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RICH HORROR SINGS YOUR HOLIDAY FAVORITES - Due out in time for the holidays

[Dec 14,2011 12:06pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Haven't tried the GD yet, perhaps I will pick up a bottle...
[Dec 14,2011 12:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, my dad lives near the distillery. Psyched.
[Dec 24,2011 2:10pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Hahahahaha, this will never get old. I'm gonna fill the bong to this...
[Dec 24,2011 2:54pm - Spaldino  ""]
crankin the Rich Horror holiday classics appreeshhhhhh
[Dec 24,2011 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
richhorror special select.
[Dec 24,2011 3:00pm - Spaldino  ""]
from the myspace, listening to this shit... underneath the player it says this:

Coming up: Songs from similar artists, including:

Trey Songz

T Pain

Alicia Keys

Nicki Minaj
[Dec 24,2011 3:08pm - Hungtableed  ""]

the_reverend said:richhorror special select.

Gentleman's Rich Horror
[Dec 24,2011 6:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Spaldino just let the cat out of the bag RE: the hottest tour of Summer 2012.
[Dec 24,2011 6:40pm - nekronautloggedinbuzzed  ""]

RichHorror said:Spaldino just let the cat out of the bag RE: the hottest tour of Summer 2012.

[Dec 24,2011 6:49pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 24,2011 8:55pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I cant even get a lil sumthin sumthin without having to double park my balls on your ass for a half hour!

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