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new grind/crusty punk (minus the lame political lyrics)

[Oct 5,2008 4:25pm - Conservationist ""]
Better than letting someone else plug you from behind.
[Oct 5,2008 7:42pm - AfterWorldObliterationn  ""]
Dude this band kicks ass. Play shows. With rampant decay. like now.
Kinda like my band. But more grind. Check it out myspace.com/wakeofdeceptionma. No music up yet but its crusty as hell.
[Oct 5,2008 7:47pm - archaeon ""]
[Oct 5,2008 9:39pm - RichHorror ""]

AfterWorldObliterationn said:Play shows. With rampant decay. like now.
[Oct 5,2008 9:43pm - archaeon ""]
[Oct 6,2008 8:47am - orgymf@work  ""]
we are definately down to play with rampant decay!!
rich....whenever you wanna do this, let me know bro -l-
[Oct 6,2008 8:48am - orgymf@work  ""]

AfterWorldObliterationn said:Dude this band kicks ass.

thanks dude -l-
[Oct 6,2008 8:48am - orgymf@work  ""]

Conservationist said:Better than letting someone else plug you from behind.

truth in comedy
[Oct 6,2008 11:14am - RichHorror ""]
Whenever's cool... as long as it's a friday or saturday and not in October.
[Oct 6,2008 11:52am - orgymf@work  ""]
that's cool.....having a month to prepare would give us more time to get a longer/tighter set.

and i prefer doing weekend shows anyway....i get up to early during the week to be going to/playing shows.

anyway, i'll see what i can do about date and venue....and we'll see if we can get suffering bastard on board as well.

[Oct 6,2008 12:11pm - Conservationist ""]
-|- blasphemic sodomystical union of caprine dissident and submissive redeemer -|-

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