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Now Find a show to go to!

Feb 28 (Sat) - Hive Smasher, Biclops, The Cargo Cult Revival, Heisai Yasokawa's Empty Orchestra - 20 Pratt (Allston, MA) +

2/28 in Allston - Hivesmasher, Biclops, Cargo Cult Revival, HYEO

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Feb 11,2009 3:57pm - RustyPS ""]

[Feb 11,2009 4:16pm - aaron_michael ""]
Multiple flyers FTW! Who's house is this??

[Feb 11,2009 4:17pm - RustyPS ""]
the band Izzi Creo is hosting it, ut they made it sound like it's not their house
[Feb 11,2009 4:32pm - aaron_michael ""]
nice guys?
[Feb 11,2009 4:54pm - RustyPS ""]
never met 'em, but the one I've been talking to Dan seems pretty cool
[Feb 11,2009 10:00pm - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 11,2009 11:38pm - blue ""]
oh jeez, havent been to a show on pratt street in years. ill be there.
[Feb 12,2009 8:26am - RustyPS ""]
word blue.....word
[Feb 12,2009 8:57am - aaron_michael ""]
haha Blue, you should probably expect something similar to Gibb's birthday. Maybe with less girls being mad at me.
[Feb 12,2009 11:31am - brownonomer ""]
anyway someone can get me into this? I'm not 21.

Merch guy maybe?
[Feb 12,2009 11:34am - aaron_michael ""]
is all ages?
[Feb 12,2009 11:35am - brownonomer ""]
uhh doy. For some reason I thought this was at O'briens
[Feb 12,2009 6:42pm - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 13,2009 8:48am - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 14,2009 10:12am - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 22,2009 5:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Feb 23,2009 9:23am - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 24,2009 8:28am - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 24,2009 8:56am - aaron_michael ""]
no football riffs allowed
[Feb 24,2009 11:30am - brodown ""]
[Feb 24,2009 11:31am - RustyPS ""]
do I see roast beef with cheese and BACON?!?
[Feb 24,2009 11:31am - brodown ""]
[Feb 24,2009 11:31am - brodown ""]
that was a two-parter, and dickhead Rusty interrupted me.
[Feb 24,2009 11:34am - reimroc ""]
[Feb 24,2009 11:36am - RustyPS ""]

I is sowwy

roast beef and bacon got me all excited
[Feb 24,2009 4:00pm - RustyPS ""]
meat curtains FTW
[Feb 26,2009 5:11pm - brodown ""]
[Feb 28,2009 3:10am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Feb 28,2009 3:31am - sxealex ""]
i like that first flier
[Feb 28,2009 3:31am - sxealex ""]
[Feb 28,2009 3:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you comin'?
[Feb 28,2009 3:50am - sxealex ""]
not sure depends on the vaginal bleeding variable
[Feb 28,2009 9:27am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Feb 28,2009 12:11pm - aaron_michael ""]
haha the guys in Cargo Cult Revival and Biclops will give you beer showers..... Sunset Grill here we come!
[Feb 28,2009 12:15pm - RustyPS ""]
beer showers>golden showers>showers with water
[Feb 28,2009 12:35pm - default.user  ""]
Two questions:

1.) Is there a T stop near this biznatch?

2.) Is there a bar near this biznatch?

[Feb 28,2009 12:40pm - default.user  ""]
i will continue to bump
[Feb 28,2009 12:52pm - RustyPS ""]
I don't know where Pratt St. is, but considering its in Allston, I would assume both a T stop and a bar would be within walking distance, I just don't know which.
[Feb 28,2009 12:54pm - default.user  ""]
fucking right. this show better off the heezy.
[Feb 28,2009 12:59pm - default.user  ""]
it would still be sweet if someone from around the area could give me a name of a stop near there so i don't get off in some random place.
[Feb 28,2009 1:19pm - ouchdrummer ""]
pratt st. is kinda in between brighton ave (spikes) and cambridge st. (MA PIKE) there have been good shows there for years. And as far as bars go, there are about 30 to choose from between brighton ave, harvard ave, and commonwealth ave. I would recommend the silhouette lounge, my kinda shady....and every other Alston bar on a saturday will make you wanna murder all the BU delinquents that inhabit it.
[Feb 28,2009 1:22pm - default.user  ""]
so i should probably get off at brighton ave
[Feb 28,2009 1:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, packards corner, then walk down brighton ave, take a right on the road right after auto-parts-store, then you'll pass pratt.
[Feb 28,2009 1:26pm - default.user  ""]
i could probably find it from the harvard ave station right?
[Feb 28,2009 1:26pm - default.user  ""]
because i'm not seeing a stop that says brighton ave. sorry i'm just not familiar with the area at all.
[Feb 28,2009 1:27pm - RustyPS ""]
So Pratt St. s off harvard Ave.?
[Feb 28,2009 1:28pm - default.user  ""]
i'm looking at the google map right now to see if pratt is near the havard ave station.....
[Feb 28,2009 1:29pm - default.user  ""]
it looks like you can either get off at packards or havard ave
[Feb 28,2009 1:30pm - default.user  ""]
packards station > brighton ave > up linden st > right onto pratt
[Feb 28,2009 1:31pm - default.user  ""]

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