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[Feb 25,2008 10:19am - byrd ""]
Death metal band looking for drummer. go to www.myspace.com/merchantsofthemacabre to hear what we play.
[Feb 25,2008 10:58am - ZenErik ""]
[Feb 25,2008 11:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2008 11:08am - contagion ""]
haahahaha @ zenerik
[Feb 25,2008 11:48am - merchants  ""]
[Feb 25,2008 11:57am - brian_dc ""]
Doing that is, in my humble opinion, an indication of a severe mental deficiency.
[Feb 25,2008 12:13pm - byrd ""]
Ok to everyone I may have upset here on RTTP for having my caps lock on I’m sorry. It will never happen again. I didn’t mean to make it sound like we were a bunch of assholes.
[Feb 25,2008 12:14pm - W3 nli  ""]
so has anyone heard of this band cause for an established band ive never heard of you guys.
[Feb 25,2008 12:17pm - merchants  ""]
established in the sense that we have material. I should have worded that differently.
[Feb 25,2008 12:22pm - byrd ""]
[Feb 25,2008 12:58pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
This band/person makes me feel so good about myself.
[Feb 25,2008 4:03pm - sxealex ""]
the midi drums sound like they have really fast feet and one arm XD
[Feb 25,2008 5:12pm - Blue ""]
as long as your band uses enough of the necrophagist scale, im in.
[Feb 25,2008 5:22pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Feb 25,2008 6:09pm - ZenErik ""]
I received this wonderful message from our trusty thread starter.

"post by byrd at Feb 25,2008 2:45pm
Subject: dude
I'm not here to to fight with you so why the fuck are you starting shit over the internet? Oh waite I bet it's because you play in that lame ass band move the rabbit right? Listen fag you're a horrid drummer and all metal core is fuckin gay. I'm really not one to throw threats from behind a screen but it seems like all the "tough" guys hear are doing it. So heres my offer if you play a show around my area let me know and we can settle up like men."

Someone takes the internet a little too seriously. :D
[Feb 25,2008 6:15pm - anthony ""]
"I'm not one to make threats over the internet, but for mocking my use of caps lock I challenge you to a physical fight."

Right. Normally threatening physical violence over the internet is something I wouldn't do either but when someone questions my use of caps lock, shit just gets heated.
[Feb 25,2008 6:16pm - yummy ""]
Dude, fuck all you guys.
[Feb 25,2008 6:19pm - dreadkill ""]

anthony said:"I'm not one to make threats over the internet, but for mocking my use of caps lock I challenge you to a physical fight."

Right. Normally threatening physical violence over the internet is something I wouldn't do either but when someone questions my use of caps lock, shit just gets heated.

[Feb 25,2008 6:20pm - W3 nli  ""]

yummy said:Dude, fuck all you guys.

i thought we were friends, i thought we were friends !!!!!!! 8^(
[Feb 25,2008 6:22pm - yummy ""]
Do I really have to say "except for you and you"?
[Feb 25,2008 6:23pm - W3 nli  ""]

yummy said:Do I really have to say "except for you and you"?

you goddamn right you need, you dirty motherfucker. ima spit in your momma vagflap
[Feb 25,2008 6:26pm - cav ""]

brian_dc said:Doing that is, in my humble opinion, an indication of a severe mental deficiency.

[Feb 25,2008 6:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2008 6:28pm - cav ""]
DRAMA YES! im so into this. im gonna go eat calzones and come back and spend the night on rttp reading drama. please keep it going. this is what i live for.
[Feb 25,2008 6:28pm - yummy ""]
you gotta lotta nerve comin through here talkin like dat. In her vagflap would be pretty choice.
[Feb 25,2008 6:30pm - ZenErik ""]
It's like the WWE on an internet forum.
[Feb 25,2008 6:32pm - yummy ""]
What? Summerslam? Nope. Other thread.
[Feb 25,2008 6:32pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
I heard these dudes beat up Assystool and took their lunch money.
[Feb 25,2008 6:37pm - W3 nli  ""]

cav said:YES! calzones

you son of a bitch, you didnt even offer any....seriously cav WTF !!!!
[Feb 25,2008 7:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread was not properly LABLED AS [DRAMA]!

goddamnit get on the trolly.
[Feb 25,2008 7:29pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

W3%20nli said:
cav said:YES! calzones

you son of a bitch, you didnt even offer any....seriously cav WTF !!!!

you misspelled sumbitch.
[Feb 25,2008 7:31pm - W3 nli  ""]
sorry broham
[Feb 25,2008 9:04pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

byrd said:You have a new private message from byrd

click here to read

Subject:hey bro
lets hear some of your tracks. I mean if we are gay sounding to I might just buy your brutal cd. I bet you dont even listen to metal. what a fag you are lol

HAHA, I just got this PM. Genius. When did I say his band sounded gay? He might sound like an ass bandit, but if I recall I said nice things about his little 2 man drum machine extravaganza.
[Feb 25,2008 10:04pm - Blue ""]
-really hopes to get a PM-
[Feb 25,2008 11:51pm - ZenErik ""]
Fulfill this man's request!
[Feb 26,2008 10:22am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I feel pretty crappy. Erik got threatened with violence, and all I got was called a "fag". It's not fair.
[Feb 26,2008 10:45am - Yeti ""]
[Feb 26,2008 10:48am - DestroyYouAnot(logged in)  ""]
This thread is still awesome in text-only mode. Just in case you were wondering.
[Feb 26,2008 11:15am - immortal13 ""]

We know drama!
[Feb 26,2008 12:50pm - ZenErik ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:I feel pretty crappy. Erik got threatened with violence, and all I got was called a "fag". It's not fair.

I think threats work like trading cards. We can arrange something if you have an equal or better threat to trade me in return.
[Feb 26,2008 1:08pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I'll trade you "I bet you don't even listen to metal"

for your

"Oh waite I bet it's because you play in that lame ass band move the rabbit right?"
[Feb 26,2008 1:10pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 26,2008 1:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:I'll trade you "I bet you don't even listen to metal"

for your

"Oh waite I bet it's because you play in that lame ass band move the rabbit right?"

Ooh, that's a rare!
[Feb 26,2008 1:37pm - byrd ""]
I can't believe you really have nothing better to do but then to quarrel over the internet for the second day in a row. I’m not interested in arguing with anyone anymore so lets just drop it.
[Feb 26,2008 1:46pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

byrd said: I can't believe you really have nothing better to do but then to quarrel over the internet for the second day in a row. I’m not interested in arguing with anyone anymore so lets just drop it.

Aren't you supposed to be out buying my brutal CD?
[Feb 26,2008 2:00pm - contagion ""]

immortal13 said:RTTP

We know drama!

[Feb 26,2008 2:07pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
[Feb 26,2008 2:21pm - byrd ""]
Yeah what ever dude.
[Feb 26,2008 2:26pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

byrd said: I can't believe you really have nothing better to do but then to quarrel over the internet for the second day in a row.

hahaha, I'm on vacation, and I'm laid up with the flu. I really DO have nothing better to do...sadly
[Feb 26,2008 2:32pm - pam ""]
This thread is hilarious.
[Feb 26,2008 2:33pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Yes, yes it is.
[Feb 26,2008 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
everybody heard about the wyrd?
b b b byrd byrd byrd
b b b byrd is the wyrd.
[Feb 26,2008 3:32pm - byrd ""]
well ArrowHead fuck it, you rule.
[Feb 26,2008 3:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yaaaaay, everybody gets along, now!

Let's have cake!
[Feb 26,2008 4:03pm - W3 nli  ""]
i want cake
[Feb 26,2008 7:58pm - ZenErik ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:I'll trade you "I bet you don't even listen to metal"

for your

"Oh waite I bet it's because you play in that lame ass band move the rabbit right?"

I am willing to make this trade.

But I should warn you that Move the Rabbit is currently on an indefinite hiatus. As long as you think it's still a fair enough trade, it's a done deal.
[Feb 27,2008 10:54am - motm ""]
To who ever cares this is Noah from the band merchants of the macabre. The person who started this thread is not apart of our band he was just a friend we asked to do us a favor. we didn't know just how stupid he really is, and his comments really upset us.
[Feb 27,2008 11:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Man, RTTP is just excelling at the drama, lately - moar hilariously dramatic threads on the front page then you can shake a dick at.
[Feb 27,2008 11:12am - brian_dc ""]
I don't know what's gotten into us lately
[Feb 27,2008 11:12am - Anonymous  ""]
[Feb 27,2008 12:00pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

brian_dc said:I don't know what's gotten into us lately

I haven't had this much fun since the original RTTP vs. Baystate Rock clashes.
[Feb 27,2008 12:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
brian_dc said:I don't know what's gotten into us lately

I haven't had this much fun since the original RTTP vs. Baystate Rock clashes.

[Feb 27,2008 2:51pm - contagion ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
brian_dc said:I don't know what's gotten into us lately

I haven't had this much fun since the original RTTP vs. Baystate Rock clashes.

lets do that now, i fucking hate those baystate rock faggots. worst board ever.
[Feb 27,2008 4:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i think you should settle this like men, you can get together, have a cold one, and settle your differences with a defining game of RISK. That's how REAL men work out their differences.
[Feb 27,2008 5:05pm - brian_dc ""]
baystate rock is really not worth the effort
[Feb 27,2008 5:06pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 27,2008 5:07pm - W3 nli  ""]
dood korn, creed, godsmack where could you go wrong oh wait im dating myself to 90s aaf what are those young punx listening to these days is still that stp and g'nr
[Feb 27,2008 5:19pm - metal_church101 ""]

contagion said:
immortal13 said:RTTP

We know drama!


[Feb 27,2008 9:57pm - ZenErik ""]




Not much more to say.

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