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Good places to get piercings?

[Nov 26,2008 8:06pm - Hoser ""]
Sorry if I piss you guys off...I respect and like you both quite a bit. I just have to be the voice of wisdom (sic).

Do whatever you want, and HONESTLY I will not judge you if you're my friend (because I see the qualities around the fake bullshit.) But if I don't know you, I relish making fun of you. Just being honest.
[Nov 26,2008 11:09pm - ZJD ""]
Not everyone's goal in life is to be he-man.

Also, Hoser, how many guitars do you own?
[Nov 27,2008 2:21am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I will never have kids. I'll leave that up to everyone else. I'll have dogs, tattoos that I love and got for MYSELF, and Composted. Tis all.
[Nov 27,2008 3:01am - 10-99  ""]
lol never breast fed marky?
[Nov 27,2008 8:43am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I still feed on them shits, son.
[Nov 27,2008 9:09am - Lamp ""]

Hoser said:Sorry if I piss you guys off...I respect and like you both quite a bit. I just have to be the voice of wisdom (sic).

Do whatever you want, and HONESTLY I will not judge you if you're my friend (because I see the qualities around the fake bullshit.) But if I don't know you, I relish making fun of you. Just being honest.

You're a fucking liar.

If you have an opinion, don't be such a damn pussy about it.
[Nov 27,2008 11:09am - Hoser ""]
Has nothing to do with being a pussy. I really do like them both, for the most part it's because they're not smart mouthed kids like the ones that post misanthropic shit like you do.
[Nov 27,2008 11:29am - dreadkill ""]

Hoser said:Sorry, just my opinion.

Not trying to offend. But seriously, wait till you have kids. Greatest experience in the world. No time for love, Dr. Jones.

i agree about having kids being the greatest experience in the world. i care more about my daughter than anything else that has ever been in my life.
[Nov 27,2008 11:30am - dreadkill ""]

sxealex said:jerking off is a trend and you're all posers
hahaha, great post
[Nov 27,2008 11:31am - dreadkill ""]

ZJD said:i got my asshole pierced to make friends but i now see that this was wrong.
also a great post
[Dec 7,2010 10:54am - goatcatalyst¡®s greatest hits  ""]

goatcatalyst said:back in 87, me and axl were the only dudes in the country with nipple rings
[Dec 7,2010 1:02pm - Yeti ""]
skin is for posers. only Jim Hopper is real.
[Dec 7,2010 1:30pm - LPCustom  ""]
The jugular vein.

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