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Gibson SG Special For Sale

[Nov 5,2004 2:01pm - korpse-l- ""]
Gibson SG Special / $375.00
With Hardshell Case
Really good condition.

Anyone interested, let me know.

[Nov 5,2004 2:02pm - powerkok ""]
got a pic?
[Nov 5,2004 2:07pm - korpse-l- ""]
powerkok said:got a pic?

unfortunately i don't have a pic but if you think your interested, i'll take the ride to show it to you?
[Nov 5,2004 2:08pm - Josh_Martin ""]
What year is it?
What color?
[Nov 5,2004 2:30pm - korpse-l- ""]
Josh_Martin said:What year is it?
What color?

it's the newer modle and it's black. black gloss
[Nov 5,2004 2:33pm - TOC Nli  ""]
can you give more specs?
like go nuts...pick-ups, any repairs / mods you know, etc.

type of switch? type of tuners? any flaws I should know about?
[Nov 5,2004 2:34pm - Justin ACR  ""]
im very intersted
[Nov 5,2004 2:35pm - Justin ACR  ""]
email me at acoldreality@hotmail.com
[Nov 5,2004 2:37pm - Pigfucker  ""]
Hey Korpse-I-, I'm only interested if the fucking thing has flowers on it...
[Nov 5,2004 2:39pm - TOC Nli  ""]
how much for just the case? I need one for my current SG.
[Nov 5,2004 2:39pm - Pigfucker  ""]
What else can you tell me about this Gibson SG? Has it been grinded to fucking shit over the past 5 years??
[Nov 5,2004 2:42pm - korpse-l- ""]
it's basically all stock. i haven't done anything to it. its in really good condition.

rythm: 490R alnico magnet humbucker
treble: 490T alnico magnet humbucker
3 position switch
Rosewood, 22 frets
[Nov 5,2004 2:43pm - korpse-l- ""]
Pigfucker said:Hey Korpse-I-, I'm only interested if the fucking thing has flowers on it...

i'll throw some fuckin lillies on it fer ya. how bout that?
[Nov 5,2004 2:44pm - Pigfucker  ""]
I think you're lying....I think you beat the shit out of it, and pick your nose between grinds, then wipe your snot all over the neck.
[Nov 5,2004 2:45pm - korpse-l- ""]
haha. i actually know someone that does that. not me. i take care of my equipment.
[Nov 5,2004 2:47pm - korpse-l- ""]
Justin ACR said:email me at acoldreality@hotmail.com

will do.
[Nov 5,2004 2:47pm - Pigfucker  ""]
How about some fucking pink daisies fer me...that sounds fucking great..
[Nov 5,2004 2:50pm - korpse-l- ""]
Pigfucker said:How about some fucking pink daisies fer me...that sounds fucking great..

go blow a goat. :middlefinger:
[Nov 5,2004 2:51pm - Pigfucker  ""]
Hey Korpse-I-, I fucking love 490T alnico magnet humfuckers!!! Especially up my fat putrid ass..
[Nov 5,2004 3:22pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i might be interested in this i need a back up, where you at
[Nov 5,2004 3:58pm - TOC Nli  ""]
wait so can you sell the case seperately?
[Nov 6,2004 7:42am - korpse-l- ""]
TOC Nli said:wait so can you sell the case seperately?

I'd like to sell them together.
[Nov 6,2004 7:43am - korpse-l- ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i might be interested in this i need a back up, where you at

Weymouth. what about you? If it's not to far away, i'll take a cruise to show it to you.
[Nov 6,2004 9:17am - korpse-l- ""]
jeesh. no one's on here today. everyone must have went to the Conifer show that I wanted to go to but i had no money. Money Sucks! I'm selling my favorite guitar so i can pay my godamn rent this month!!! ahhhh!! :nuke:
[Nov 8,2004 10:12am - korpse-l- ""]
anyone? anyone?
[Nov 9,2004 7:27am - gibson  ""]
can you ship it to me? i live in NC
[Nov 19,2004 1:16pm - korpse  ""]
still available if anyone wants it? buy the godamn thing will ya?
[Nov 19,2004 1:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
case for Nicky??

break the set and slash prices!

I'll give you $35 for the case!
[Nov 19,2004 1:24pm - korpse  ""]
eh. i would but i wanna get rid of it all if i get rid of anything. no one will want to buy the guitar without the case. just 325.00 more and it's all yours
[Nov 19,2004 1:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I would LOVE to buy them both (I need a backup) but I can't afford it. Do you do layaway?
[Nov 20,2004 1:36pm - anonymous  ""]
I would buy it without the case. I'd actually prefer it without the case.
[Nov 20,2004 1:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

so wanna sell me the case and sell this dude the guitar?
[Nov 22,2004 7:28am - korpse-l- ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:sick

so wanna sell me the case and sell this dude the guitar?

sounds good. so, yeah, let's get this annonomous guys info. where ya from annonomous?!?!?
[Nov 22,2004 11:30am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
anonymous guy! contact this young person so's I may get a case! Korpse -- post your email again for posterity!
[Nov 22,2004 11:43am - korpse  ""]
let's get this ball on the roll...
[Nov 23,2004 11:37am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
let's see this action come to l ight!
[Nov 23,2004 12:22pm - korpse of a fetus  ""]
[Nov 23,2004 6:29pm - anonymous  ""]
Sorry I never followed up on this, spaced out.
According to mapquest, I'm about 2 hrs from you (Weymouth).
Korpse, gimme your email address and we'll figure this shit out.
About how much for just the guitar?
[Nov 23,2004 9:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

I'll still take the case for $35 if it's in good condition. Don't want a miracle, just a decent case. I need it to keep my SG snaggling alive.
[Nov 24,2004 6:57am - korpse  ""]
Annonomous: post your e-mail address and we'll figure it out from there. two hours isn't bad. Maybe we can work something out. I'd like $340.00 for the guitar. *kicks himself in the ass

Toc: $40.00 and it's yours. it's a nice case. black with grey vagina fur on the inside. just like how i'd like my coffin. But i want to sell the guitar first of course.
[Nov 24,2004 11:32am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
of course.

I'll offer $37.
[Nov 24,2004 11:57am - korpse  ""]
yesss. 35's good. ey, where's annonomous?
[Nov 24,2004 2:28pm - anonymous  ""]
Right here. Just got in.
My email addy is taking_a_poop@hotmail.com and I'll hope to hear from you soon.
[Nov 25,2004 11:27am - anonymous  ""]
[Nov 27,2004 8:46am - korpse  ""]
taking a dump at hotmail.com huh? ok, i'll give it a shit... i mean shot.
[Nov 30,2004 12:57am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
did dudeguy buy it? I'm still sniffin for that case...
[Nov 30,2004 8:01am - korpse  ""]
no. hasn't bought it yet. i think he's still interested though. TOC, where are you from? do you have a car? I don't wanna be driving across america to sell this thing. know what i mean? huh? haha.
[Dec 2,2004 7:06am - korpse  ""]
TOC: still want the case or what? haven't sold the guitar yet but it looks like i will be selling it tomorrow if all goes as planed. let me know.
[Dec 2,2004 11:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yes I definitely do. email thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com. Ask me anything you want in an email.
[Dec 2,2004 11:22am - paganmegan ""]
When I think of SGs I think of Tony Iommi

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