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Anyone going to see Nile tonight?

the Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [chapter_50][eyes_sewn_shut][nile][one_bullet_solution][one_in_vain][randomshots][suicide_silence][the_faceless][till_we_die][unexpect][warbringer]
[Mar 31,2008 3:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]

the_reverend said:the only "bad" thing about suicide silence and the myspace fame is the fact that their tour manager checks how many fans you have on myspace before deciding if you can play with the band or not. that is kind of wack.

douche city
[Mar 31,2008 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
myspace is the worst thing ever created.
[Mar 31,2008 3:29pm - CMTAIB ""]

the_reverend said:the only "bad" thing about suicide silence and the myspace fame is the fact that their tour manager checks how many fans you have on myspace before deciding if you can play with the band or not. that is kind of wack.

We have sooo many myspace friends that Suicide Silence should be begging to play with us!
i mean they did steal the riff too "Veggies" in their new song.... hmmmm
[Mar 31,2008 3:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they should start doing metal shows at the Hanover Theater
[Mar 31,2008 3:43pm - quintessence ""]
Every palladium show I am amazed by just how young and ugly the front rows of people are. It makes me feel old (and handsome)..
[Mar 31,2008 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd rather stand at the bar than the front row anyways
[Mar 31,2008 3:49pm - quintessence ""]
Oh so would I. Who wants loads of unwashed 15 year old bodies rubbing all up on your shit? Also the sound blows up front. Vox go way over your head.
[Mar 31,2008 3:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you have to stand directly behind the soundboard to hear the best mix. also the balcony isnt bad.
[Mar 31,2008 11:51pm - Guest  ""]
If anyone was at Bernie's show, it was a decent show. A mix of bands but in the end of the night that band OneInVain did a good job and had the crowd going. I loved their sound, it's different. I'm gonna follow these guys. Who else was there?
[Apr 1,2008 12:10am - the_reverend ""]
one in vain had a pretty packed house and when they got on the stage the crowd cheered very loudly.
[Apr 9,2008 1:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I stood were i always do for warbringer/unexpect. (right in front of the bar) Great view, not too hot sound. I kinda liked unexpect although the feeling of the room hating them kinda killed any energy they had. I went down to the row right before the floor for the faceless. I love them. They were great, Nevine is real real good. Not just sick blasts, but sick blasts that actually have a pocket, you can tell he does it with a metranome. Suicide Silence wasnt too bad at all, although in that genre the drums have to be outta control for me to REALLY like em.. a la Despised Icon. Nile was every bit as wonderful as every time i see em. although i couldnt hear nearly as well as other people are saying they could.

And i know it makes me sound like an excited schoolgirl saying it like this, but i got to sit on the bus with the faceless and the drummer from unexpect. I got to talk about all their influences, how touring worked as far as what the labels will and wont do for a touring band, honestly, I must have asked 75 questions. They were super cool about it though. I also got to smoke some of my Sensei Star from the old Cannabis club in cali with em. Little taste of home they said. And since smoking pot is a RELIGIOUS act for me, it was about the greatest meeting of a band that i love ever....maybe, almost as good as meeting Daney Carey and SELLING him pot at harpers farry when he played with "Pigme love Circus."

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