mar 4,2005 12:22pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
jake said:hahahaha spalding, you're a good man. im glad you didn't forget.

i was talking about how i gave you my all my magic cards for $20 with ryan george (rg...remember him?) last night and i told him you had cut your flowing locks and im pretty sure he looked like he was going to cry. he also says hello and he misses your slipknot tshirt now that i think about it.

hahaha... that slipknot shirt is so brutal. i totally still have that. i remember buying it at hot topic because i like making people pissed off. i pissed off so many metal kids at my lunch table in school with that shirt "man... how can you wear a cannibal corpse shirt one day and a slipknot shirt the next, you fucking poser!" hahahaha, what a fag.
[Mar 4,2005 12:35pm - anonymous  ""]
my twin and i share the same bday

ann, we shall have a drink together!=)
[Mar 4,2005 12:53pm - tbone_r ""]
hey jake, how do you plan on getting to this?

fuck it, im gonna call you.
[Mar 4,2005 12:59pm - tbone_r ""]
fuck your phone nigger
[Mar 4,2005 2:11pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Less than 6 hours now!
[Mar 4,2005 4:56pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Mar 4,2005 5:09pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
anonymous said:my twin and i share the same bday

ann, we shall have a drink together!=)

I would if I knew who you were...anonymous
[Mar 4,2005 5:10pm - succubus ""]
ArmageddAnne said:anonymous said:my twin and i share the same bday

ann, we shall have a drink together!=)

I would if I knew who you were...anonymous

that was me ! i was at work!

btw do you really want me to bring you food? it will be cold...
[Mar 4,2005 5:14pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Carina, yes we'll share a drink, as far as food I was just drewling (sp) I don't really need it...I just wanted to try it that's it.
[Mar 4,2005 5:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

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