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[Aug 8,2005 4:57pm - succubus ""]
what are some of yours?

some of you are in bands...so when yer not making music...what else do you like to do?

would like to hear about some cool/ interesting hobbies

though i consider photograph both hobby and career....since i get paid...i'll say that i recently got into making jewelry and stuff...it's a lot of fun
other than that i like to read and write but haven't spent much time on either lately

anyone else?

[Aug 8,2005 5:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Guitar, Keyboard, making shit out of cow bones, chainmail, leather stuff (not gay leather stuff).
[Aug 8,2005 5:00pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i collect things, obsessively...from taxidermy to african masks to tarot cards to toys to occult things to day of the dead objects to movies...i collect alot of crap. i have more stuff than people could even imagine. its kinda pathetic but it makes me happy so fuck it
[Aug 8,2005 5:02pm - cdan ""]
[Aug 8,2005 5:03pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Hunting, dog-training, fishing, lifting weights. Now if I could just quit my fucking job, I could have time to do all that and play guitar.
[Aug 8,2005 5:06pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Aug 8,2005 5:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Does that mean you grow it, or just smoke it? That looks like "stay-home" weed to me.
[Aug 8,2005 5:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I ski and hike. Two hobbies which always bring me to my favorite place in the world, White Mountain National Forest.
[Aug 8,2005 5:18pm - Anthony nli  ""]
reading, writing, running, lifting, volunteering, raising money for human rights organizations - i like to read and learn about conservation/nature stuff
[Aug 8,2005 5:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That's so not Metal.
[Aug 8,2005 5:22pm - Anthony nli  ""]
swamplorddvm said:That's so not Metal.

haha very true
[Aug 8,2005 5:30pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well, aside from the usual metal, anime, videogames, movies, etc I am getting into the Asian strategy game 'go' and about to try my hand at some tennis.
[Aug 8,2005 5:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
largefreakatzero said:Does that mean you grow it, or just smoke it? That looks like "stay-home" weed to me.

smoke it...i've dabbled my hands in growing a few times though i usually don't have a place for it. i'm like a walking encyclopedia on the subject though :yoda:

[Aug 8,2005 5:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
Sports cards, watching/reading sports, studying foreign language, fishing.
[Aug 8,2005 5:55pm - pre-school race war  ""]
killing hookers
[Aug 8,2005 6:01pm - davefromthegrave ""]
my nipples hardened as I opened this thread
[Aug 8,2005 8:57pm - wade ""]
high-end photography books and magazines (waste of $) with anything by Philip-lorca diCorcia, Justine Parsons, Jeff Brouws, William Eggleston, Ellen von Unwerth, David Levinthal, etc. Vampirella, Eerie & Creepy magazines from the 70s...and though i don't actively collect toys or whatever, I still have most of my Star Wars/Transformers/HotWheels stuff from childhood as well as sports cards and comic books from about 1980-1990 or so. Other than that, it's hard to do anything beyond listening to music ('cause i write) and taking/editing photos where i work all week and have two kids under 7.
[Aug 8,2005 9:05pm - succubus ""]
that's cool
rev and i collect/play with lego's too
[Aug 8,2005 9:07pm - nate ""]
baseball card collecting (haven't bought anything in a while though), I collect coins (yea lame but think of it this way, coins are made of METAL bahaha), I did oil/watercolor painting a while back but suck now at it so I don't bother instead I reproduce fine art at my work, so I guess my job is my hobby seeing as I love what I do and all the local Cape Cod artists come to me for reproductions so I've got the eye for it... not that it's a hobby but I enjoy hanging with my kids too, going out in the backyard and chilling, reading books, reading books to my kids... bla bla, etc, etc...
[Aug 8,2005 9:08pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
I like to collect stamps.
[Aug 8,2005 9:08pm - succubus ""]
paint eh?that's awesome

i collect coins too

[Aug 8,2005 9:08pm - hunterhunter ""]
torch glassblowing, vegetable farming and IPM, wetland ecology, hydroponics
[Aug 8,2005 9:10pm - nate ""]
succubus said:paint eh?that's awesome

i collect coins too


I'm quite the dork about it though... while I'm at work I look at change and bills people give me... I can even hear when a different coin drops in the register and will come out and see what the person just brought in...

[Aug 8,2005 9:13pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
hunterhunter said:torch glassblowing,

Do you make custom bubblers by any chance?

[Aug 8,2005 9:18pm - hunterhunter ""]
shit not yet man, I mostly make solid stuff like marbles, beads, earrings, and animal figures, but im starting to do some hollow work
[Aug 8,2005 9:18pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I am into art, and im just really getting myself into photography
[Aug 8,2005 9:21pm - RichHorror ""]
In the words of the greatest cover The Meatmen ever did--

Drugs and masturbation, oi oi oi!
Drugs and masturbation, oi oi oi!
Drugs and masturbation, oi oi oi!
Drugs and masturbation for me!
[Aug 8,2005 9:24pm - Notorious D.U.G.  ""]
lame attempts at writing fiction and web design. is watching movies a hobby? either way, I do a lot of that. I also collect original movie posters.
[Aug 8,2005 9:41pm - metalguy  ""]

but i do lots of it.. in turn people hate me for it...SHUT UP I AM NOT CHEATING ON YOU IF I PLAY SHOWS WITH OTHER BANDS!!!
[Aug 8,2005 11:28pm - malettey ""]
play guitar/bass (poorly), listen to music, picking my nose, masturbating, reading...i used to draw funny comics in high school but i haven't drawn anything in a few years, i mostly drew comics to pass the time in classes, but i don't get many good ideas anymore.
[Aug 9,2005 12:26am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:largefreakatzero said:Does that mean you grow it, or just smoke it? That looks like "stay-home" weed to me.

smoke it...i've dabbled my hands in growing a few times though i usually don't have a place for it. i'm like a walking encyclopedia on the subject though :yoda:

a walking encyclopedia thats never had a successful crop? do you know the refridgerator trick? you grow the shit in the fridge and when you are about to harvest it you plug in and turn it on so bring the temp down. this causes the buds to turn a purple hue because all the THC and shit from the plant goes into the buds as an insulator. when you get it the hue you want pull it with roots intact and hang it upside down. if outdoors you have to watch it closely and the night of the first grim frost you pull em.
[Aug 9,2005 12:34am - eddienli  ""]
bagpipes and other celtic related crap, reading, rpgs on the snes emulator other than that metal,dissector/volatile, work and friends.

my life
[Aug 9,2005 1:09am - blue ""]
i have one hobby and one hobby only: guitar. it also happens to be my career. i love guitars soooooooooooo much.
[Aug 9,2005 1:13am - RichHorror ""]
You spelled "smoking weed" wrong.
[Aug 9,2005 1:15am - attendmyrequiem ""]
hunterhunter said:torch glassblowing, vegetable farming and IPM, wetland ecology, hydroponics

i'll pay for you you to make me a sick bubbler man!
[Aug 9,2005 1:18am - attendmyrequiem ""]
recording i guess could be both a hobbie and job.
[Aug 9,2005 1:27am - powerkok ""]
I dont know if this is considered a hobby or not, but I like to pet small animals and earn their trust, then when no is looking, stomp on their neck

I mean, besides guitar, I shoot guns alot, I play airsoft combat sims sometimes, counterstrike/san andreas, workout, practice submission moves on my wife and kids, punch iFucks neck, collect anything remotely evil/cool/gaudy/horrible looking.

Oh, and I make maps for video games as well.
[Aug 9,2005 1:28am - powerkok ""]
I record, do websites, digital production, take pictures, edit pictures, edit music/video.
But I do NOT consider these things a hobby.
[Aug 9,2005 10:34am - yodaslab  ""]
when im not drumming, i play lacrosse for saint leo university an NCAA division 2 private college in san antonio, florida right outside of tampa. i also surf and go fishing as much as possible. i work out about 5 days a week.
[Aug 9,2005 10:35am - yodaslab  ""]
also i study and teach martial arts for 6-10 year olds and adults during the summer to get extra mula.
[Aug 9,2005 10:59am - timma nli  ""]
i enjoy being half chinese, getting laced, video games, playing music in any way shape or form, and i also enjoy and nice pair of slacks.
[Aug 9,2005 11:28am - swamplorddvm ""]
succubus said:that's cool
rev and i collect/play with lego's too

Oh snap! I did I forget Legos? Well I havent bought any new Legos in years, but I have a shit load still standing in my room.
[Aug 9,2005 2:11pm - DomesticTerror ""]
music, reading, writing, sports, raising carnivorous plants (haven't done too well), working on stand up comedy, i start ballroom dancing next week, photography...i need a new camera. anyone selling an asahi pentax k1000? yeah, i'm a beginner...
[Aug 9,2005 2:24pm - ~Carina~  ""]
ballroom dancing?
for real?
where are you taking classes?
[Aug 9,2005 2:26pm - ShItBaG  ""]
holy christ! some people are really friggin bored?
[Aug 9,2005 2:49pm - DomesticTerror ""]
~Carina~ said:ballroom dancing?
for real?
where are you taking classes?

norwood, i think. i'll have to double check. a friend of mine chose the place

[Aug 9,2005 3:05pm - ~Carina~  ""]
you'll have a blast i'm sure!
[Aug 9,2005 3:10pm - DomesticTerror ""]
it should be fun. at the very least, it's something that would be good to know. ya know, for when i'm preying on the ladies at weddings and shit.
[Aug 9,2005 3:19pm - ~Carina~  ""]
good idea!
i guess that's why aaron said no when I asked him if we could sign up!
[Aug 9,2005 3:20pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i used to trade concert videos

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