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satyricon!!! and cradle of filth tonight

[Jan 16,2009 1:09pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
be there are be sqaure this is some real black metal here. i havnt seen either of these bands before and i know it will be an awesome black metal show. i hope satyricon plays stuff off of volcano and plan on meeting dani
anyone else going to this. best show of 2009
[Jan 16,2009 1:10pm - immortal13 ""]
Run away while you can kid. Cradle of Filth sucks, Satyricon isn't much better, and I don't see how you can call it the best show of 2009 when we're 16 days into that year.
[Jan 16,2009 1:11pm - dreadkill ""]
be sqaure
[Jan 16,2009 1:11pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
what are you talking about immortal.
this is better then any show of the year.
[Jan 16,2009 1:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I wonder if Troll is opening?
[Jan 16,2009 1:12pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, cradle of filth real black metal
[Jan 16,2009 1:12pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 16,2009 1:14pm - immortal13 ""]
I'd say the best show so far is The_Network and Furnace tonight, which I unfortunately can't make it too. There's Dysrhythmia coming up in Boston, oh and don't forget MDF 2009. Yeah, this show is shit kid. If you don't agree, FIGHT ME OR YOU'RE A PUSSY!
[Jan 16,2009 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
i considered going, but i heard Septic Flesh dropped, and Satyricon's last album was garbage, and i can't imagine that The Tribe of Nero will be any better. if they were going to play a set comprised of nothing but Dark Medieval Times and The Shadowthrone, then i'd go. but i can't justify in any way shape or form supporting Cradle of Crap. they are so painfully bad. i'd rather sit at home and kill Nazi Zombies.
[Jan 16,2009 1:15pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
you guys are dumb
those arent black metal shows fukin idiots
[Jan 16,2009 1:16pm - Yeti ""]
the best show of 09 is going to be the Composted release show.
[Jan 16,2009 1:16pm - immortal13 ""]
You just made me wanna play the newer Wolfenstein so bad.
[Jan 16,2009 1:17pm - aril  ""]
[Jan 16,2009 1:17pm - Yeti ""]

frost%20eclipse%20satan said:you guys are dumb
those arent black metal shows fukin idiots

and you are exactly why "black metal" is now a watered down parody of itself. thanks for ruining everything, faggot.
[Jan 16,2009 1:17pm - immortal13 ""]
Yes Yeti I agree. I forgot about that one.

You random anonymous dude...I never said they were black metal shows, I just said they're much better shows than this one.
[Jan 16,2009 1:17pm - immortal13 ""]
This thread has lol written all over it.
[Jan 16,2009 1:19pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
yea ok
why dont you go listen to your 'black metal' bands like opeth and master's hammer
[Jan 16,2009 1:19pm - immortal13 ""]

Yeti said:
frost%20eclipse%20satan said:you guys are dumb
those arent black metal shows fukin idiots

and you are exactly why "black metal" is now a watered down parody of itself. thanks for ruining everything, faggot.

[Jan 16,2009 1:20pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
watered down parody of itself? are u trying to sound smart? i bet you i listen to black metal more then you fags
[Jan 16,2009 1:21pm - immortal13 ""]

frost%20eclipse%20satan said:yea ok
why dont you go listen to your 'black metal' bands like opeth and master's hammer

I'd rather listen to Burzum and Mayhem, before Euronymous was killed of course. Opeth isn't black metal anymore so that doesn't count. Cradle of Filth is the worst thing to ever happen to black metal and Dani Filth is one of todays biggest displays of faggotry the world has ever seen.
[Jan 16,2009 1:22pm - immortal13 ""]
You do listen to more black metal than I do. I don't care.

Are we gonna fight yet? I'm bored.
[Jan 16,2009 1:22pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
what baout masters hammer. i bet you dont know that band, fags
[Jan 16,2009 1:24pm - Lamp nli  ""]
You're probably right, which is why you can't pull your head out of your ass and look at it from a reasonable viewpoint.
[Jan 16,2009 1:24pm - frost eclipse satan  ""]
i will fight you
come to the show tonight i will fight
[Jan 16,2009 1:24pm - Yeti ""]
Living Colour is the best black metal band ever, ever.
[Jan 16,2009 1:24pm - Lamp nli  ""]
My reply was to this:

frost%20eclipse%20satan said:watered down parody of itself? are u trying to sound smart? i bet you i listen to black metal more then you fags
[Jan 16,2009 1:26pm - aril  ""]
Alright guys. I admit. I was this troll. I'm just bored during my lunch break.

Sorry, just having some fun.haha
[Jan 16,2009 1:28pm - Yeti ""]
aawwww that was entertaining too.
[Jan 16,2009 1:29pm - c.DeaD  ""]

frost%20eclipse%20satan said:what baout masters hammer. i bet you dont know that band, fags

I bet you don't know who Frosty Winds or Hergensleverhymen are you homofag champion.
[Jan 16,2009 1:29pm - c.DeaD  ""]

aril said:Alright guys. I admit. I was this troll. I'm just bored during my lunch break.

Sorry, just having some fun.haha

You dick.
[Jan 16,2009 1:31pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Jan 16,2009 1:31pm - aril  ""]
haha, sorry folks. I know we all like to pick on the feeble-minded.. especially when they're "blackmetal"
[Jan 16,2009 1:32pm - aril  ""]
haha, honestly. the reason behind I posted this was because I didn't even hear of the show last night and I don't think anyone was talking about it here.
[Jan 16,2009 1:45pm - c.DeaD  ""]

aril said:haha, honestly. the reason behind I posted this was because I didn't even hear of the show last night and I don't think anyone was talking about it here.

Same here. My friend Fitzgerald was gonna go for Septic Flesh but I heard they dropped.
[Jan 16,2009 2:18pm - Aegathis ""]

c.DeaD said:
aril said:haha, honestly. the reason behind I posted this was because I didn't even hear of the show last night and I don't think anyone was talking about it here.

Same here. My friend Fitzgerald was gonna go for Septic Flesh but I heard they dropped.

where did you hear that?
[Jan 16,2009 2:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
real trolls dont come round these parts no more. they scurrred
[Jan 16,2009 2:29pm - quintessence ""]
Satyricon is a joke now....
[Jan 16,2009 2:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
maybe...but which album was the punchline?
[Jan 16,2009 2:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
Everything after Rebel (arguable) is a joke.
[Jan 16,2009 2:53pm - thebloodening ""]
fuck that over priced show, plus COF doesn't have keys anymore...gay
[Jan 16,2009 2:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
CoF doesn't have keys? What?
[Jan 16,2009 2:55pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Why haven't one of you dingbats defended the clearly superior Master's Hammer yet? Czech black metal supreme.
[Jan 16,2009 2:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Me and the woman will be there...
[Jan 16,2009 2:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
I was waiting for someone to say something about Master's Hammer. That's why I posted that under that fake troll.
Love that band. Underrated/underlooked/early BM.
[Jan 16,2009 3:08pm - josh_hates_you ""]
i was thinking of going to try and skeez on hott topic chicks.
[Jan 16,2009 3:10pm - quintessence ""]
Half of Nemesis kinda sucked and Rebel was terrible. Remember that really good song from that album??? Oh wait there isnt any!!

Master's Hammer is fucking awesome btw.

[Jan 16,2009 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
i have no idea how you think anything from Nemesis sucks. i can understand not liking Rebel, but i fucking love that album. its so filthy. after many, many listens i can find some appealing stuff about Volcano, but overall its a failure. the rest i won't even call Satyricon.
[Jan 16,2009 3:21pm - oscarct ""]
no thanks
[Jan 16,2009 3:24pm - anonymous  ""]
Septic Flesh dropped???? Does anyone have any more info on that. Was gonna go just for them
[Jan 16,2009 4:03pm - dunwich ""]
A friend of mine just called the Palladium and they told him that they're still playing.
[Jan 16,2009 4:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Called it in two posts.
[Jan 16,2009 4:18pm - anonymous  ""]
awesome, thanks
[Jan 16,2009 5:31pm - dftg  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Me and the woman will be there...

I'm gonna dress up as he-man and come to this show, and by the power of grayskull, I will fight your girlfriend
[Jan 16,2009 5:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Fuck Worcester - this will be infinitely more gooder at the Nokia in NYC. Roadtrip from Hell part two, Frank?
[Jan 16,2009 7:38pm - immortal13 ""]

aril said:haha, sorry folks. I know we all like to pick on the feeble-minded.. especially when they're "blackmetal"

Aw you sneaky son of a bitch!
[Jan 16,2009 8:55pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
I called and they said Septic Flesh didn't cancel, who knows. I also cannot go to this due to faggot co workers not willing to work an extra half hour so I could trek down from NH. Never seen Cradle or Satyricon and though COF is gay now I would have at least liked to say I saw them once. Oh well, I'll comfort myself with alcohol.
[Jan 17,2009 9:30am - dunwich ""]
I was a little disappointed that septic flesh used backing tracks for the clean vocals and some of the clean guitars...the singer probably did the least amount of actual bass playing I've seen this side of Peter Steele or Lemmy, but overall I thought they sounded pretty good. I haven't really been into COF for years but I actually enjoyed their set quite a bit. It was also worth seeing Satyricon, even if they mostly played their stompy rock stuff (though I'm not really familiar with anything post Rebel Extravaganza and I would have to say that one of the songs they played was particularly unappealing).
[Jan 18,2009 10:12pm - Samantha ""]
LOL! Look at all of the missed connections on craislist from this show. http://worcester.craigslist.org/mis/
[Jan 18,2009 10:23pm - the_reverend ""]
w4m: fat girl seeks zitted dude.
[Jan 19,2009 1:50am - quintessence ""]
Sorry ryan, not even a hellish road trip will bring to this show.
[Jan 19,2009 3:19am - goatcatalyst ""]
Hahaha- I thought you might still be into Satyricon.

Fuck it - I'll admit to liking some of the new stuff. I'm a total sucker for "fist-pumping" rockin' riffs. In my estimation, every album since The Shadowthrone is roughly half killer / half filler. Furthermore, I'm Treasurer of the "I only like half of Nemesis Divina" club.
[Jan 19,2009 4:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I had the hottest broad in the place...

[Jan 19,2009 9:41am - archaeon ""]
So your girlfriend was hotter then all the ugly fat goth teenage girls...nice.
[Jan 19,2009 10:32am - Yeti ""]
hahaha seriously, that isn't saying much.
[Jan 26,2009 1:39pm - aril  ""]
If anyone cares, I happened to pick up some local stupid paper the night of this show that had Satyricon on the cover and said "Satyricon: getting better with age" or something stupid like that.

I somehow found myself in the Upton area at a local pizza shop and snagged one. was thinking about scanning it because it's the worst article I've read in a long time.

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