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Shadows Fall #20 on Billboard Chart...

[Sep 29,2004 10:18am - GoatCatalyst  ""]
near 40,000 copies sold in the first week...

your thoughts
[Sep 29,2004 10:28am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Eh, good for them. I'm not really a fan of their music but it's better than making fun of Ashlee Simpson songs on the radio.
[Sep 29,2004 10:31am - the_reverend ""]
I'm not a big fan of it.
there is too much clean metal singing and not enough catchy choruses.
maybe they were on ozfest and learning from Judas Priest too much.

it sucks because live the new tracks were good, it's just on cd with all the production, it doesn't sound quite right.
[Sep 29,2004 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
oh, yes.. I am a fan of them selling really well.
I mean, it helps bring $$$ in to the music for century media to sign other bands that won't sell as well.
[Sep 29,2004 10:39am - dreadkill ""]
good for them. i don't listen to them much anymore and didn't contribute to the success of the new album by buying it, but i always liked shadows fall and they've come a long way, so good luck to them. maybe someday i'll get into the new album, but so far i am having trouble with it. there's something about the clean vocals this time around that isn't grabbing me, and i am a huge fan of clean vocals. it took me a while to get into the new megadeth, so i guess there is hope for these guys too.
[Sep 29,2004 10:42am - Josh_hates_you ""]
the problem is i was at some kids house getting baked the other day and he was all listening to bad hip hop like Nas and Nelly. then he puts on shadows fall and killswicth then he put on wu-tang clan then some unearth????

i was like WTF. seriously i dont like it when bands that i like are so easily accessable to the mainstream top 40 dance crowd.

kids with the ICP and korn patches traded them in for SF and KsE stickers and metal is gonna be the next pop.

[Sep 29,2004 10:58am - honor4death ""]
i just checked the charts and im pretty sure i didn't see them on there....
[Sep 29,2004 11:20am - JayTUS ""]
750 short of 40,000 is absolutely amazing. I LOOOOVE the new disc. "Ghost Of Past Failure" is so fucking good!
[Sep 29,2004 11:26am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Guys, do you know what this means for NE Metal? In a few months after Mastamindz trade in their rap-metal for breakdowns they're going to get signed to Interscope as Thus The Mind Is Mastered!
[Sep 29,2004 12:03pm - dreadkill ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:Guys, do you know what this means for NE Metal? In a few months after Mastamindz trade in their rap-metal for breakdowns they're going to get signed to Interscope as Thus The Mind Is Mastered!

exactly right. this is what i have been referring to as THE DEVILDRIVER EFFECT. i wish i had the power to stop it, but alas, i don't.

there's an ad on the bulletin board at my band's practice space. the band who posted it is looking for a singer, guitarist, and WICKED SAMPLER/DJ. i can't remember the exact influences they listed, but 2 of them were killswitch and public enemy. i have nothing against public enemy, in fact i like them, but that mix would sound horrible in my opinion. a rapping killswitch band? i need that cd like i need another zit on my ass.
[Sep 29,2004 12:23pm - Assuck ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:Guys, do you know what this means for NE Metal? In a few months after Mastamindz trade in their rap-metal for breakdowns they're going to get signed to Interscope as Thus The Mind Is Mastered!


god damn thats funny
[Sep 29,2004 12:42pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
not a fan of shadows fail....and i'm really sickened at the idea of metal seeping into the mainstream......because first it's shadows fail, next thing ya know it's cephallic carnage, and before ya know it, 14 year old, mallgoths, depressed fat chicks, and korn fans accross america will be coming to all the shows and ruining everyones fun.

i know that sounds ridiculous....but with shadows fail being in the billboard charts, and the headbangers ball playing crisis, morbid angel and suffocation....it really is'nt too far away from happening.
[Sep 29,2004 1:16pm - JayTUS ""]
We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!
[Sep 29,2004 1:21pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I don't think the problem is with more people showing up for shows, it's the fact that bands would see their success and rather than furthering their sound most would water their style down to gain even more fans.
[Sep 29,2004 1:24pm - Assuck ""]
id love to be able to make a living out of doing this but i just wouldnt want the wrong people getting into my shit, you now?
[Sep 29,2004 2:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
JayTUS said:We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!

sorry but you are one of the godsmack, korn crossover fags we are talking about.

[Sep 29,2004 2:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i understand what jay is saying. i like the fact that some of the metal bands out there are able to support themselves through music rather than working their ass off at some shitty coal mine during the day and busting their ass to promote their band at night. it's a hard life to live, trying to support yourself and get somewhere with your band. it is hard work. it would be selfish of me to want to keep these bands for myself and people like me, even though that is what i really want. i would hate to see some wigger asshole korncoblicker wearing a katatonia hoodie going "yo yo yo, this bizand is phizatt yo", but i would like to see that band earn a living through music.

i do understand where everyone else is coming from too. i wouldn't want any devildriver poser fans liking my band either, but i guess fans are fans, and if those kinds of mindless people are willing to give you their money, i say you take it and invest it into something worthwhile for yourself and the intelligent fans who actually understand your music. i think bands reach a crossroads when they hit it big after being underground for a while. do they water their sound down to make more money and abandon their core fans who got them where they are in the first place? or do they expand on the formula that got them there and maintain their musical integrity? some bands will hop from trend to trend to stay relevant once they get big. i only hope my favorite bands keep their integrity intact when they reach that point.
[Sep 29,2004 2:51pm - dreadkill ""]
at least shadows fall isn't wearing makeup yet. i noticed papa roach and green day have resorted to makeup as a way to stay relevant with their fans who are probably getting more into HIM, atreyu, and avenged sevenfold. i never really respected those bands in the first place, but they look really silly now, pandering to the teenyboppers by wearing makeup. where's the integrity? if you weren't wearing makeup to begin with, you shouldn't wear it now.
[Sep 29,2004 4:42pm - Assuck ""]
dreadkill said: i wouldn't want any devildriver poser fans liking my band either, but i guess fans are fans, and if those kinds of mindless people are willing to give you their money, i say you take it and invest it into something worthwhile for yourself and the intelligent fans who actually understand your music.

good point
[Sep 29,2004 4:55pm - anonymous  ""]
green day are in a class of thier own in terms of this discussion.
[Sep 29,2004 5:24pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I don't see why people are so upset about metal becoming mainstream, if anything it will provide us with more bands and people to make fun of. Just think, if Metallica didn't go mainstream would we ever hear such gems as, "NUTHIN IS SIC(ER) THAN METALLICAS FIRST ALBUM, THE BLACK ALBUM!"
[Sep 29,2004 9:21pm - Justin ACR  ""]
its good for the industry, i dont like elitist who dont like when other people get into there music. its a stupid concept. if they like it, they like it, bottom line. So if u have a problem w/ kids u dont know liking cephalic carnage, thats ur problem.
[Sep 30,2004 1:22pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
JayTUS said:We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!

oh kiss my dick you douche chugger

it does'nt matter how many kids are at shows.......if a good band can get a full arena, that would rule........but i personally don't wanna be in the pit with 16 year old kids doing the pogo in korn hoodies, and girls with short hair who think they are tough and brag about how crazy they are because they're bi-sexual and listen to metal.

i'm just saying metal in the mainstream would suck....because it would cause contreversy and not only would there be alot of gay annoying little kids at shows, but also, because of all the contrversy it would cause, alot of really good bands would be told that they have to tone it down, or be dropped from their labels........and great bands will start to sound all lame and manufactured...

is that what everyone wants???????
[Sep 30,2004 1:26pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
Justin ACR said:its good for the industry, i dont like elitist who dont like when other people get into there music. its a stupid concept. if they like it, they like it, bottom line. So if u have a problem w/ kids u dont know liking cephalic carnage, thats ur problem.

listen, i just don't want walk into the palladium, and have more than half of the crowd look like mallrats, then before ya know it, ther are gonna be hot topic stands at death metal shows, and cephallic will be opening for the fucking deftones.

fuck that shit
[Sep 30,2004 1:32pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:I don't see why people are so upset about metal becoming mainstream, if anything it will provide us with more bands and people to make fun of. Just think, if Metallica didn't go mainstream would we ever hear such gems as, "NUTHIN IS SIC(ER) THAN METALLICAS FIRST ALBUM, THE BLACK ALBUM!"


i remember people doing that too!!!! when load first came out, and all of selloutica's new fans saying shit like that.

by the way thanks for reminding me of them too...

anyone who has a problem with me saying that extreme music in the mainstream is a bad idea need only look at metallica......go listen to "ride the lightning".......a heavy as fuck, technical speed metal......then go listen to that manufactured garbage album "load"..... and prepare to lose your lunch
imagine that kind of thing happening to dying fetus......as it is they are already starting to give in to the whole wiggercore breakdown thing........i'm not even shitting you, the first time i saw them live with the new vocalist, he came on stage and said "yo, yo, represent, D.F. in da house".....i could feel the bile churning in my stomach

even slayer is starting to pull that shit....come on....i love slayer....but compare "God Hates Us All" to "Show No Mercy" ......... it's a huge change, and not for the better.

[Sep 30,2004 1:40pm - dreadkill ""]
death angel is opening for the deftones
[Sep 30,2004 1:49pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
dreadkill said:death angel is opening for the deftones

first of all......that would be gay

secondly..... are you sure about that....last i knew death angel was gonna be on tour with danzig and mayhem

[Sep 30,2004 1:51pm - dreadkill ""]
the danzig and mayhem tour got cancelled. death angel is in fact opening for the deftones. sad but true. at least the deftones aren't as gay as limp bizkit and linkin park.
[Sep 30,2004 1:53pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:

secondly..... are you sure about that....last i knew death angel was gonna be on tour with danzig and mayhem

I am excited at such a prospect. I can scam my girlfriend into coming along to see Danzig so I can see Mayhem.

[Sep 30,2004 1:55pm - dreadkill ""]
i want to see mayhem. hellhammer is one of my favorite drummers.
[Sep 30,2004 2:10pm - JayTUS ""]
Josh_hates_you said:JayTUS said:We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!

sorry but you are one of the godsmack, korn crossover fags we are talking about.

And I crossed over to that from gangsta rap yo! Who gives a fuck.
[Sep 30,2004 2:12pm - JayTUS ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:JayTUS said:We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!

oh kiss my dick you douche chugger

it does'nt matter how many kids are at shows.......if a good band can get a full arena, that would rule........but i personally don't wanna be in the pit with 16 year old kids doing the pogo in korn hoodies, and girls with short hair who think they are tough and brag about how crazy they are because they're bi-sexual and listen to metal.

i'm just saying metal in the mainstream would suck....because it would cause contreversy and not only would there be alot of gay annoying little kids at shows, but also, because of all the contrversy it would cause, alot of really good bands would be told that they have to tone it down, or be dropped from their labels........and great bands will start to sound all lame and manufactured...

is that what everyone wants???????

The choice isn't yours to make. People like what people like. Tough shit, get over it.
[Sep 30,2004 3:07pm - Justin ACR  ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:Justin ACR said:its good for the industry, i dont like elitist who dont like when other people get into there music. its a stupid concept. if they like it, they like it, bottom line. So if u have a problem w/ kids u dont know liking cephalic carnage, thats ur problem.

listen, i just don't want walk into the palladium, and have more than half of the crowd look like mallrats, then before ya know it, ther are gonna be hot topic stands at death metal shows, and cephallic will be opening for the fucking deftones.

fuck that shit

Palladium shows are pretty damn close to that already. I don't see much of a difference.
[Sep 30,2004 4:53pm - dreadkill ""]
i realized that when i saw opeth on my birthday and there were a shitload of posers there. :(
[Sep 30,2004 5:11pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
This proves even more how much they suck.
[Oct 1,2004 11:50am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
JayTUS said:

The choice isn't yours to make. People like what people like. Tough shit, get over it.

i know that choice is'nt mine to make, but i can still complain about it..... that IS my choice to make......so eat my cum
[Oct 1,2004 11:51am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
Justin ACR said:orgymaggotfeast said:Justin ACR said:its good for the industry, i dont like elitist who dont like when other people get into there music. its a stupid concept. if they like it, they like it, bottom line. So if u have a problem w/ kids u dont know liking cephalic carnage, thats ur problem.

listen, i just don't want walk into the palladium, and have more than half of the crowd look like mallrats, then before ya know it, ther are gonna be hot topic stands at death metal shows, and cephallic will be opening for the fucking deftones.

fuck that shit

Palladium shows are pretty damn close to that already. I don't see much of a difference.

true as that may be, we don't need it getting any worse
[Oct 1,2004 11:53am - blue ""]
dreadkill said:the danzig and mayhem tour got cancelled. death angel is in fact opening for the deftones. sad but true. at least the deftones aren't as gay as limp bizkit and linkin park.

death angel were going to open for the deftones, but they dropped off. i would have been the only person in existence to attend that tour to see both bands.
[Oct 1,2004 11:53am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
dreadkill said:the danzig and mayhem tour got cancelled. death angel is in fact opening for the deftones. sad but true. at least the deftones aren't as gay as limp bizkit and linkin park.

i don't know what's worse, that the tour got cancelled, or that D.A. is opening for the Deftones.....

these faggot nu-metal bands have no respect....i don't care how popular your band is, death angel have been around forever, and should'nt be opening for this faggot wigger band......it's bad enough they are playing together, at least let D.A. headline

this is even worse than the time slayer went on tour opening for slipknot

[Oct 1,2004 1:02pm - JayTUS ""]
It doesn't work that way. If Death Angel headlined, everyone would leave. Sad fact, I know, but a fact none-the-less.

It has nothing to do with respect. Just record sales.
[Oct 1,2004 1:06pm - Justin ACR  ""]
its whoever gets the draw man. Kiss opened up for Blue Oyster Cult. The next year, it was the opposite. Rules of the trade, whoever gets the draw, plays last.
[Oct 1,2004 1:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
JayTUS said:It doesn't work that way. If Death Angel headlined, everyone would leave. Sad fact, I know, but a fact none-the-less.

It has nothing to do with respect. Just record sales.

Who gives a shit if "everyone" leaves, it just means less douchebags ruining a good Death Angel show.

[Oct 1,2004 1:48pm - JayTUS ""]
The promoters that want you to buy more beer and water?

If it weren't for the Deftones, Death Angel couldn't have even dreamed about playing the big room in the Palladium. Again, sad but true.
[Oct 1,2004 1:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
JayTUS said:We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!

Thats a silly thing to say, the people who get into shadows fall are not going to start migrating towards grindcore or death metal or something like that. If that was how it works then Napalm Death would have gotten huge shortly after Korn blew up. All this means now is that massive amounts of stupid kids are going to get into more and more metalcore, and more and more metalcore bands will get big, and it won't effect any real metal bands here in anyway.
[Oct 1,2004 1:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
JayTUS said:The promoters that want you to buy more beer and water?

If it weren't for the Deftones, Death Angel couldn't have even dreamed about playing the big room in the Palladium. Again, sad but true.

The Deftones are gay, so Death Angel must be gay.
[Oct 1,2004 2:12pm - succubus ""]
i got the special ed cd

didn't open it yet though
[Oct 1,2004 2:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
JayTUS said:The promoters that want you to buy more beer and water?

If it weren't for the Deftones, Death Angel couldn't have even dreamed about playing the big room in the Palladium. Again, sad but true.

Not true, if they were on a bill with other metal bands I'm sure they'd be able to play the big room
[Oct 1,2004 4:08pm - dreadkill ""]
this trend will be dead in 5 years anyway. i'll still be making the music i want to make, and so will everyone on this site. i am sick of thinking about this trend. i spend too much time worrying about what the posers are doing. i need to crush them with my mighty broadsword of metal and get over it.
[Oct 1,2004 5:33pm - JayTUS ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:JayTUS said:The promoters that want you to buy more beer and water?

If it weren't for the Deftones, Death Angel couldn't have even dreamed about playing the big room in the Palladium. Again, sad but true.

Not true, if they were on a bill with other metal bands I'm sure they'd be able to play the big room

I meant by themselves. You just proved it right there, the only way they get in the big room is if someone takes them with them. End of story. They'd have to open for Shadows Fall, they'd have to open for Killswitch Engage, hell, they'd even have to open for From Autumn To Ashes. They would be lucky to even play the small room at the Palladium on their own. They NEED the Deftones, the Deftones don't need them...
[Oct 1,2004 5:35pm - JayTUS ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:JayTUS said:We wouldn't want that would we? Who wants more people at shows? Who wants bands to be able to pay their bills? Fuck that shit!

Thats a silly thing to say, the people who get into shadows fall are not going to start migrating towards grindcore or death metal or something like that. If that was how it works then Napalm Death would have gotten huge shortly after Korn blew up. All this means now is that massive amounts of stupid kids are going to get into more and more metalcore, and more and more metalcore bands will get big, and it won't effect any real metal bands here in anyway.

You couldn't possibly be more wrong. These mall kids are a lot smarter then you seem to think. If you put Napalm Death as an opener for Korn on a national tour, I guarantee you their album sales would quadruple. If not more. A smart man like you should know this...

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